An Eye for News

Chapter 239: Direct hit


Behind the private room was a corridor. Nie Cai hugged Xiaochen and deliberately slowed down.

The sound of footsteps and conversation soon came from behind. Listening to their conversation, it was Mr. Wang and the drug dealer.

Nie Cai's heart moved. He moved his arm around Xiaochen and slowly pressed her against the wall, pressing her body tightly against her.

"Brother Nie, don't... don't be here..."

Xiaochen started struggling in a panic. She thought Nie Cai would wait until he entered the private room to start moving, but she didn't expect that Nie Cai would start in the corridor.

"Cooperate and I won't embarrass you."

Nie Cai said something into her ear, but focused most of his attention behind him.

Mr. Wang and the red-haired man walked in and started trading in the darkness of the corridor.

"This pack is 50 grams. It's 5,000 in total. Do you want anything else? Shake it, pills, hemp, ancient stuff, etc."

No longer looking at Nie Cai, the red-haired man carefully took out a packet of white powder packed in a plastic bag from his arms and handed it to Mr. Wang.

"Okay, this is 10,000 yuan. I want two packages. I will take one package and give the other package to the brothers outside to have fun together. If you need it later, I will find you again."

Mr. Wang's face was slightly excited. He handed over the money and delivered the goods, and took the small plastic bag.

He can't wait to try this so-called "high purity" good product, k. Powder paired with a pair. Fei, I think I’m going to have a great time tonight.

“Happy to work with!”

After counting the money, the red-haired man shook hands with Mr. Wang and left.

What he didn't know was that Nie Cai was nearby and recorded their entire transaction process with the help of a pupil camera.

"It's done. I didn't expect to capture it so easily. It hit the scene directly!"

Nie Cai was slightly excited. This scene of handing over money and delivering the goods was definitely important footage.

The image quality of Nie Cai's pupil camera is very high, which is better than ordinary shoulder-mounted cameras, let alone those candid cameras with shitty images.

All the details of this transaction were photographed by Nie Cai. Instead, Nie Cai had to worry about how to make the picture quality worse when he went back. Otherwise, people would be suspicious if the picture was too good.

"Uh... no"

But at this moment, Xiaochen seemed a little nervous and hummed softly, which immediately made the red-haired man alert.

"Who is there!"

The corridor of the guest room was very dark. The red-haired man glanced at Nie Cai warily, and then he realized that there was someone else in the corridor.

He nervously touched the walkie-talkie on his waist and walked over with a serious expression.

"Isn't this Mr. Wang? I would like to ask which guest room corresponds to our private room, but I can't find it!"

Nie Cai's heart moved, and he immediately greeted Mr. Wang and said.

"Is it Brother Nie? A129 to a133 are all our guest rooms. I chose a130 except for a130. You can choose any room you want."

Seeing Nie Cai entangled with a woman, Mr. Wang couldn't help but smile knowingly and said.

"It's good that we know each other."

The red-haired man said with obvious relief.

They were both men, and they had the same knowing look on their faces. Was this guest too eager to have sex in the corridor

Anyway, the corridor is dark, and the music is blaring, so the other party can't see it. It's not a big deal, and there's no need to alert the security.

"Okay, you play slowly, I won't care... Mr. Wang is so generous, I will give them the goods!"

The red-haired man smiled at Nie Cai and Wang Shao, turned and left the corridor.

Seeing Mr. Wang enter his room, Nie Cai took a deep breath and released his arms around Xiaochen.

"These are just the lowest-level drug dealers, at most Ma Zai. The real behind-the-scenes manipulators like Brother Qiang and the others are unlikely to appear on this occasion!"

While Nie Cai was thinking, he heard Xiaochen's voice next to his ear: "Brother Nie... let's go into the room and have sex. We will meet acquaintances in the corridor... "

Just now, Nie Cai's attention was focused on the deal between Mr. Wang and the drug dealer. Only now did he realize that Xiaochen's face had turned red from unknown time, as if he was about to drip water.

"Do it in the room?"

Nie Cai finally realized that Xiaochen seemed to have misunderstood.

He just used Xiaochen as a cover so that he could get close to the drug dealer's deal. Unexpectedly, Xiaochen actually thought that he was really possessed by a sperm and was ready to start doing it.

"No need, I have something to do and I have to go out first. If you can, you can get off work now."

Nie Cai shook his head, took out a wad of money from his body, and handed it to Xiaochen.

Just now Xiaochen said that her appearance fee was 1,000. Nie Cai didn't count how much the money was. Anyway, it was much more than 1,000.

He just came here for an unannounced visit tonight, and he never thought about making a fake show, especially since Xiaochen was Xiaoxi's sister, so he couldn't do anything about it.

"Brother Nie, are you dissatisfied with me?"

Unexpectedly, Xiaochen was a little flustered and did not dare to accept Nie Cai's money, so he said pitifully.

She thought that it was her first time as an escort girl and that she was not proficient in "business" and was disliked by Nie Cai. Little did she know that Nie Cai's purpose of coming here today was not to have fun at all, but to seek trouble.

"Our escort girls here implement modern management, and we conduct customer satisfaction surveys every time. If I are complained about... it will be a small matter to deduct my commission, and I will be punished by thugs... "

Xiaochen was so aggrieved that she almost cried. She grabbed Nie Cai's hand and refused to let him leave.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm really not dissatisfied with you."

Nie Cai was speechless. This golden aristocratic nightclub has really kept pace with the times and developed a system of satisfaction. Does it really treat itself as a corporate management

But Nie Cai couldn't say clearly that he was here for an unannounced visit tonight. Even if Xiaochen seemed reliable, who would dare to say such a thing.

"In this case, you wait for me in room A131, I'll go do something and come back... okay?"

Nie Cai pondered for a moment and changed to another method.

"Okay, it's settled, let's pull the hook, okay?"

Sure enough, after hearing Nie Cai's words, Xiaochen immediately burst into tears and smiled. He nodded quickly and stretched out his hand, fearing that Nie Cai would regret it.

Hook hook

Nie Cai was a little speechless. This Xiaochen was so innocent that he even believed in such things as pulling hooks.

However, Nie Cai still had no choice but to talk to her, and walked Xiaochen to the door of the room. Then he said goodbye to Xiaochen, turned around and walked back the way he came.

If Nie Cai just came here for an unannounced visit and secretly filmed some scenes of drug dealers and customers dealing with each other, then this news would be too "shallow" and superficial.

If you want to be on the central stage, you can't do it without shooting some exciting content.

"The red-haired young man just now must still be online. Follow him and check, maybe you will get more results!"

Nie Cai's face gradually became serious and he thought to himself.