An Eye for News

Chapter 217: So amazing


Nie Cai walked out of the Feihu mobile phone store holding a lot of boxes of Apple mobile phones.

Not only did he replace Jiang Shao's fake mobile phone with a real one this time, but he also made so many mobile phones for free, which was a great harvest.

People who don't know, think he just purchased it. Who in the right mind would buy so many mobile phones

Shen Lan, who was waiting outside, was already very anxious. Seeing Nie Cai appear, he immediately ran over.

"Brother Nie, you finally came out. I thought something happened!"

Shen Lan said anxiously, running out of breath.

It took Nie Cai too long to go in, almost half an hour. Moreover, there seemed to be some commotion in the Feihu mobile phone store just now. If it weren't for the camera in her hand, she almost couldn't bear to go out and rush in to find it. Nie Cai.

"Don't worry, what can happen to me?"

Nie Cai smiled slightly and threw the phone into the back seat of the car.

Wow, wow...

Boxes were piled haphazardly on the back seat, falling all over the floor.

"Eh... why did you buy so many mobile phones?"

Only then did Shen Lan realize that what Nie Cai was holding was actually a bunch of iPhones, and he said in great surprise.

This is the brand new iPhone 6, which costs about four to five thousand yuan. Nie Cai seemed to have gone to the fruit wholesale market to buy apples, and he brought back a lot of them at once. What on earth is going on

"Here's the thing..."

Nie Cai recounted exactly what happened in the Feihu mobile phone store, except that he concealed how he replaced the real phone with a dimensional storage component.

"Brother Nie, this is so amazing. I feel like we are not from the same world at all. It seems that there is no news in this world that you can't capture..."

After hearing what Nie Cai said, Shen Lan opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

If this pile of mobile phones hadn't been placed in front of her, she wouldn't have believed it was true.

"By the way, it's up to you to meet me. It's useless for me to have so many mobile phones anyway, so I'll give them to you."

Nie Cai smiled slightly, took an Apple mobile phone box, and handed it to Shen Lan.

Just now he saw that Shen Lan was holding an iPhone 5s, which seemed to be no longer new, so he might as well give one to Shen Lan.

Although Nie Cai needed a mobile phone, one was enough for him, and he wouldn't resell the rest. It would be a waste to leave the rest. After all, Shen Lan was kind enough to help him, and Nie Cai accepted it.

"Anyway, you are a wealthy person who drives a Porsche, and you are so rich, so I won't be polite!"

Shen Lan happily took Nie Cai's phone and said.

Who doesn't like taking selfies? Nie Cai had just looked at her body twice in vain and was embarrassed in front of her best friend. However, Nie Cai's gift immediately made her forget all the previous unpleasantness.

Nie Cai smiled and drove back to the hospital, sighing in his heart.

Helping Jiang Shao change his mobile phone this time just solved the problem of his poor mobile phone. It will be much more convenient to shoot with the pupil camera in the future.

Nie Cai's domestic low-end Android phone can't produce such good video effects, but it will be much better if it is replaced by the latest iPhone 6.

As soon as he approached the door of the ward, Nie Cai heard Mrs. Jiang sighing, as if she was regretful.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't been greedy for that little advantage, I wouldn't have been fooled..."

Sister-in-law Jiang said with self-pity, her tone full of regret.

"Don't blame yourself too much. Won't Nie Cai help us change it? It's no problem..."

Jiang Shao, who was covered in bandages, was rarely gentle and comforted her.

He usually looked carefree, but this was the first time Nie Cai saw him speak so gently.

"Stop comforting me. How can they admit it without a receipt? If I were them, I wouldn't be able to admit that I sold fake goods..."

Sister-in-law Jiang shook her head, not believing Jiang Shao's words at all.

During the time just now, she finally came to her senses and realized that she had done something stupid, and she couldn't help but start to feel pessimistic.

A woman of her age would feel distressed for a long time if she bought rotten fruit, let alone a fake apple.

Ding dong... At the door of the ward, Nie Cai's new iPhone 6 suddenly received a message.

Nie Cai took a look and saw that it was Jiang Shao who had sent it at some point.

When they were in the car just now, Shen Lan helped Nie Cai open an iPhone 6, cut out Nie Cai's old mobile phone card and replaced it with one, and just turned it on and activated it when he walked to the door of the ward.

"Help me deceive your sister-in-law. She is feeling a little uncomfortable now. You can help me buy a brand new one. I will pay you back later."

Nie Cai was immediately happy when he saw this text message.

I didn't expect that Jiang Shao Wusan, a big man, would be so considerate in his heart. No wonder Sister Jiang would be chased by him.

He put his phone away, opened the door, walked in with a smile, and sat down on Jiang Shao's bed.

Jiang Shao winked at Nie Cai quickly and raised the phone in his hand.

"Brother Jiang, what you asked me to do is done."

Nie Cai pretended to be dumbfounded, took out a white iPhone 6 mobile phone box from his body, and handed it to Jiang Shao.

Jiang Shao looked at the iPhone 6 box and was stunned for a moment.

The income from being a reporter is not high, and he loves to drink. Buying an iPhone 5s is already the limit.

Nie Cai just bought a more expensive iPhone 6. He may have to quit drinking next month!

"It's been replaced, and the merchant has settled the loss and also lost the latest iPhone 6. You and your wife just have one. Brother Jiang, do you want to replace it? Shen Lan just bought a card cutter on the roadside, just in time to help you get it. .”

Nie Cai smiled slightly, took out another iPhone 5s, and said.

Previously, Nie Cai used the dimensional storage component to replace the fake iPhone 5s phone Jiang Shao just bought with a genuine one, and gave them to Sister-in-law Jiang together with the iPhone 6 he just got.

This time Nie Cai was able to earn ten mobile phones, and the reason was Jiang Shao. If Sister Jiang hadn't bought fakes, Nie Cai wouldn't have been able to earn so many mobile phones.

"Yes, yes, let me just say, Xiao Nie is great at things!"

Jiang Shao was so distressed that he almost cried, but he pretended to be calm and said.

Nie Cai is buying two units at once? I probably don’t even have enough money for next month’s drinks.

"Damn you, are you still lying to me? You really want me to accept it... I saw everything when you sent a text message just now."

Sister-in-law Jiang seemed a little happy, but also seemed a little disappointed.

She and Brother Jiang have been married for almost ten years, and Jiang Shao's little tricks can't be hidden from her at all.

She had long discovered that Jiang Shao was sending text messages secretly, and after quietly glancing at the content of the text messages, she immediately felt like a mirror, so she became more and more annoyed.

"Don't I want you to stop blaming yourself so much? Regret can't change the problem!"

Jiang Shao sighed and simply confessed.

"Brother Jiang, you and your wife have such a good relationship!"

Shen Lan said enviously: "But don't worry, Brother Nie didn't lie to you, he didn't pay a penny..."

She quickly told what happened just now, fearing that Jiang Shao wouldn't believe it, so she even took out the video information.

After hearing this, Jiang Shao's reaction was exactly the same as Shen Lan's just now: "Damn, Nie Cai, you are really amazing. How did you do it? I found that there seems to be no news that you can't do it!"

Thinking of Nie Cai's performance on the TV station during this period, Jiang Shao was speechless.

Nie Cai can do what others can't do, and what others can do, Nie Cai can do better, and it's so good that it's unbelievable.

Isn't it? If Jiang Shao had gone by himself, it is estimated that the other party would not have exchanged the goods. However, Nie Cai not only exchanged the goods, but also made the other party pay for ten more iPhone 6s. This is too unbelievable.

It’s simply magical!