An Eye for News

Chapter 230: reward


The program started, and the male anchor's gentle voice also sounded. The host's face was quite young, and Nie Cai remembered that he seemed to be a newcomer.

Two or three years ago, in order to replenish fresh blood, CCTV created a group of "trainee announcers", and this host named Zhang was one of them.

The opportunity to directly enter the front-line column of CCTV after graduating from college is so rare that it can almost be said to be a once-in-a-century opportunity.

It is a pity that Zhang Xinyu did not seize this rare opportunity, so he could only go to CCTV English Channel as a springboard to gain qualifications before he could enter a real first-line column as an announcer.

"Good evening everyone, this is the midnight news that is being broadcast live. Welcome to watch. First, let's watch "Current Affairs News"... "

The anchor's face was solemn, and he was broadcasting special reports during the two sessions. This kind of current affairs news was the latest developments in the country, and it had nothing to do with Nie Cai anyway.

Nie Cai waited patiently for "Current News" to finish, then for the international news section to finish, and finally for the domestic news section. At this time, he finally cheered up.

"Here we come... It depends on whether we can come in or not!"

Nie Cai stared at the news feed with his eyes wide open, feeling a little nervous.

After he exchanged the phase invisibility component, in addition to a D-level authority, he only had about a hundred news points left. If he wanted to save news points, he could only rely on whether the news could be on the central station tonight.

The first piece of news is a report on the implementation of a certain domestic law. It is informational news and has nothing to do with Nie Cai.

The next piece of news is about environmental protection. It is instructive news and has nothing to do with Nie Cai.

Nie Cai's heart slowly sank as he watched the news appear one after another, but there was no news of his own at all.

Has this news been suppressed

Nie Cai's palms were slightly sweaty and his body was tense due to nervousness.

This kind of nervousness was a bit unfamiliar to him. Even in the most dangerous scenes, Nie Cai had never been so nervous before. This was an unprecedented sense of nervousness.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. The show time was almost over, but there was still no news about him. This made Nie Cai feel helpless.

"It seems... I still haven't been able to get on the CCTV news. Let me see how difficult it is to see the rewards of the super news system?"

Nie Cai's tense body suddenly collapsed, lying on the sofa, smiling bitterly in his heart, and said helplessly.

Logically speaking, it is not difficult to get on CCTV. After all, CCTV not only has "Xinwen Lianbo", but also has many other columns. No matter how many CCTV reporters there are, it is impossible to capture all the news.

Especially after the emergence of the thirteen central news channels, these channels that broadcast news around the clock have given reporters from local stations many opportunities.

Not to mention reporters from provincial stations, even reporters from city and county stations are lucky enough to be on the job several times a year.

When Nie Cai was at S County TV station, he heard them joke that S County TV station was a place that "depends on the weather". They waited for the typhoon to hit every year to report on it, and they were almost certain to be on CCTV.

Although this kind of news is not separate news and is drafted together with other local stations, it is just a comprehensive draft, but it can also be regarded as a shortcut to the central station.

It's just that Nie Cai's luck was a bit worse. Many of his news had the chance to hit CCTV, but they missed it due to some other reasons.

Like today, it happens to be a major event like the Two Sessions. The current political news of the Two Sessions alone takes up most of the news time, and other news must be cut off.

Especially negative news about Nie Cai, according to common sense, is the top priority to cut. To make time by cutting news, the producers will definitely give priority to the negative news about Nie Cai.

But just when Nie Cai was a little disappointed, the TV screen changed and returned to the studio from the news content.

“Plastic surgery is nothing new these days, but there are risks, and the results cannot be guaranteed to be satisfactory…”

As the host's voice broadcast rang out, a news headline appeared at the bottom of the TV - A woman was dissatisfied with the effects of plastic surgery and violently broke into a medical riot and destroyed the hospital.

Seeing this, Nie Cai was immediately overjoyed!

On? My news is finally on CCTV!

Due to various reasons, this moment came too late, but what is supposed to come will always come. Nie Cai has done so much news and finally appeared on CCTV.

Even though it was only the midnight news, and looking at the time, it seemed like it was the last news item, and it was a scrap, but this was at least a breakthrough for Nie Cai.

Just when this news started, Nie Cai's cell phone rang.

Nie Cai grabbed the phone on the table and saw that it was a call from Li Wei.

"Nie Cai, congratulations, you are finally on the central stage!"

There was a sense of joy in Li Wei's voice, as if she was the one on the central stage.

"I finally got it... I have to thank you very much. When are you free, can I treat you to a meal?"

Nie Cai said quickly.

This is not a polite statement. Li Wei has much more experience than Nie Cai. According to the direction of CCTV's reporting during this period, Nie Cai revised the draft accordingly. Otherwise, it is unknown whether Nie Cai's draft will be published. .

