An Eye for News

Chapter 231: challenge


It was the first time that news appeared on CCTV. In addition to generous news points, new tasks would also be unlocked. This was an unexpected surprise.

From the time he obtained the Super News System to now, Nie Cai has shot many news stories, large and small, but he has only received three missions, which shows how rare the missions are.

Especially this task does not seem to be an ordinary task, but this task is different from other tasks.

According to the prompts of the super news system, this news is unlocked, which is different from the news that appears due to contact with clues.

"There is an unexpected surprise when I board the CCTV. I can unlock new tasks... I don't know what tasks the super news system can give me when I board the CCTV for the first time?"

Nie Cai felt a little nervous. He muttered silently, opened the task panel, and looked at the text in the task panel carefully.

The previous task of exposing the unscrupulous mobile phone seller has been completed, and there is only a brand new task left in the task panel.

"Your news is on the CCTV, and a new challenge task is unlocked. Mission content: News is on the CCTV again within ten days. Reward: 800 news points, 1 bottle of energy potion. If the task fails, 500 news points will be deducted. .”

This mission came out of nowhere, and the reward content of the mission was also a bit inexplicable.

"What? The reward is actually a bottle of energy potion, and if the mission fails, 500 news points will be deducted. This seems a bit too dark..."

When Nie Cai saw the mission description, his first reaction was that this mission seemed a bit confusing.

The news points are easy to understand, but what is this energy potion

Since accidentally getting the Super News Eye, Nie Cai has received a lot of tasks in the Super News system, but they all reward virtual items such as points and permissions. This is the first time that he is rewarded with "real things" like energy potions.

"There is a time limit of ten days to complete the task. If the task is successful, 800 news points will be awarded. If the task fails, 500 news points will be deducted. This seems to be very risky and a bit deceptive... Could it be that the problem lies in this energy potion?"

Nie Cai carefully read the mission reward, and finally his eyes fell on the energy potion.

"Energy Potion: Consuming the item can immediately reset the usage limit of all components of the Super News System."

The super news system directly popped up the item information of this energy potion, which immediately made Nie Cai's heart skip a beat!

"What, you can actually reset the usage restrictions of all components immediately? This is amazing. I have to complete this task no matter what!"

Seeing the item information of this energy potion, Nie Cai's heart suddenly jumped wildly, and his previous doubts were suddenly thrown out of the sky.

No wonder this mission is quite difficult, and news points will be deducted if the mission fails. It turns out that the rewarded energy potion is such a good thing.

This energy potion can reset all components but the number of times it can be used is limited, which means Nie Cai can use all components twice in a row.

The last time he was in the hospital, Nie Cai deeply felt the limitations of the super news system components.

If he had more mind-reading skills, Nie Cai could understand the other party's thoughts and take the initiative.

If there was one more phase invisibility, Nie Cai would have one more opportunity to leave at any time and become invincible.

Six mind-reading spells and two consecutive phase invisibility spells are already impressive, not to mention the dimensional knife function that has yet to be redeemed.

"This task is time-limited. The task will only be considered completed if there is news on CCTV again within ten days. This seems a bit difficult..."

Nie Cai frowned, but immediately made up his mind and said to himself: "No matter what, this task must be completed no matter what, if you can't defeat me, then you will fight... If you don't believe me, you won't be able to get on the central stage, even if it's scraps!"

Nie Cai also worked hard for this energy potion and agreed in one breath.

According to the instructions, 500 news points would be deducted if the task failed, which seemed like a failure or failure, but under the temptation of the energy potion, Nie Cai ignored it.

Risks and opportunities coexist. For Nie Cai now, the least valuable thing is the news points. If the mission fails, the deduction of 500 news points will make Nie Cai feel distressed, but he can earn it back sooner or later.

But the energy potion can only be obtained through this opportunity. If you miss this village, you will never have this shop again.

Obtaining this energy potion is equivalent to Nie Cai getting an opportunity to use his ultimate move. In times of danger, using this energy potion is almost equivalent to gaining an extra life!

"Accept the mission!"

As Nie Cai silently thought about accepting the task, the powerful voice of the super news system immediately rang.

"The mission was accepted successfully. Mission content: News will appear on CCTV again within ten days. Reward: 800 news points and 1 bottle of energy potion. If the mission fails, 500 news points will be deducted."

"The mission starts now..."

As the Super News System finished speaking, Nie Cai discovered that there was suddenly a countdown at the back of the task list.

The countdown time starts from 10 days and continues to decrease according to the number of seconds.

