An Eye for News

Chapter 310: Masturbation


What Nie Cai was worried about finally happened.

What was buzzing in the sky was none other than Qian Xiaohao's black drone.

When Qian Xiaohao and the others were caught before, the drones and other equipment were still in the warehouse, so there was no time to take him away. Unexpectedly, the technicians of Lanxiang Chemical Plant started tinkering so quickly and controlled drones to search for themselves.

"Damn it, why are you wasting your talents in this chemical factory when you have such good technology!"

Nie Cai almost cursed. Even if he was taught a high-tech gadget like a drone, the technician from Lanxiang Chemical Plant could get started in just ten minutes. This kind of technical ability was extremely impressive. In this kind of chemical factory, it is simply a waste of talent.

A person with two legs cannot run as fast as a person with four wheels, and a person with four wheels cannot run as fast as a person flying in the sky.

Under the surveillance of the "eye of the sky", where can I escape this time

"what to do?"

Others also realized the seriousness of the matter at this time and couldn't help but ask.

Being discovered by a drone means that people from Lanxiang Chemical Plant will soon be chasing him.

The opponent is familiar with the terrain and has a large number of people. Once a large group of people catch up, our side has no chance of winning.

"What should I do? Run..."

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator with a bang, and the off-road vehicle sped out immediately.

The drone was flying at an altitude of three to four hundred meters and could not be hit by ordinary pistols. It was even more difficult to even think about using a flying knife. It could not even shoot down, so the only way was to run away.

The mountain road is rugged, and the off-road vehicle brings up a cloud of smoke and dust while running on the mountain road.

Nie Cai now just hopes that the drone does not discover him. Maybe this is the only hope.

However, Nie Cai drove for more than half a kilometer and took several turns on the mountain road. When he looked up, he saw that the drone was still following him firmly like a tarsal maggot.

It seems that the other party has already targeted him this time, otherwise he would not keep following him.

Nie Cai's hearing was so sensitive that he could even hear the faint noise coming from behind...

There were angry curses, screams, and even... a gunshot came from behind, echoing in the valley.

Nie Cai's heart suddenly tightened. People from Lanxiang Chemical Plant chased after him, but they were overtaken by the gang of "car bandits and road bullies" from Mapo Village. They were desperately trying to buy themselves the last time...

Seven or eight people, who had just been beaten by me and were all injured, were like mantises using their arms as a cart. How could they possibly stop the large group of people from Lanxiang Chemical Plant

Nie Cai had a look of struggle on his face, but finally sighed, turned around and said, "Qian Xiaohao, do me a favor."

"What? Do you a favor?"

Qian Xiaohao was stunned. He didn't seem to expect that Nie Cai would ask him for help. He almost thought that his ears had heard wrongly.

If nothing else goes wrong, after leaving this mountainous area, when Director Xue knows what he has done, he will soon be kicked out of CCTV forever, and even X provincial TV station will no longer be able to stay.

It can be said that Qian Xiaohao is a loser now. As a superior winner, what else can Nie Cai ask of him

"You are familiar with the road conditions and you drive. Whether our car can evacuate safely depends entirely on you."

Nie Cai was a little helpless and parked the car on the side of the road, his face a little solemn.

Qian Xiaohao asked in surprise: "What are you going to do?"

Seeing Nie Cai's solemn expression, he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

From Nie Cai's tone, it sounded like he was going to explain his funeral arrangements. What was he going to do

"You just drive. As long as you can get out of the mountainous area and return to the county town, you won't dare to mess around even if they don't!"

Nie Cai got out of the car, shook his arms, and stretched his muscles.

He slowly took out a bright military flying knife from his body, held it flat in his hand and gestured, staring at the drone in the sky.

There are many forks in the mountain road. Without this drone, Nie Cai would have been able to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

If he didn't solve the personal problem of drones, he wouldn't be able to get rid of the people from Lanxiang Chemical Plant.

"No, Nie Cai, are you going to hit a plane in the sky with a flying knife?"

Seeing Nie Cai's gestures, Qian Xiaohao stared at Nie Cai dumbfounded and said in great surprise.

How is this possible? The drone flies at an altitude of four to five hundred meters. Even an ordinary pistol cannot reach this kind of range. It is almost the same as a sniper rifle.

Moreover, even if the force can be achieved, accuracy is still a big problem. It is four hundred meters away. How can you hit it? Do you really think that you can hit a target with a hundred steps

"If I shoot down your plane, don't feel bad."

As if to ease the tense atmosphere, Nie Cai made a joke and said.

It's a life-and-death moment, and no one cares about whether the plane is damaged.

This drone does indeed fly very high and cannot be shot down by ordinary pistols, let alone a throwing knife.

But... Nie Cai's flying knife is not an ordinary flying knife, but a flying knife blessed with dark energy, which is even more powerful than bullets.

Nie Cai didn't just park his car randomly, he was prepared for it.

He parked the car on a ridge on the mountain road, almost at the highest point of the nearby terrain. Now he was the closest to the drone, only about two hundred meters away.

People at Lanxiang Chemical Plant didn't expect Nie Cai to use flying knives as anti-aircraft guns, so they didn't realize this at all and didn't raise the height of the drone.

"It seems... it's still a little high."

Nie Cai gestured, still a little worried.

