An Eye for News

Chapter 302: Break out of the siege


Nie Cai had good intentions and wanted to notify Qian Xiaohao to evacuate this morning, regardless of previous suspicions. Unexpectedly, Qian Xiaohao had been watching the fire from across the bank.

He could see himself in danger, but Qian Xiaohao didn't know to take a look at his phone

No need to think about it, Qian Xiaohao must have done it on purpose.

"**** Qian Xiaohao, I shouldn't have informed him!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth, pointed his middle finger in the direction of the drone, and then put his phone back into his pocket.

With the heart of a gentleman and the heart of a villain, Nie Cai really made a mistake this time.

He could only rely on himself now. He had hoped to notify Qian Xiaohao and ask them to evacuate the place. If he was caught by people from the chemical plant, he could use official channels to fish him out.

It's better now. Qian Xiaohao was enjoying watching the fire from the other side. When he was caught by the people from the chemical plant later, I'm afraid it was too late to regret it!

"Who dares to stop me!"

Looking at the crowd rushing over, Nie Cai's face darkened and he shouted loudly.

Shocked by Nie Cai's loud shout, the crowd started to commotion. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nie Cai moved and rushed towards the living area.

"Stop him. This man stole something from the factory. Whoever catches him will be rewarded with a cash reward of 100,000 yuan!"

Seeing Nie Cai seeming to break out of the encirclement, Boss Xi suddenly became enlightened and yelled from behind.

It's no use just shouting, you have to bring benefits to motivate others.

As soon as he finished speaking, the workers immediately started a commotion and talked about it.

"What? Boss Xi, this iron cock, actually plucked his hair..."

"What did this little thief steal in the factory that deserves a reward of 100,000?"

"No matter what, everyone is yelling at this little thief to beat him up, so let's go get him together!"

I don't know who took the lead. The workers picked up the wrenches, crowbars and other tools in their hands, screamed, and rushed forward.

There must be brave men who are rewarded heavily. Workers in these chemical plants may not earn 100,000 yuan a year. This is not a small number for them.

The workers who had been bluffing to show off their foreign work suddenly roared and gathered around frantically, as if they were all drunk.

"Looking for death, I'll see where you run this time! After you're caught, see how I torture you..."

Boss Xi couldn't help but look happy when he saw that Nie Cai seemed to be dizzy.

Nie Cai actually broke through from the direction with the most people. You must know that the workers rushed out from the living area, so there were the most people in this direction. There were hundreds of people in the dark area.

Even if these workers stood still, it would still take more than ten minutes for Nie Cai to knock them down one by one, right? By that time the daylilies were cold!

No matter how much a person can fight, he can't break through the limits of flesh and blood, right? Do you really think you are a tank

Of course, Nie Cai couldn't fight one against a hundred. He had no intention of fighting out with violence from the beginning.

Boss Xi is frantically discharging pollution in order to seek profits, but these workers are innocent and may even be victims of excessive pollution in the working environment.

Seeing that the circle of workers was getting closer and closer to him, when Nie Cai was about to come into contact with these workers, he narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly shouted!

Everything around him slowed down, and the shouts and shouts of the workers became louder and louder. Only Nie Cai's figure jumped high and was not affected in any way.

The hard training during this period of time has paid off. Now Nie Cai's jumping level is even better than when he was dunking in the provincial stage. He is as tall as a person.

Since there are no roads around, it’s better not to take the usual route.

Nie Cai stretched his body in the air, adjusted his posture as much as possible, then looked at his feet and stepped on the helmet of an unlucky guy.


The unlucky guy felt a strong force coming from his head, and suddenly screamed, his legs and feet were paralyzed in fear, and he collapsed on the ground.

But at this time, Nie Cai had already finished borrowing his strength and jumped onto the shoulder of another unlucky man again.

"Over the head, that man is over the head!"

"Is this the Qing Gong of floating on iron palm water?"

"What a fart, I almost had a crooked neck just now! Don't stand there and hit him in the leg!"

"No, no, everyone, stay apart, don't let him step on him and he will fall!"

"You know nothing, just reach out and grab his feet..."

Seeing that Nie Cai actually ran out on top of the crowd's heads like the Qinggong in martial arts novels, the crowd once again broke out into commotions and discussions.

Is that human being? It’s okay to be able to fight, but now that such methods are coming out, it’s simply unbelievable.

"These people move too slowly, how could they affect me?"

Nie Cai couldn't help but sneer as he ran above the crowd.

Every step he took seemed random, but as soon as he missed the mark, he would fall from the air.

If a normal person dared to play like this, he would probably have fallen down long ago, but Nie Cai's every step could accurately hit a person's head or shoulders, which are the areas that bear the force.

Nie Cai had already stepped on people and ran for more than ten meters without making any mistakes, as if he had learned Qinggong.

