An Eye for News

Chapter 232: New here


x provincial television station.

Nie Cai woke up very early today, tidied up his appearance, and then came to work.

Today is the day for him to go to "Legal Frontline" to report, and he can't be late anymore.

"'Legal Frontline' is a flagship program of X Province TV Station, ranking second in the ratings. Back then, Li Wei wanted to second me from S County TV Station, but unfortunately it failed. I didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns."

After coming out of the elevator, Nie Cai felt a little emotional.

"Case Tracking" and "Legal Frontline" work on the same floor, and the office areas are almost next to each other, but this is the first time for Nie Cai to step into the "Legal Frontline" office area.

"Legal Frontline" is the flagship program with the highest ratings on the Legal Channel and the second highest ratings on the X Province TV Station. The reporters are treated much better than other columns and enjoy the same salary as the satellite TV channel.

Only the most elite people in the legal channel can enter "Legal Frontline", which also gives them a sense of arrogance.

The office area seemed a little deserted. Nie Cai thought he had arrived early and was about to sit in the rest area when he met an acquaintance.

"It's finally here. Brother, I knew this day would come... Except for the reporters who have other assignments, everyone is here and preparing for the morning meeting at Deputy Director Li's place."

A tall and tall man with a handsome face walked over and said to Nie Cai.

I saw this man wearing a gunmetal gray suit, well-cut and fit, and looked very elegant.

This man was Guo Zhixiong, the anchor of "Rule of Law Online", the leader of the broadcast team of X Province TV, a turtle who returned from Columbia University in the United States, and one of the people who interviewed Nie Cai at that time.

During the interview, Guo Zhixiong had a very good impression of Nie Cai because of his excellent unscripted reading skills. Unfortunately, he did not enter the "Legal Frontline" column, which made him regret for a long time.

It's fine now. Although there were some twists and turns, Nie Cai went in a big circle from N City TV Station to "Case Tracking", but Nie Cai finally came, which made him very happy.

It's a pity that such a rare talent doesn't become an announcer, but it would be a good thing to train Nie Cai a little and train him into a reporter-type host.

"Everyone is here? Okay, thank you, Teacher Guo!"

Nie Cai nodded quickly and then looked at the time.

It's still more than half an hour before going to work, and the people from "Legal Frontline" are already here, ready for the morning meeting

This is completely opposite to other columns' muddle-through and dawdling state. Just looking at this mental state, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the column will definitely not be any worse.

"Deputy Director Li is very strict. Brother, I would like to advise you that at X Province TV Station, it doesn't matter if you offend the director. Don't offend Deputy Director Li..."

Guo Zhixiong said as he walked into the deputy director's office with Nie Cai.

Nie Cai opened the door and saw that the small office was full of people, both men and women. There were about twenty people in total, and it was packed to the brim.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many people in the "Rule of Law Online" column... "

Nie Cai was slightly surprised and said.

"Case Tracking" only has about ten people in total, which is incomparable with the "Legal Frontline" column.

Whether the content of a column is excellent or not, in addition to the leadership's decision-making and the positioning of the column, the adequacy of manpower is also one of the key factors. If we don't even have enough manpower and can only "squeeze" out manuscripts every day to cope with the pressure of broadcasting, then we can't talk about the quality of the program.

Guo Zhixiong said just now that these are just idle people. People with other tasks have been sent out and could not attend this meeting. Otherwise, the number of people could be even greater.

"Okay, everyone is here... Everyone, please be quiet and get ready to start the meeting."

Li Wei's voice was not loud, but it instantly silenced the entire audience.

"I've been busy competing for the Golden Laurel Awards recently and don't have any extra time, so the recent work of the column has been handed over to Director Tang. Let Director Tang briefly talk about the recent situation."

Li Wei didn't say much, just started talking and stopped talking.

"Deputy Director Li, you have to fight for our legal channel this time!"

"That's right, there is no Golden Laurel Award trophy in the honor room in the stage. Come on, Sister Li!"

"Snatch the Golden Laurel Award and show it to those on the satellite TV channel!"

In the office, someone immediately started talking and saying.

The Golden Laurel Award is the highest honor in the journalism industry in X Province. The conditions for awarding it are very demanding. It is the dream of every journalist in X Province to win this Golden Laurel Award.

The first prize of last year's Golden Laurel Awards was vacant because there was not enough weight of news. From this, we can see the gold content of this award.

As a relatively large channel among the sub-channels, the legal channel has not won the first prize of the Golden Laurel Award a few times, and has only won a few indifferent second prizes, which has always been a shame.

It would be fine if it was taken away by a reporter from a satellite TV station, but the first prize has been taken away by reporters from radio stations, newspapers, and even city stations many times. This has always been a pain for everyone at the Legal Channel.

