An Eye for News

Chapter 211: A false alarm


"Finally not discovered!"

Nie Cai was in shock, hiding behind the door, not even daring to breathe, and thought to himself.

After so many secret visits, Nie Cai felt this thrilling for the first time. This feeling was worse than having a gun pointed at his head.

Although he had been very careful just now, Nie Cai still made some noise when he rushed into the equipment room. Fortunately, everyone's attention was focused on the unlucky technician who knocked down the car, and no one would pay attention here at all. .

"Although it is temporarily safe now, how can we get out of here?"

Nie Cai quietly closed the door, took a deep breath to calm down his nervousness, and said secretly.

This equipment room is not big or small. There are various brooms, mops, rags and other things in it. It is dark and damp and exudes a musty smell.

"There is absolutely no way to escape from this place. If I hide here, do I have to wait for an hour for the phase cloaking component to cool down before I can escape

Nie Cai frowned and looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a small window above his head.

This small window is extremely high, almost touching the ceiling. The window is covered with dust and cobwebs, and it is not opened at a large angle. It is probably just for ventilation.

Nie Cai estimated that this small window could barely allow him to get out, and he would have to be covered in dust, making it very embarrassing to get out.

"Forget it, it's good to have a way out for yourself, so don't worry about it so much!"

With a sigh, Nie Cai grabbed the water pipe on the wall and climbed towards the window.

The window was quite high, and Nie Cai couldn't climb up without using the water pipe.

Nie Cai glanced outside the small window and found that there seemed to be a secluded alley outside with no one at all. It was an excellent place to escape.

Seeing the window getting closer, Nie Cai grabbed the window frame and lifted his body up with force.

The skill of climbing trees and digging out bird's nests when he was a child finally came into use. Nie Cai used his hands to put his body on the window frame, and swayed out.

"Damn, this window is too narrow. Fortunately, I have a good figure!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and said helplessly.

The window was too small. With his size, he could only barely get out. He could only move inch by inch and get out with difficulty.

However, at this moment, Nie Cai heard footsteps suddenly coming from behind him!

"...Yes, foreman, I'll go to the equipment room to get a mop first and mop the floor clean..."

A submissive voice sounded from behind Nie Cai through the door, which was picked up by his keen hearing.

This person must be the unlucky guy who knocked over the car just now. Needless to say, she came to the equipment room to get tools to clean up the mess.

There are essential oils, spices and glass scum all over the floor. They must be cleaned up. Otherwise, how would those guests get out

"No, someone is coming in!"

Nie Cai's heart suddenly sank and he thought to himself.

He had just moved halfway, and it was the moment when he could not move forward or retreat. If the staff of the beauty salon came in and saw a man trying to get out of the window, he would be so frightened that he wouldn't scream loudly!

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Nie Cai became more and more anxious.

If he was still on the ground, he could hide behind the door to prevent the other party from discovering him, but Nie Cai was stuck on the small window and could only move inch by inch, unable to do anything at all.

"We can't let that person in!"

After a while, Nie Cai suddenly came to his senses and immediately activated the dimensional storage component.

He collected all the mops, brooms and other things in the equipment room, and then put them out again, piling them at the door of the equipment room, blocking the door.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of the doorknob being turned at the door of the equipment room.

Click, click...

The unlucky guy pushed, only to find that he couldn't push the door of the equipment room.

Nonsense, there were more than a dozen brooms and mops pressed firmly against the back. How could she, a woman, have so much strength to push them away

"Hey, what's going on? The door suddenly can't be opened? It feels like there's something blocking the back..."

The unlucky guy made a surprised sound and tried to push it a few more times, but still couldn't open the door to the equipment room.

"What's going on? Hurry up and get the broom. The guests are waiting!"

The foreman's angry voice sounded again, yelling at her.

"Yes...I'm coming right now!"

After being scolded by the foreman for so long, she got angry and kicked her hard...


Finally, the broom and mop behind the door could not bear the force and fell to the ground with a clang.

"Unlucky, I also dropped the mop. I'm really unlucky today..."

She looked at the mops all over the floor with a grimace and said helplessly, not noticing at all that there seemed to be a muffled bang outside just now.

In the alley behind Biyan Beauty Club, Nie Cai stood up with a grin on his face.

His hands were covered with sticky moss, and his body was dirty and covered in black dust, as if he had just come out of a garbage dump.

It felt like his butt was broken in half, but Nie Cai could only grit his teeth and dare not scream.

There were still people in the equipment room, and I don't know if she noticed that she jumped out of the window. It would be bad if she was found to have someone chase her from the back door.

The experience of this unannounced visit made Nie Cai unbearable. He almost faced danger several times and was almost discovered.

