An Eye for News

Chapter 268: Technical glitch


Seeing that the guest who had spoken in front had almost finished speaking, Wu Qian told the staff backstage and asked him to prepare to directly change the voice of Nie Cai's microphone.

"Okay, I'll get it for you..."

The person in charge of the sound system was a young man in his twenties, and he was sweating profusely from his work.

He nodded and immediately began to operate the mixing console, arranging voice changes for Nie Cai.

Wu Qian has already used this voice change function just now. This voice change is not a simple rising or falling tone, but a series of processing. What finally comes out is a voice that sounds normal, but does not feel like the same person at all.

In fact, imported professional microphones like Sennheiser come with built-in voice changing function, and even come with built-in electronic sound, so you can play the same routine again and again.

But that thing is too expensive, one or two million for a microphone, and it’s not for concerts, it’s just for changing the tone, so there’s no point in buying something that expensive.

"Are you ready? It's your turn in a few minutes..."

Wu Qian couldn't help but frowned when she saw that the young man had adjusted it several times but the microphone still showed no signs of being adjusted properly.

When she spoke just now, it went smoothly and the debugging was completed quickly. Why did it take so long for Nie Cai's turn

"There is a technical problem with the mixer, just wait..."

The young man was sweating profusely from work, testing back and forth between the workstation and the mixer from time to time, but it seemed to be of no avail.

"It's okay, you can adjust it slowly, don't be nervous."

Nie Cai smiled and said, "It's okay even if you don't need to change your voice. I'll just do it. Don't feel any pressure."

However, as soon as Nie Cai finished speaking, Wu Qian frowned and shouted at him: "No!"

Nie Cai was startled by Wu Qian's volume and gave Wu Qian a strange look.

Wu Qian's face turned slightly red and she said, "Don't underestimate this voice changer. This is our work rule!"

According to their work regulations, disguised investigators must wear masks and change their voices when appearing in the public media.

Although troublesome, it is necessary.

Voice is equivalent to a person's fingerprint. If a criminal is determined to take revenge, he can spend some money to hire a professional. By comparing a person's voiceprint, it is easy to discover the true identity of the disguised investigator. thereby launching retaliatory actions.

These drug traffickers are ruthless, rich and armed, and their revenge is very dangerous.

This is not an alarmist statement. There was once a disguised detective who exposed his identity, was retaliated by drug dealers, and an entire family was silenced. This caused a huge sensation at the time.

Let's not talk about it remotely, let's just say that the danger Wu Qian encountered just now is that she is not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

"Tell the team leader that there is something wrong backstage. The voice changer is broken. Please delay."

Wu Qian frowned, found a staff member, and asked him to notify Team Leader Hou in the name of pouring water to delay the time.

The staff member knew the urgency of the situation and hurriedly ran to inform Team Leader Hou.

Not long after, he ran back again and told Wu Qian breathlessly: "Team Leader Hou said, he changed the order of speeches, and we can still get about five minutes. Let us get it done quickly, otherwise we will wait for it later." It’s time to reach the final stage of the press conference…”

The press conference faces so many national media, and the process cannot be changed at will. It is good that Team Leader Hou can squeeze out this little time.

"Okay, we'll try our best."

Wu Qian looked serious and nodded.

Having said this, she glanced at the mixing console and saw three or four technicians tinkering around the mixing console. A look of worry appeared on her face.

"No... the mixer should be broken."

"Are there any spare parts?"

"Yes, but it was discovered at the beginning of the press conference that it was broken. Now this is a spare part."

"It seems that the voltage was a little abnormal today and the equipment was burned out..."

"It's better to repair the one that broke just now. Otherwise, if this one is not repaired, it will no longer work!"

At the mixing console, these staff members were discussing nervously and tinkering around.

But five minutes passed. These people tried their best and were sweating profusely, but they still couldn't solve the problem of changing their voices.

Seeing that Team Leader Hou was already talking nonsense at the venue and starting to stall for time, the atmosphere backstage became more and more serious.

The mixer doesn't work, and Nie Cai naturally can't change his voice. What should I do

"Forget it, I'll just go ahead."

Nie Cai sighed and really didn't want to embarrass these staff members anymore.

He picked up the microphone, put the manuscript in front of him, and was ready to start.


Wu Qian had a nervous look on her face and stopped Nie Cai. Shen Shou was about to grab Nie Cai's microphone.

"If that's the case, I'd rather you stop speaking! Wouldn't this be harmful to you?"

There were more than a dozen media outlets at the scene, as well as many people from the public security system. It was really not an easy task for them to keep Nie Cai's voice a secret.

Wu Qian was really afraid that Nie Cai would be retaliated against like her. In that case, it would be better not to let Nie Cai speak!

