An Eye for News

Chapter 222: Cut off the retreat


Brother Qiang stabbed Nie Cai directly in the abdomen, which was very cruel.

But Nie Cai sneered and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, Brother Qiang’s stab became as ridiculous as slow motion.

Nie Cai reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist like lightning, and twisted it hard.

"ah… "

Brother Qiang didn't expect Nie Cai to be able to restrain him easily. His wrist was bent by Nie Cai and he immediately screamed in pain.

Dang bang…

The sharp scalpel fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"How dare you do this to me!"

Brother Qiang was also furious. Regardless of the severe pain in his wrist, he grabbed Nie Cai's lower abdomen with one hand.

This move of Monkey Stealing Peach is a move commonly used in street fights. For him, it can be said that he is very proficient in it.

Nie Cai snorted coldly, moved around, walked around the back, and squeezed Brother Qiang's arm hard, causing Brother Qiang to howl like a slaughtering pig.

He was just a ruffian, and his skills were just ordinary in Nie Cai's opinion, and there was no threat at all.

Nie Zhong kicked Brother Qiang down to the operating table with a strong kick, ripped off the large bundle of tape with a click, and quickly tied him tightly.

"What's going on... I can't move!"

Brother Qiang felt that Nie Cai's movements were like lightning. Before he could react, he was already firmly tied to the operating table, which immediately shocked him.

He struggled hard, but it was in vain. This kind of strong black tape was difficult to tear by hand, let alone several laps.

What speed is this? He has been fighting with others for so long, and he has never seen anyone so fast!

"Okay, I advise you to hurry up and take out the informed consent form for the surgery, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

After getting rid of this strong brother, Nie Cai didn't take it seriously at all and went straight to the point.

He took the risk to stay here just to find the informed consent form for the surgery. The gangsters outside were still banging on the door, and he didn't have much time left.

"What are you talking about... I don't understand it at all. I don't have the consent form for the surgery!"

There was a trace of panic on Brother Qiang's face, but he quickly returned to normal and said.

Nie Cai frowned. He didn't believe Brother Qiang's words. When he used the mind reading component on Zhao Litian just now, he learned that the informed consent form for surgery was in Brother Qiang's hands. Such an important thing was in Brother Qiang's hands. I shouldn't trust anyone else.

However, Nie Cai searched Brother Qiang's pockets but found no trace of the informed consent form for the surgery!

"Hell, it would be great if my mind-reading component can still be used today. I don't have to talk to him so much. I can just shoot him with a mind-reading skill!"

Nie Cai secretly gritted his teeth and thought helplessly.

Unfortunately, the three times of mind reading have been used up today, which makes Nie Cai feel helpless.

"It seems that if you have spare news points and permissions, you need to upgrade the mind-reading component. Mind-reading is so useful!"

Nie Cai sighed secretly in his heart and looked at the scalpel on the ground.

This scalpel was used by Brother Qiang to stab Nie Cai just now. It was extremely sharp and shone with a cold light, which immediately made Nie Cai's heart move.

He picked up the scalpel on the ground and walked to Brother Qiang with a cold face: "Let me ask you again, where is the informed consent form for the surgery?"

The cold scalpel seemed to have no threatening effect, but instead aroused Brother Qiang's ferocity.

"I've been scared since I was a kid. I don't believe you dare to attack me as a reporter!"

Brother Qiang gritted his teeth and said with a fierce look in his eyes.

As a gangster leader, what he is best at is watching people's actions. During fights, many people are bluffing but dare not take action. Judging from the opponent's identity and expression, there are traces to follow.

As Nie Cai said just now, he is a reporter and a national worker, so how can he dare to take action

"Take action? Who said I was going to take action?"

Nie Cai frowned, this Qiang brother was pretty good at reading people.

Now Nie Cai is on the right side, but if Nie Cai uses a knife to force a confession, then it will be morally unacceptable.

After saying that, Nie Cai slowly moved the scalpel down to Brother Qiang's lower body.

"I'm a reporter, and the camera is my weapon... I don't have to do anything, I just cut off your trousers and take some pictures."

Nie Cai gave him a disgusted look and said, "Just now your girlfriend dared to threaten violence and film the doctor's ****. I am too embarrassed to deal with women, so just pay off your girlfriend's debt."

Hearing Nie Cai's words and looking at the knife in Nie Cai's hand pointing directly at his private parts, Brother Qiang couldn't help but shudder.

"You... you... this is so shameless!"

Brother Qiang felt a chill coming from his lower body, and couldn't help but exclaimed angrily.

The injury is a small matter, but the loss of face is a big deal. If the reporter really takes a picture of himself and broadcasts the news... his Qiang brother's reputation in city n will be ruined!

When the time comes, when people see him, they will say, "That's the one who was photographed on the news." How can he hold his head up and happily be the big brother

"Don't, don't... put the informed consent form for surgery inside the compartment of my belt buckle!"