"Damn... I never want to come to a place like a beauty salon again!"

Fortunately, everything was safe. Nie Cai gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ground, limping towards the outside.

After finally walking out of the alley, Nie Cai finally figured out the direction. After walking for a while, he finally found the place where he parked his car.

The silver-gray Porsche was still parked where it was, but Shen Lan was no longer in the car, but was pacing back and forth anxiously outside the car.

Seeing Nie Cai appear, her face finally showed a look of surprise, and she rushed over with a cheer!

"Nie Cai, you finally came back alive, you worried me to death!"

Shen Lan whimpered quickly and threw herself into Nie Cai's arms regardless of Nie Cai's disgraced look.

"Ahem... I'm dirty, stay away from me."

Nie Cai smiled bitterly and said.

He was now covered in filth and dust, and when he fell in the alley, he was stained with a lot of sticky dirty water. He was worse than a beggar.

"It doesn't matter, just come back!"

Shen Lan ignored it and said in a low voice: "You have been gone for so long, I am so worried, worried that you will be discovered... If you are in danger because of me, then I will never do it in my life. Peace of mind.”

After Nie Cai left, she was still waiting in the car, but the longer she waited, the more uneasy she became, fearing that something would happen to Nie Cai.

After all, this incident happened because of her, and Nie Cai was helping purely out of friendship. If he was discovered, Nie Cai would be in trouble!

"Are you so worried about me? I was besieged by dozens of women just now. Fortunately, I ran fast... otherwise my face would have been scratched and disfigured by them, but I wouldn't be able to take out the things."

Nie Cai's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of joking, teasing Shen Landao.

He looked miserable, as if he had been ravaged by someone, let alone beaten by a group of people. Even if Nie Cai said that he was fucked by a woman in a beauty salon, some people would believe him.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can come back, I won't do this news..."

Shen Lan shook his head like a rattle and tried his best to comfort Nie Cai.

"My reputation is completely ruined. I will probably become famous tomorrow and become the object of contempt for all women - a well-known reporter sneaked into a beauty salon and used interviews to spy on women. This news will be on the headlines of major news websites tomorrow..."

Nie Cai simply acted out the whole show and sighed: "I'm not even married yet, and I've become a big pervert known to everyone. How can I get a wife?"

"Oh no?"

Shen Lan opened her eyes wide and looked at Nie Cai pitifully: "How about... what do you think of me? My appearance is not bad, and my family praises me for my beauty. But since I was a child, my family has been very strict, and I can't even fall in love." I haven’t even dared to talk about it... I’ll just give me to you as your girlfriend, but you have to promise to be nice to me and go shopping with me to buy clothes every day, and you can’t take any favors in return!”

Seeing that Shen Lan was getting more and more outrageous, Nie Cai quickly stopped her: "Stop, stop, stop, I lied to you, do you really believe it?"

After saying that, Nie Cai stretched out his hand and conjured a bunch of things like magic. It was the lipstick camera, purchase order and surgical injections that Shen Lan left in the beauty salon.

These three things had been kept in Nie Caicai's dimensional space, and now they were taken out and returned to Shen Lan.

"Ah, everything you just said was a lie to me?"

Shen Lan was startled, his face suddenly turned red from holding back, and he said.

She was so panicked and apologetic just now that she even said that she would give herself to Nie Cai as her girlfriend. Who would have expected that Nie Cai was just joking with her


Shen Lan burst into tears and smiled, and her pink fists and raindrops hit Nie Cai's body.

"Oh, why are you like this? I worked so hard to wipe your butt and take out the things, and you still hit me?"

Nie Cai turned around and ran around the car, turning around and saying.

"Why are you wiping your ass, you gangster!"

Shen Lan's face turned redder, chasing Nie Cai around the car, and spat at Nie Cai fiercely.

After fussing for a long time, Shen Lan finally had enough, bent over and panted, and stopped.

"Let you go, who told me to owe you!"

Shen Lan pouted, got into Nie Cai's car, and slammed the door.

She was just making a fuss, how dare she really hit Nie Cai, after all, Nie Cai had done her such a big favor.

"That's pretty much it. Come on, let's go back to the work to get the machine, and then go to the hospital. We'll call it a day!"

Nie Cai laughed and got into the car.

He was in a very good mood. Although there was some danger today, it was a false alarm in the end.

With the injection samples from the beauty salon, it is very simple to go to the hospital to identify the ingredients. Just leave these finishing tasks to Shen Lan.

The news value of this news is not small. After it is broadcast, it should cause a huge response among the female community and gain at least about 200 news points.

With the income of this news point, today's false alarm is worth it!