"Forget it, I'm still used to cooking for myself... I'll wait until you officially come to report on our "Legal Frontline" column tomorrow."

Li Wei's laughter came from the phone and said.

Nie Cai was slightly startled. She knew Li Wei's craftsmanship. She was not inferior to the chef. Li Wei was very picky when eating out.

"This news is really timely. I know there are many people in Taiwan who are dissatisfied with you and think that you are lucky and relied on my connections to become a regular and come to the "Legal Frontline" column. But there is this central The news from Taiwan can serve as a stepping stone, which can at least make them quieter."

Li Wei said with some emotion in her tone.

When she was in S County, Li Wei wanted to "borrow" Nie Cai through secondment and arrange it in her own column. However, she was blocked by the Propaganda Minister of S County and shelved it.

At that time, she was just cherishing talents and felt that it was a waste for talents like Nie Cai to stay in S County.

Who could have imagined that Nie Cai has now become the most important man in her life

Now Nie Cai has made a lot of important news on n city TV station and x province TV station. Coupled with tonight's news from CCTV, Nie Cai's qualifications are finally enough. No one can stop Nie Cai anymore. .

After chatting for a long time, Li Wei reluctantly hung up the phone with Nie Cai.

At this time, Nie Cai's super news system finally sent a prompt.

"The news of "A mobile phone was stolen and replaced, it turned out to be a sinister businessman" was broadcast in the "Case Tracking" column of the legal channel of x provincial TV station and received 100 news points."

"The news of "A woman dissatisfied with the effects of plastic surgery and violently 'made trouble' and smashed the hospital was broadcast on the "Rule of Law Online" column of X Province Satellite TV. It received 200 news points, caused a major response, and received 100 news points."

"The news of "Woman Dissatisfied with Plastic Surgery Effects Violently Makes Medical Riots and Smashes the Hospital" was broadcast on CCTV's "Midnight News" column and received 350 news points."

"Complete the Communication City mobile phone shady mission, mission reward, 500 news points, and a C-level authority."

"The news is on the central stage and new tasks are unlocked. Please open the task panel to view!"

"To unlock new component redemption options, please open the redemption panel to view!"

As soon as Nie Cai opened the interface of the super news system, a large number of glittering notifications jumped out, making Nie Cai's eyes dizzy.

"This time I got 1,250 news points in one go, plus a C-level authority. This is really a big gain!"

After getting the super news system for so long, this was the first time that Nie Cai saw so many prompts, which made him surprised and happy.

I am happy that I have gained a lot this time, and I have actually earned the points I clicked on. I am surprised that the news has been on the central station, and new tasks will be unlocked.

CCTV is indeed the largest media platform in the country. Even "off-cuts" such as "Midnight News" have 350 news points, and they also unlock new tasks.

If it were news on the headlines or at a better time period, how many points would be earned

Nie Cai was even a little jealous of Director Bai. Why didn't he get the chance to be the headliner of CCTV's "News Network" back then? What a reward it would be to be able to make this headline.

"Forget it, let's keep our feet on the ground. It's good to be on CCTV's "Midnight News". Next time we should do some domestic hot issues!"

Nie Cai felt a little emotional. The news that appeared on CCTV not only had to be newsworthy, but also needed some luck.

This news about the doctor-patient dispute was not the most important news he had ever done, but because it caught up with the hot topics reported by CCTV during this period, he took advantage of it and successfully made it to CCTV.

If Nie Cai was doing other news, I'm afraid no matter how high the news value is, he might not be able to use this news about the doctor-patient dispute.

However, Nie Cai actually still has some regrets, that is, the CCTV news did not cause a major response, otherwise it would have been able to gain an additional 50% of the news points.

After having the super news system for so long, Nie Cai has finally figured out some ideas. If this causes a major response, it must be close to the audience and conform to the audience's psychology.

For example, when it comes to news about doctor-patient disputes, generally speaking, the hospital is a powerful party and has gone rogue, leaving ordinary people with nowhere to redress their grievances.

But Nie Cai's news is the opposite. Although the hospital is justified and the fault lies with the patient, the people don't care about it because it does not meet their psychological expectations and cannot achieve the effect of causing a response.

This is a problem where the butt determines the head, and the side determines the thoughts. For example, for example, if real estate developers and nail households hold different opinions, the vast majority of the audience will support the nail households, because among the "stereotypes" , the nail households are all ordinary people, and the developers are all profit-seeking businessmen.

This is the power of subtle influence. Even if in fact the developer is reasonable and the nail-biter is just making trouble unreasonably to get more compensation, the vast majority of the audience will not sympathize with the real estate developer.

Nie Cai sighed, thinking silently in his heart, and opened the task panel.

A golden light flashed before his eyes, and immediately... the contents of the mission panel suddenly appeared in front of Nie Cai's eyes!