Nie Cai frowned slightly. He knew that Wu Qian stopped him for her own good and was worried that she would be in danger. would Wu Qian know that he had just received a hidden mission, and he had to attend a press conference to get 800 news points

If he canceled temporarily at this time, the 800 news points he had gained would be wasted. Nie Cai would not let this happen!

"Wu Qian... don't worry, I am sensible."

Nie Cai dodged Wu Qian's grasp, shook his head and said.

"Don't be too willful. I'm doing this for your own good, do you understand..."

Wu Qian was so anxious that she stamped her feet and gasped.

She knew Nie Cai's skills, and even if she was determined to grab him head-on, she probably wouldn't be able to defeat Nie Cai.

She simply picked up a glass cup, handed it to Nie Cai, and said angrily: "Take it and use it. It's better to be ugly than to be retaliated!"

glass cup

Looking at this glass cup, Nie Cai couldn't help but reveal a strange smile on his face.

Is this a kid's trick? When he was young, Nie Cai often talked into a glass. Because of the echo, he felt that his voice sounded strange, and he could play with it for most of the day.

But... this is not a trick played by children!

There are more than a dozen major national media outlets waiting outside, so you can speak with just such a voice and image

With such an image appearing in the national media, Nie Cai blushes just thinking about it. This is too embarrassing...

"Wu Qian, I know you are doing it for my own good, but... I don't use a cup, I have other methods."

Nie Cai took the cup, placed it gently on the table, and smiled at Wu Qian.

"What else can you do? Now only normal microphones can be used..."

Wu Qian looked at Nie Cai with a puzzled look on her face and said.

"Don't worry, forget it, let me demonstrate it to you."

Nie Cai coughed lightly and opened his mouth: "Spring is here, and it's the mating season for animals..."

This voice is soft and soothing. Almost most Chinese people have heard this voice. It is the iconic voice of Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang!

Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang has presided over the Animal World for so many years, and his voice has long been familiar to the Chinese people.

There was a look of surprise on Wu Qian's face. Before she could speak, Nie Cai changed his voice and said: "CCTV, this is CCTV's "News Network" column. Today's main content is... "

This voice is majestic and round. It is the voice of the late veteran broadcaster Wu Luojing. People who often watch Xinwen Network will definitely remember his voice.

After imitating Wu Jing, Nie Cai took a deep breath and changed his voice: "How can I betray Nobita for Dorayaki? Am I this kind of person?"

This time Nie Cai's voice was even more exaggerated, with a distinct nasal sound, which made Wu Qian feel like Doraemon was standing in front of her.

"The beautiful angel is calling you from afar, brave young man, go and create a miracle..."

Nie Cai had more and more fun, and this time even sister Ju Ping came out.

"Listen...that's enough. You still have this kind of special skill, how can you hide it so deeply? Why didn't I see you reading so well just now?"

Wu Qian quickly interrupted Nie Cai. Seeing how Nie Cai was having so much fun, she probably would have no problem letting him imitate a few more sounds.

She was also a little dizzy. She didn't expect that Nie Cai had such a unique skill!

He was stumbling over his emotions when he read the draft just now. His image of super non-standard Mandarin was just an act.

The intruding Doraemon is here to show off its cuteness. Let’s not talk about it for the moment. Let’s just say that Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing, and Ju Ping are all famous announcers of the older generation of CCTV, and their professional skills are very solid.

If you want to imitate them, you must have a high level. Otherwise, you will only be able to resemble a tiger and not be like a dog, which will not resemble them at all.

Nie Cai could imitate their voices so vividly, so the look he just looked like must be fake - can someone who can imitate these famous hosts really speak so poorly

"Aren't I afraid of putting pressure on you? After all, you are speaking in front of me. You will feel much more at ease when I am here to support you..."

Nie Cai laughed shamelessly and shamelessly.

Despite his high-sounding words, in fact, just five minutes ago, Nie Cai's level was just as stumbling as he was just now, and he was just doing it for fun.

However, everything changed when Nie Cai redeemed the professional broadcasting auxiliary component.

He just experimented and found that the use of this professional broadcasting auxiliary component is very simple.

It is to recall the voices of people you have heard in your mind. As long as it can leave an impression in your mind, you can imitate them accurately, including their pronunciation and enunciation, which are exactly the same.

To put it simply, Nie Cai was like temporarily "borrowing" their mouths and could completely imitate their speech.

Nie Cai was secretly happy, this professional broadcasting auxiliary component was really useful.

The use of this professional broadcasting auxiliary component is not limited to this situation, but can be used in many situations.

For example, Nie Cai disguised himself for an unannounced visit. At this time, he imitated a completely different voice, and combined with Li Wei's amazing makeup skills, he was not afraid of being discovered at all.

Even if you take a step back, if you have nothing to do, just imitate the voices of the teachers in Japanese love action movies, scare acquaintances and friends, and even make a joke!