An Eye for News

Chapter 298: sneak into


Qian Xiaohao's van was parked on the mountain road. Looking down from the mountain road, he could overlook the panoramic view of Lanxiang Chemical Plant.

"Brother Ouyang, this is the position!"

Qian Xiaohao pointed to the chemical plant at the foot of the mountain and said.

"You can see a panoramic view from here, but the panoramic view is useless. You must take photos of the evidence that the chemical plant is discharging waste into the lake."

The more mature reporter glanced at the chemical factory below, frowned slightly and said, "Come along the road, their factory area is surrounded by barbed wire. It's not easy for us to sneak in and take photos..."

Just taking a panoramic view of the chemical plant is not enough. There must be decisive evidence, such as sewage pipes and so on. This is the key.

Although the camera can zoom, the Lanxiang Chemical Factory is so large that it is impossible to see clearly what is inside the factory just by zooming the camera.

The zoom factor of the camera is limited. At most, it is only about ten or twenty times of optical zoom. It is difficult to take pictures of birds, let alone use it as a telescope to secretly take pictures of the interior of the chemical plant.

"Brother Ouyang, you can think of it, how could I not think of it? Over the past year, I have been thinking about what I would do if I had to do it over again. I simulated it many times and finally found it. The best solution."

Qian Xiaohao said confidently, and then took out a thing with a propeller from the equipment box he carried.


Brother Ouyang's expression changed slightly and he said immediately.

A drone is an unmanned aircraft controlled by radio remote control equipment and its own program control device. Depending on the purpose, the drone can be equipped with weapons, reconnaissance, and shooting systems.

In the past, drones were only for military use, but now with the development of current technology, drones have slowly entered the civilian field, and many aerial photography is completed by drones.

"That's right, the DJI Dij Somersault Cloud S900 six-axis flying drone. I spent a lot of money to avenge this..."

Qian Xiaohao nodded with a proud look on his face.

Lanxiang Chemical Plant has a vast factory area. Even if you can cut through the barbed wire fence and sneak in quietly, you may not be able to find the place where illegal sewage is discharged, and you will still run the risk of being discovered.

But with this drone, things are different. The drone's flexible control allows it to come and go freely, like an "eye in the sky". It is estimated that evidence of illegal sewage discharge will be found soon.

Qian Xiaohao took a laptop from the car, opened the floor map of the chemical plant, installed the camera, debugged the drone a little, and released the drone.

"Nie Cai, Nie Cai, let me see what you can use to fight me this time?"

Seeing the black drone making a buzzing sound, like a big bird, flying quietly towards the chemical plant, Qian Xiaohao had a proud smile on his face...

Outside Lanxiang Chemical Plant.

After leaving Mapo Village, Nie Cai did not take the main road, but walked along a desolate path.

The chemical plant was not far from Mapo Village. After walking for a short time, Nie Cai finally approached the chemical plant park.

Hiding in a bush as tall as one person, Nie Cai quietly took out his camera and began secretly filming the gate of Lanxiang Chemical Plant.

The gate of this chemical plant is very grand. Four golden iron characters of Lanxiang Chemical hang high on the gate tower of the factory area.

The large iron gate of the chemical plant was locked, and only a small door was opened next to the security booth downstairs. Through the window of the security booth, Nie Cai could even see four or five people sitting in the security booth.

The gate was tightly guarded, and it seemed impossible to sneak in through the gate quietly. Nie Cai thought for a while and turned his gaze to the wall near the gate.

However, the fence was also tightly guarded. When Nie Cai walked into the fence and took a look, he found that the Lanxiang Chemical Plant campus was surrounded by barbed wire. There was a warning sign "High Voltage Power Grid, No Entry" hanging on it. There were also signs on the top of the barbed wire fence. It has spikes to prevent anyone from climbing over.

"It seems like the security work at this chemical plant is good, right?"

Nie Cai frowned slightly and thought to himself.

It's just a chemical factory, but it's like a military restricted area, right

Through the barbed wire, Nie Cai could see the huge pipes and storage tanks in the chemical plant. The large chimneys painted with eye-catching red and white paint were emitting black exhaust gas. They should be under construction.

"This factory is so big, but I don't know where the sewage discharge pipeline is?"

Looking at the factory area of Lanxiang Chemical Factory, Nie Cai had a headache.

A set of equipment in such a large chemical plant is almost equivalent to a steel jungle. Even engineers will be confused when entering. If it is an inexperienced person like Nie Cai who sees it, it will be even more confusing.

According to what the old man Li said before, the Lanxiang Chemical Plant's sewage discharge method is very hidden. He has lived in Mapo Village for so many years and has walked around the lake hundreds of times, but he has never seen the sewage pipe.

Nie Cai estimated that the people at the chemical plant had used hidden pipes that led directly from the ground to the center of the lake to hide the situation from others.