Occupied by the field of vision, no one further away could see Nie Cai's position. By the time they saw Nie Cai, due to the slow motion, the movement had already reached half a beat of Nie Cai, and he had already been stepped on by Nie Cai. It's underfoot.

Seeing the buildings in the living area getting closer and closer, Nie Cai's face suddenly showed joy.

The terrain in the living area is complex. This terrain is much more favorable than the open space on the main road just now. As long as you seize the opportunity, you will have the opportunity to escape.

However, suddenly, Nie Cai felt a flash of red light in front of him.

"Warning, unknown malice detected. Do you want to activate the mind reading component?"

The powerful voice of the super news system suddenly sounded, which immediately made Nie Cai's heart skip a beat!

Not far ahead, a man in black stood on the edge of the living area, holding a huge black compound bow and aiming it at Nie Cai.

"Brother Ninth, I'm here to avenge you!"

The man sneered, raised his black compound bow, took aim at Nie Cai, and tightened the bowstring.

"not good!"

Nie Cai's heart suddenly sank, and he secretly screamed that something was wrong.

This is the age of firearms, and those who can use compound bows are definitely not doing it to show off, but because they have real skills.

This kind of modern compound bow may not be as lethal as a pistol in terms of lethality alone, but its penetrating power is much stronger than a pistol. If Nie Cai was hit by an arrow, he would definitely be shot through.

The bodyguard just now used a strange weapon similar to a nine-section whip. This time, a man with a compound bow suddenly appeared. This is not unacceptable.

It's just... Although Nie Cai wanted to hide, he couldn't hide now.

Because, he was flying above the workers' heads!

From the shooter's point of view, Nie Cai was a living target, and his target was extremely obvious.

But if you jump down, you will be instantly submerged in the sea of people. It may not be that easy to escape again.

In the flash of lightning, Nie Cai had no time to think.

He roared, exerted force from his feet, and used An Jin's technique again.


The unlucky guy who was stepped on by Nie Cai let out a scream. Nie used the dark strength method to exert force, and the force under his feet was much heavier, and he immediately trampled him to the ground.

But at this time, Nie Cai had already leaped up, twisted his waist in the air, the strength of his muscles exploded, and threw a flying knife towards the archer!

With a whistling sound, the flying knife appeared in front of the archer in an instant.


The alloy bow of the composite bow made a loud noise and was shattered by the power of the knife.

The power of the tight bow string was immediately released, and the bow string rebounded and hit the shooter's face hard, causing a bloody streak on his face.

"ah… "

There was blood on the shooter's face, his eyes were closed, and he screamed and kept retreating.

Nie Cai managed to hold back. The sword did not directly hit the vital point, but only destroyed his bow.

Otherwise, he would be dead by now!

After getting rid of the archer, he broke out of the encirclement and rushed towards the living area.

Nie Cai's face darkened, he jumped slightly, regained his feet on the ground, and then rushed into a warehouse in the living area as quickly as possible.

"Follow me!"

"There is no other door in the small warehouse, so he can't escape!"

The workers shouted and surrounded the warehouse.

This small warehouse is used to store tools. It doesn't even have a window. Hiding in it is simply asking for death.

However, although the door of the warehouse was ajar, no one dared to enter.

What a joke, who doesn’t know that fighting between trapped animals is the most dangerous? Just now, Nie Cai threw a knife, and a person dozens of meters away fell down. This kind of accuracy was simply shocking.

Not only is the iron palm floating on the water, but now he has to add a Xiao Li flying knife. How can ordinary people get it in his hands

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the security team is coming!"

Not long after, Boss Xi ran after him panting and shouted loudly.

Behind him were a group of security guards wearing security uniforms with electric batons in their hands.

The security guards in the factory are all specially trained by security companies, and their quality is at least higher than that of ordinary workers.

The security guard finally arrived. Boss Xi felt slightly reassured and sneered: "Don't worry, wait until there are more people before going in, he won't be able to escape!"

He is very familiar with the buildings in the factory area and knows that there is no other way out of this warehouse except the door. As long as he blocks the door of the warehouse, he will not worry about the other party's Taobao.

"Catch him out for me. The one who catches him will be heavily rewarded!"

Seeing the security guards rushing over one after another, some even holding double-barreled shotguns, Boss Xi thought it was enough and finally gave the order.

"Yes, boss!"

At Boss Xi's order, a security guard kicked open the warehouse door, and the security guards behind him filed in...


The lights in the dark warehouse suddenly came on. To their surprise, the warehouse was empty, with no one hiding inside.

This warehouse is not big, only less than one hundred square meters, and there is nothing on the shelves, which can be seen at a glance.

"What, there is no one, can he turn into a fly and fly out?"

Boss Xi looked at the empty small warehouse with a surprised expression on his face.

The warehouse is surrounded by cement walls and there is not even a window. Even if he wanted to break his head, he still had no idea how Nie Cai escaped!