An Eye for News

Chapter 220: The truth behind breast augmentation failure


Hearing Ruan Ling speak, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved.

Is this woman talking nonsense? At first he was a little embarrassed to do it, after all, this woman's breasts looked quite miserable.

The surgery made her one side bigger and one side smaller, one side higher and the other lower. If you look closely, there is an obvious incision on the left side.

Breasts are like a second face to a woman. As for her failed breast augmentation, her breasts have no beauty at all. For a woman, she has undoubtedly lost a lot of charm.

What's more... She just said that she works in the "entertainment industry" and relies on her body for food.

With her looking like this, how will she receive customers in the future

"It was not a mistake in our operation, but a capsular contracture. We informed you before the operation and you signed it."

Ruan Ling shook her head, stood up holding the operating table, and said weakly.

She was wearing Nie Cai's coat, and the large coat made Ruan Ling's figure look slender and delicate.

"She uses the best breast augmentation prostheses in the world. I have done not only 1,000 but also 800 ordinary breast augmentation surgeries like this. The only reason why the surgery failed is because of your 'capsular contracture' Because of your constitution, you have gone to two hospitals and finally found our hospital, so our hospital even held a special consultation. "

Speaking of her major, Ruan Ling's voice gradually became normal and she explained slowly.

The so-called "capsular contracture" refers to the formation of a capsule around the prosthesis after breast augmentation. The pathogenesis of this condition is currently unclear, and it may occur at any time after the surgery.

After a physical examination of Zhao Litian, Ruan Ling's hospital found that her "capsular contracture" constitution will definitely affect the effect of the surgery. Asymmetry may occur after breast augmentation surgery. Ruan Ling has already written about this situation. After reading the consultation record, Zhao Litian signed the record before performing the operation.

After listening to Ruan Ling's explanation, Nie Cai finally understood something.

Any surgery has risks, and the doctor has the obligation to inform the patient about what will happen during the surgery, leaving the choice to the patient.

Especially for a highly subjective surgery like breast augmentation, are you willing to pay such a high price for "beauty"? In this case it can only come down to personal choice.

Since the hospital has informed them of the risks and Zhao Litian has signed it, who can be blamed if something goes wrong

"How do I know what the signature is for? I thought it was just a bluff from the hospital and a procedure."

Zhao Litian was startled and said.

"You don't even take your own body seriously, so you can't blame others."

Ruan Ling shook her head and said: "If you ask for compensation of one million, isn't this fake rights protection and real blackmail? If I did something wrong, you can ask me to compensate you for any amount, but I didn't do anything wrong, then I I will never compromise. If you think it's controversial, why don't you use legal means instead of using this shameless violent method?"

"I'm not willing to take legal action. I don't believe in the law."

Zhao Litian looked a little panicked and said, "Anyway, I gave my body to you, but you damaged it. If you don't blame me, who should you blame?"

Seeing this, Nie Cai finally understood.

No wonder Zhao Litian did not take legal measures after something happened, but chose such a drastic method of smashing up the hospital. This is too unreasonable.

To be cautious, Nie Cai used his last mind-reading skill today on Zhao Litian.

"This hospital is so big. One million is nothing. The turnover can reach that in any given day! As long as I make things worse and affect their business, the loss will be more than one million. Don't worry if they don't give in..."

"That's what happened to the hospital last time. After causing trouble, they obediently paid the money and swallowed their anger, not daring to let the media find out. If I use this good way of making money a few more times, I won't have to go into the flesh business!"

"It's a pity that this strong brother is too dark. He wants half of the share when he opens his mouth. I have been with him for so many nights and I still refuse to let go..."

Zhao Litian pretended to be innocent, but her thoughts were completely exposed to Nie Cai.

"I see, this is not the first time this woman has done this kind of blackmail!"

Nie Cai understood immediately and sneered secretly in his heart.

There will be a second time after the first time. After tasting the sweetness of blackmailing the hospital last time, this woman set her sights on another hospital. Ruan Ling was just unlucky to meet this patient who was bent on blackmailing.

Fortunately, the hospital signed an informed consent form for the surgery in advance, otherwise they would have been allowed to succeed!

"In this case, it's easy. With this signature, what are you afraid of? After the news reports come out, I believe that most of them will stand by your side and support you."

Shen Lan nodded, hugged Ruan Ling tightly and comforted her.

The doctor-patient relationship has always been one of the hot issues in the domestic news. Most of the time, the hospital is at fault, and public opinion will be more biased towards the patient's side.

Otherwise, Chinese people are all face-saving. Unless they have no choice but to do so, who would go all out and cause such a big fuss

However, in this incident, Zhao Litian was obviously pretending to defend her rights but was really blackmailing her. Regardless of the fact that she signed to confirm the risks of the operation, she asked for a million yuan in compensation. This is too dark.

In order to settle the matter, the hospital previously refunded the surgery fee in full, but this Zhao Litian refused to give up and even hired someone to destroy the hospital. This is even more disgusting.