Brother Qiang quickly begged for mercy, with a panicked look on his face.

Nie Cai snorted coldly, then put down the scalpel and opened the top of his belt buckle.

Sure enough, under Brother Qiang's guidance, Nie Cai finally found a well-folded piece of paper printed on A4 paper.

This kind of belt buckle should be specially made and can hide things. It is very concealed. If Brother Qiang hadn't taken the initiative to tell Nie Cai, I'm afraid Nie Cai wouldn't have found it at all.

"Haha, seeing as how cooperative you are, I'll let you go."

After getting the informed consent form for the surgery, Nie Cai finally felt better and said.

The banging sound outside the door became heavier. I don’t know what heavy objects the gangsters were banging against, and the solid metal sliding door was now deformed.

Without further delay, he immediately walked towards the equipment room in the operating room.

There are a lot of gangsters outside, so it's best to avoid them as much as possible. As long as you can get out of this hospital, you'll be safe.

I got back this informed consent form for the surgery. With this key piece of evidence, I’m not afraid of these gangsters causing a stir!

But just when Nie Cai walked into the equipment room, he suddenly found a person standing at the window with colorfully dyed hair. He seemed to be Brother Qiang's group!

This man seemed to have climbed up from the third floor through the rope, and at this time he just blocked Nie Cai's path.

There were a large number of gangsters. Someone must have discovered the rope hanging down from the operating room outside the hospital, which gave them the opportunity to climb into the operating room.

"Brother Qiang, we are here to support you!"

The green-haired gangster screamed, jumped down from the window sill, and kicked Nie Cai with a flying kick.

Nie Cai tilted his head slightly, grabbed the little gangster's ankle, and pulled hard with his strength.


The little bastard was swayed in the air by Nie Cai, and his body fell hard on the table in the equipment room. The table immediately fell into pieces and rolled around in pain.

But Nie Cai had just finished dealing with this little gangster when another little gangster popped up from the window, ready to jump in as well.

Nie Cai couldn't let him get what he wanted, so he immediately grabbed a table leg in the equipment room and smashed it against him.

Before this little gangster could get his feet on the ground, Nie Cai was at an absolute advantage, and the opponent couldn't dodge the stick at all.

However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of Nie Cai!

"Warning, malicious intent has been detected. The number of times the thought reading component has reached the upper limit and cannot be started!"

The powerful voice of the super news system sounded in Nie Cai's mind, warning Nie Cai.

Nie Cai's heart was moved, but when he saw the man at the window, he just tilted his head slightly, letting the vital point pass, but his hand was stretched to the back of his waist...

"not good!"

Nie Cai was suddenly startled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly stepped back.

I saw this little gangster actually took out a small crossbow from his waist, pointed at Nie Cai and quickly pulled the trigger.


There was a muffled sound, and suddenly a small aluminum crossbow arrow appeared where Nie Cai was just now, and it shot deeply into the wall.

If Nie Cai hadn't been able to hide quickly, he might have been shot by now.

"I almost got tricked!"

Nie Cai looked at the crossbow arrow and felt a little scared.

The upgraded thought reading component saved Nie Cai once again. If the reloading time is not taken into account, the lethality of the modern crossbow is actually not inferior to that of bullets, only slightly worse than that of large-caliber pistols.

Only the body of the man just above the shoulders was exposed, and Nie Cai could not see that he had a crossbow on his waist.

If Nie Cai was hit by this crossbow at close range, there would definitely be a big hole in Nie Cai's body.

"You actually dare to trick me?"

Nie Cai suddenly became furious and rushed over again, raising the table leg in his hand and slamming it down.

The reloading time of the crossbow was too long, and it was in mid-air. This person had no way to open the bow and shoot again.

Seeing Nie Cai rushing towards him, the gangster had a look of panic on his face. His hand slipped and he slid down from the rope. He almost reached the second floor before grabbing the rope again.

But the force of falling at high speed was no small matter, and the man didn't wear gloves on his hands. The force of friction made him scream in pain and quickly let go of his hand.


Even though he slowed down a bit midway, the man still fell hard and screamed. He didn't know how many bones were broken.

The fourth floor was not too high, and I had to slow down halfway, otherwise I would have been unable to scream this time and would have fallen into mud.

"No, we can't get up here!"

Someone on the third floor poked his head out, glanced at the fourth floor where Nie Cai was, and exclaimed.

"Cut the rope and don't let him come down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately cut the rope with a knife, and soon the rope was cut off and fell to the ground.

Nie Cai's heart suddenly sank. Dozens of gangsters had gathered outside the operating room door. They were about to break down the door, but the only escape rope was cut off.

The opponent had a large number of people, and he didn't know how many powerful crossbows they had. This thing was too dangerous, even more lethal than a pistol. Nie Cai would rather face a pistol than a powerful crossbow.

This time it was better. There was a wolf in front of him and there was no way out. Nie Cai was immediately put in a dilemma!