"Damn, there's even a countdown. Do you think this is a game?"

Nie Cai frowned and couldn't help but say.

Although the mission had just begun and there was still quite a long time left, the constantly beating countdown gave Nie Cai an inexplicable sense of urgency, as if the time for the mission was imminent.

After accepting the task, Nie Cai opened his redemption panel and looked at the options at the bottom of the redemption list, still greedy.

The bottom option is to upgrade the dimensional storage component. After upgrading to level 3, you can obtain the dimensional knife function, which can be used once a day for one minute each time.

Judging from this description, it is estimated that the power of this dimensional knife will definitely not be low. The restriction of being able to use it once a day and only for one minute is a bit big. However, it is better to be able to use it with energy potions when the time comes, and it can be used again immediately, which can be considered to make up for this a little bit. limit.

However, what made Nie Cai helpless was that the requirements for redeeming this component were so high that Nie Cai was unable to upgrade for a long time.

Upgrading the dimensional storage component to level 3 requires 3,000 news points and a B-level authority. This requirement is indeed too high.

Just 3,000 news points is enough. According to Nie Cai's current trend of earning news points, it is probably just a matter of time. He can earn it in more than half a month.

However, B-level permissions are a huge threshold. In other words, the permission exchange system set up by the Super News System is itself a threshold.

From the time he got the super news system to now, the highest authority Nie Cai has ever seen is C-level authority. As for the more advanced B-level authority? Nie Cai has never even seen it, so it's probably a long way to go to redeem this dimensional knife.

Nie Cai turned his attention to the data at the bottom of the exchange panel, counted his news points and permissions, and then helplessly looked elsewhere.

"Now I only have so many news points. If I want to upgrade the dimensional storage component to level 3, I am still far away from getting the dimensional knife. It seems I can only exchange it for something else first!"

Nie Cai sighed inwardly and moved his eyes to other components.

Now Nie Cai has more than 1,300 news points, plus one C-level permission and one D-level permission. Looking around, Nie Cai seems to see that the only thing that can be upgraded is the mind reading component.

The thought reading component is the component that he has used the longest and most frequently. Nie Cai has upgraded it to level 2 a long time ago, allowing it to be used three times a day, plus the malicious alarm function.

Originally, Nie Cai thought that upgrading to level 2 would be enough, but after what happened in the hospital, Nie Cai felt that the limit of three times a day was still a little too low.

"Upgrading the mind-reading component requires 1,000 news points and one D-level authority, which increases the number of uses of your mind-reading component to 5 times and allows you to detect the other party's lies during conversations."

Nie Cai pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said directly: "Confirm the upgrade of the mind reading component!"

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Nie Caixian wants to make a big news again within ten days, so he must first improve his strength.

The only thing that can be upgraded now is this thought reading component. The limit of the number of thought reading components is increased to 5 times, plus a practical lie detection function, which can maximize Nie Cai's own soft power.

At present, the number of times the thought reading component is used three times a day seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not that many. Unless Nie Cai endures not using it, it will be really stretched.

The limit on the number of times is secondary. The key is that once the thought reading component is used, Nie Cai is not sure what thoughts he can see the other party. There may be a risk of getting useless thoughts.

Previously, mind reading could detect malice, which was good, but it was not enough. Sometimes the other party just lied, and detecting malice would not work.

However, when the mind reading component added a function of detecting lies, it became more powerful for Nie Cai, and he could use mind reading in a targeted and targeted manner.

"Okay... Next, we have to prepare to complete the mission!"

After upgrading the thought reading component, Nie Cai took a long breath and said.

In fact, when he saw the content of the challenge mission, Nie Cai already had a vague direction in his mind.

This direction is Brother Qiang's drugs, the ten kilograms of k in Brother Qiang's car. The fan has always been lingering in Nie Cai's mind, and he only regretted that the other party chased him too quickly, causing him to miss this important opportunity.

Ten kilograms of k. The amount of powder is not small, with this ten kilograms. Big news for fans, maybe Nie Cai can try his best again and see if he can be on the CCTV again!

"I missed the news last time, I won't let you run away again this time!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and said with a sneer.

Brother Qiang forced him to jump off a bridge and escape last time, which made Nie Cai extremely embarrassed.

Nie Cai took the initiative to dig into Brother Qiang's selling k. Fans' news is not only to complete the task, but also to gain a breath.

Ever since Nie Cai got the super news system, he has always bullied others. How can there be any reason for others to bully him