Now Li Wei finally has a large-scale report

A man with black-rimmed glasses and neatly combed hair nodded, opened the notebook at hand, and said, "Okay, I was on duty last week. Let me tell you about the recent situation..."

This man's name is Tang Lei, the director of the News Center of X Province TV Station and the associate producer of "Rule of Law Online".

"But first, let's welcome the newcomer Nie Cai... He is a colleague of our Legal Channel. He has made a lot of major news recently. Maybe you already know him, but it doesn't matter if you don't. He will be a member of our "Legal Online" column family from now on. One of them."

Tang Lei pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and smiled at Nie Cai.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. I will ask all my leaders and colleagues for advice in the future."

Nie Cai was a little flattered and quickly stood up and bowed.

"Is he Nie Cai?"

"Yes, I think I saw him last time at a basketball game..."

"It seems that he has just come to Provincial Taiwan not long ago. How can he enter our "Rule of Law Online?" column?"

"I really want to hear that he has put in a lot of advertisements recently. I heard that the amount of advertisements is quite large. Is it because of this?"

"Shh... don't you know that he has an ambiguous relationship with our Deputy Director Li? I heard that he was at S County TV station a month ago. The last time Deputy Director Li went to S County on a business trip, he saved his life!"

"He relies on his strength! His name has been mentioned in a lot of big news recently, including the last unannounced visit to the casino, where he was also involved... "

"That's right, I saw the news about him on CCTV last night. You don't have the strength to go to CCTV? Besides, do you think Deputy Director Li is the kind of person who favors his own interests?"

"Who knows, women in love will always get confused sometimes... I'm afraid it will affect the quality of our column's programs!"

Nie Cai's hearing was very keen, and he could immediately hear all kinds of comments coming from the crowd.

Originally, if Nie Cai and Li Wei had nothing to do with each other, there might be doubts, but there shouldn't be so many.

Human beings are gossipy animals, especially women. They always have an inexplicable obsession with these gossips.

Nie Cai was even a little lucky that he was not directly seconded from S County TV Station.

During this period, I made so many big news on the x provincial TV station, and even some news was broadcast on the CCTV, and was discussed a lot by them.

If she had come in without any foundation, Li Wei would probably be questioned much more than she is now.

Li Wei's face was a little unhappy, but also a little helpless.

Even though she is the deputy director of the Legal Channel and the producer of "Legal Online", she is a woman after all, and a very beautiful woman at that.

A woman like her is destined to stir up conversations. She has no way and cannot forcefully influence other people's discussions.

Nie Cai frowned, took a deep breath, and said, "Everyone, I am a newcomer, so I shouldn't say these things, but I want to say a few words here."

"It's an honor to come to "Legal Online", a column I have been watching since I was a child. I come from a county station, and I have only been on the provincial station for less than a month, but I do every piece of news with my heart. I want every piece of news to be perfect, rather than looking for shortcuts, because I believe that only hard work will pay off.”

"I'm just a newcomer here. If there's anything I don't do well, please don't hesitate to point it out. I think our column is a fair and just place where everyone relies on their own strength. Whether I'm doing well or not, my colleagues The eyes of the reporter are sharp, the eyes of the audience are sharp, and the eyes of CCTV reporters are also sharp."

Hearing Nie Cai's words, Li Wei was slightly surprised and raised her head to look at Nie Cai.

She didn't expect that Nie Cai would actually say such a thing, which happened to be what she had always wanted to say but was inconvenient to say.

Guo Zhixiong, who was next to Nie Cai, smiled at him, gave him a thumbs up secretly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, when I was working at the West Coast TV station in the United States, I was most afraid of the newcomers. Those old reporters are much better, I think what our column lacks is your aggressiveness!"

He had always had a good impression of Nie Cai, so of course he had to speak for Nie Cai at this time.

Tang Lei also nodded secretly after hearing this. He was Li Wei's old partner and he would never doubt Li Wei's eye for picking people, whether it was at work or in personal relationships.

Since Li Wei chose Nie Cai, she should have her reasons. She couldn't let Nie Cai come in for free because of favoritism, right

"Hey, you're already talking big words before you even start working. Do you think CCTV is a place you can go to if you want? Don't think that just because you got lucky, you won't take CCTV seriously."

But at this moment, a discordant voice came from the corner.

Nie Cai frowned and looked around, only to see a middle-aged man with his legs crossed and looking at Nie Cai sideways.

I saw that this middle-aged man was about forty years old, which was considered quite young for the journalist profession.

What makes Nie Cai a little confused is that this middle-aged man's face is vaguely similar to Director Qian. Combined with the fact that he dared to make himself unable to step down in front of Li Wei, could he be a relative of Director Qian