He had tried it in the training ground and found that the maximum distance of the flying knife was about fifty meters. With the blessing of dark energy, it could reach up to two hundred meters. This was the result of his exhaustion.

Nie Cai thought for a moment and simply stood on the hood of the car.

Get closer if you can, it will increase your success rate to some extent.

"I may faint after a while, please hold me up."

After saying this, Nie Cai took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and aimed his eyes at the drone in the sky.

Today is the third time Nie Cai has used his dark power, and this time is probably the last time.

Although the power of An Jin is powerful, it comes at the expense of overdrafting the body's potential. Forcibly erupting An Jin is a huge test for the heart and muscles.

With Nie Cai's physique, he can use it at most three times a day. After training, Wu Chao's physical fitness is better than Nie Cai's, but due to age and injuries, the number of times he can withstand it is about five or six times.

If it exceeds this limit, the body will be unable to bear it and will become limp due to loss of strength. At that time, it will be completely at the mercy of others.

Wu Chao once told Nie Cai that according to legend, if you enter the realm of Dan Jin, you will condense a golden elixir, and there will be no such problem, but he only heard about it.

"Nie Cai, please stop being like this. The worst we can do is admit defeat. Why bother doing this..."

Seeing Nie Cai climb on the roof of the car, as if giving his last words, Ouyang sighed and said.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Nie Cai's skills, on the contrary, he has great confidence in Nie Cai's skills.

However, it is one thing to have confidence; it is another thing to have the possibility.

Although he didn't dare to say it out loud, Nie Cai's behavior was almost as if he was out of his mind.

Standing on a tall building and masturbating is what King Kong does. Nie Cai stands on a high mountain and shoots drones in the sky. The difficulty is not very different.

If you use a slingshot to shoot birds, the distance of more than ten meters will be extremely inaccurate, let alone a distance of nearly two hundred meters. This is almost the same as buying a lottery ticket, right

"How will you know if you don't try it once? I won't give up so easily."

Nie Cai shook his head and thought to himself.

The accuracy of the flying knife is affected by many factors, such as speed, wind direction, your own body's breathing, etc.

Although Nie Cai has a dynamic balance and stabilization component that can greatly improve the accuracy of his flying knife, he must also adjust his state to the best condition to ensure his hit rate.

"Okay... I believe you. I have a telephoto DV here, which can at least be used as a telescope."

Ouyang couldn't bear to hit Nie Cai and could only say helplessly.

He took out a telephoto DV from his body, opened the lens and pointed it at the drone in the sky, before handing it to Nie Cai.

"No, thank you... I can do it myself."

Seeing that the drone was about to fly over his head, Nie Cai took a deep breath and shouted!

"It's now!"

In an instant, Nie Cai twisted his waist and exerted his strength. All the muscles in his body were as tight as a bow. He almost used up all his strength to throw the flying knife away!

Click... click...

There was a rattling sound from the tin of the off-road vehicle. Centered on Nie Cai's feet, a large piece of the roof was dented.

The flying knife made a whistling sound, and the cold light was like a rainbow, shooting straight at the drone in the sky!

As soon as the flying knife was released, Nie Cai felt that all the strength in his body seemed to be drained away, and he no longer even had the strength to stand.

With a bang, Nie Cai fell to the sky and fell on the roof of the car. If Qian Xiaohao hadn't caught him from the sunroof in time, he might have fallen off the roof of the car and fell on the mountain road.

"It must succeed..."

Nie Cai stared at the sky. He almost used up all his strength to prevent himself from fainting.

"Come on!"

Qian Xiaohao held Nie Cai in his arms and stared at the sky through the skylight.

Not only him, but everyone in the car stared at the drone with their eyes wide open, hoping for a miracle!

A silvery cold light rose into the sky, shining brightly in the sunlight, and was very eye-catching. In the lens of Ouyang's telephoto camera, the drone seemed to have discovered Nie Cai's intention at this time, and quickly changed its direction.

"Damn, they ducked!"

When Qian Xiaohao saw this, he couldn't help but cursed!

He only regretted why he bought such a high-performance drone at that time. If he had replaced it with a cheaper machine, he would have been too late to react even if he discovered it.

Nie Cai's flying knife still deviated a little and missed the drone. The speed of the flying knife gradually slowed down, and it almost flew past the drone, failing in vain.

"No... they can't hide."

Nie Cai was lying on the roof of the car, with a smile on his lips.

Before Qian Xiaohao could understand, he saw in the camera lens that Nie Cai's flying knife suddenly fell into pieces!

If Nie Cai explodes the dark energy to the maximum, the steel flying knife will no longer be able to withstand the dark energy. At the end of the flight, it will split, like a goddess scattering flowers, increasing the lethality.

It was the same this time. When the flying knife reached the highest altitude, the steel blade suddenly shattered and hit the drone next to it.

The flying knife flew to an altitude of two hundred meters and was already at the end of its strength. It didn't have much power, but it was enough.

Several broken blades were rolled into the blades of the drone's propeller, causing the drone's high-speed rotating propeller to fall apart. The entire drone staggered and fell down as if it was drunk.


Seeing that the drone fell with the knife in it, Nie Cai finally breathed a sigh of relief. A huge feeling of fatigue came over him like a tide, causing him to faint immediately!