However, Ruan Ling's face did not feel relaxed, but she gave a bitter smile.

"This signature was originally in our hospital's possession, but it has been taken away by them."

Ruan Ling sighed and said: "I just took out this informed consent form for surgery, but I didn't expect them to be so cruel. As soon as they took it out, they hit people and took away the only informed consent form for surgery."

This informed consent form for surgery is the key to this medical dispute. As long as the hospital can produce it, it can prove that Zhao Litian's surgery failed because of her "capsular contracture" constitution, not because of the hospital.

Zhao Litian obviously knew this and tried every means to trick the hospital into taking out the informed consent form for surgery and keeping it under her control.

Now that the informed consent form for the operation has been taken away by them, this time Ruan Ling can't produce any evidence even if she is justified!

If it really goes to court, who can prove whether this "capsular contracture" existed before her surgery, or whether it was caused by a failed surgery? Seizing this point, this Zhao Litian can definitely cause the hospital to suffer a big loss.

"Ruan Ling... you are still too naive. How can you take the original and a copy and rob them as they please!"

Shen Lan looked at Ruan Ling with some complaints. Her best friend always acted steadily, but she didn't expect that she would make such a low-level mistake today.

How can I just take out the original? If they rob him, the situation will be reversed.

"I didn't expect them to go so far..."

Ruan Ling's eyes were a little red and she said.

It was a good thing that Shen Lan didn't mention this matter. As soon as he mentioned it, Ruan Ling's body was shaky and she almost fell down again.

Who could have imagined that a seemingly harmless female patient could do such a brutal thing

Today she suffered the most brutal thing in her career as a doctor. She was threatened with violence, forced to kneel down, and later tied to the operating table. It can be said that it cast a huge shadow on her life.

"Okay, Shen Lan, don't talk about this... It's important that we take Ruan Ling out of here first."

Nie Cai saw Ruan Ling's mood was a little unstable and said quickly.

"Leave? Can you leave? There are all our people outside. If they see something is wrong, they will rush in after a while, and you will be the ones to watch!"

Zhao Litian laughed extremely viciously, and the scar on her chest trembled, making people's hair stand on end.

She didn't bother to call for help because the iron door of the operating room was too thick and the sound inside could not be transmitted at all.

When Nie Cai was tearing off the tape just now, she screamed loudly, but the people outside didn't react at all, so they probably couldn't hear what happened inside.

But this situation will not last long. Seeing that Nie Cai has not come out for the interview for so long, Brother Qiang will definitely become suspicious and come in to take a look and understand everything.

"Shut up, you have no place to speak here."

Nie Cai glanced at Zhao Litian with disgust, but his ears twitched, he rushed over and grabbed her hand behind her back.

Sure enough, this Zhao Litian was holding a mobile phone in her hand, with a panicked look on her face, as if she didn't expect that Nie Cai would find out that she was secretly making a phone call.

"Did you just use this mobile phone to take the ****? It was just right..."

Nie Cai frowned and broke the phone into two pieces with a strong force, then threw it into the wastewater barrel in the operating room.

When Zhao Litian was talking just now, she kept her hands behind her back, so that only the tip of her ears could hear the subtle dialing sound.

"Breaking my cell phone is nothing. If you have the ability, wait until my boyfriend comes in. If you continue to be aggressive with him, see if he doesn't break your bones!"

Zhao Litian gritted her teeth and said with a look of hatred on her face: "You can't leave anyway, just wait..."

"Brother Nie, what should we do? How can we leave here? They have twenty or thirty people at the door of the operating room, and if they cause any noise, they will probably attract more people. What if they find out that we took these two people in the operating room? If all the women are tied up, it will be miserable!"

Shen Lan said with a look of panic on his face.

They were able to get in here just now because they pretended to be reporters invited by "Brother Qiang", but if they take Ruan Ling out, it won't be that simple.

No matter how stupid this "Brother Qiang" is, he will never be stupid enough to let Nie Cai take Ruan Ling away.

It's true that Nie Cai can fight, but there are so many people outside, so he can't fight out with a few weak women, right

With the two "burdens" Shen Lan and Zhao Litian, as long as Brother Qiang's men catch them and threaten Nie Cai, Nie Cai will be in a dilemma.

"I have an idea. Fortunately, the Plastic Surgery Department is only on the fourth floor. We can go down through the window..."

Nie Cai said as he walked to the medical equipment room behind the operating room.

When he entered the operating room just now, he happened to see a window there.

Normally, in order to avoid a sterile environment, this glass window is sealed tightly and covered with thick curtains, but at this time, Nie Cai couldn't care about so much. He picked up a chair next to him and fiercely Smashed into this glass window.


The glass window shattered, and the sunlight from outside immediately shone in.

Nie Cai took out a bundle of rope from the dimensional storage space, tied it in a secure place, and said to Shen Lan and Ruan Ling.