Due to limited equipment, Nie Cai was unable to detect the hidden sewage pipe in the center of the lake, so he had to find a way at the chemical plant. As long as he found the hidden sewage pipe, it could also be regarded as evidence.

Just when Nie Cai had a headache, a faint buzzing sound suddenly came from the sky. Nie Cai looked up and saw a drone flying high in the sky.

Nie Cai's eyesight was so strong that he could see the camera hanging under the drone from a distance. The camera was marked with the CCTV logo.

"Damn, Qian Xiaohao cheated, even using a drone?"

Seeing the drone appear, Nie Cai suddenly cursed secretly in his heart.

No wonder Qian Xiaohao dared to make a bet with himself. It turned out that he had already planned it and even brought things like drones.

How can I compare myself to him if I have the intention but not the intention

"No, I have to find a way to sneak in, otherwise the shots will be incomparable to Qian Xiaohao's!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth, turned and walked towards the gate of the chemical plant.

He waited patiently on the side of the road. This chemical plant is so big, even if it is under closed management, there will definitely be people coming in and out on weekdays, as long as they sneak in.

Sure enough, not long after waiting, a small truck appeared on the road. This truck had a plastic tarp blocking the truck bed, but it could still be seen from the gap in the tarp that the truck bed behind it was already filled with fruits. Vegetables and stuff.

This Lanxiang chemical factory is so big, with thousands of workers, it must buy a lot of food every day, and of course trucks like this are indispensable for delivering food.

"The opportunity has come!"

Nie Cai felt happy when he saw this card appeared.

He thought silently in his mind and immediately activated the phase invisibility component. Gradually, Nie Cai's figure began to become transparent...

Nie Cai quickly rushed out of the roadside and jumped onto the bed of the truck when he saw the opportunity.

"What are you doing? Do you have a pass?"

Someone poked his head out of the security booth and asked loudly.

"I'm from xx Food Distribution Company, don't you recognize me? There is a shortage of vegetables today, so I went to the town to buy another batch. This batch of vegetables is small in quantity and a small car is enough. Otherwise, I can drive the big one with a pass card." The truck is coming!”

The truck driver rolled down his window and replied.

"I'll let you in this time. Remember to bring your pass next time."

Seeing the truck driver showing his face, it seemed that he had matched the number. The security guard nodded, opened the big iron door, and let the vegetable delivery truck drive in.

No one noticed that the tarpaulin behind the truck seemed to be slightly bulging, as if there was something hidden inside...

"***'s shop bullies customers. Isn't this broken factory rich? It's two months in arrears and the food money has not been paid, and it's still acting like a bird..."

The driver closed the window, cursed secretly, and drove into the factory area.

The truck was driving on the cement road of the park. Among the large piles of cabbage, Nie Cai quietly lifted the tarp and quietly took pictures of the scene inside the park with his camera.

However, the truck seemed to be driving towards the living area, and Nie Cai did not take any valuable shots in the truck.

After driving for about ten minutes, the truck finally entered the living area of the chemical plant and stopped at the door of a building labeled Canteen.

The driver opened the door, jumped out of the car, and went straight to the canteen, probably looking for someone to collect the goods.

"This is the living area, and the office area should be nearby..."

Nie Cai looked around and chatted from the car, and sure enough he found a building near the canteen with an office building sign hanging on it. It should be the office area of Lanxiang Chemical Plant.

Seeing no one around, Nie Cai got out of the car and walked quietly into the office building.

There must be documents related to sewage discharge in the office. It is much more convenient to find ways to find the sewage outlet in the office area than to sneak into the production area and search randomly.

Sure enough, at the entrance of the office area, a fire evacuation map of the factory hung in the corridor on the first floor, which immediately attracted Nie Cai's attention.

According to the fire evacuation plan, there is a sewage treatment plant in the chemical plant, located to the south of the plant, near the lake.

"According to the design, this Lanxiang Chemical Plant is equipped with a sewage treatment plant, but looking at the level of pollution, I'm afraid this sewage treatment plant is just a decoration... "

Looking at this floor plan, Nie Cai thought to himself.

The pollution situation in Mapo Village is shocking. If the sewage treatment plant was really functioning, it would not be what it is now.

In order to cooperate with the inspections of the national environmental protection department, many factories must build sewage treatment plants.

Especially for a large project like Lanxiang Chemical Plant, there is no way to get approval if the sewage treatment plant is not built.

However, the cost of sewage treatment is not low. In order to maximize profits, business owners secretly shut down the sewage treatment equipment and discharged untreated sewage directly.

Therefore, this kind of sewage treatment plant is just a formality. If supervision is not in place, no matter how good the sewage treatment equipment is, it will not work.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!"

But at this moment, a man in work clothes suddenly appeared and drank Nie Cai.