An Eye for News

Chapter 314: Trapped



It hurts!

Nie Cai opened his eyes, only to find that he was no longer in the car at some point. Instead, he was thrown out during a high-speed roll and lay in the mud at the bottom of the valley.

Just as he was thinking about it, his whole body was covered in injuries, and his whole body ached when he moved.

"It's really miserable this time!"

Nie Cai couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart and said helplessly.

Rolling down a mountain of tens of meters, no matter how good his skills are, it is useless. What's more, he is still in a state of powerlessness and cannot use his skills.

The only thing that pleased him was that due to a landslide, a section of the winding mountain road almost turned into a straight cliff. The security guards at the Lanxiang Chemical Plant behind could only stare and curse, but they were unable to fly down the mountain.

He gritted his teeth, supported himself with his left hand that had regained some strength, and stood up with great difficulty.

My right foot seemed to be injured as well. It must have been hit when I fell to the ground. I couldn't use too much force and could only limp.

Nie Cai was lucky. He rolled to the edge of the landslide and was not trapped by the falling rocks, but the CRV off-road vehicle was not so lucky.

The car was not far from him, and it was weighed down by a large pile of rocks. No one knew whether the people inside were alive or dead, so Nie Cai insisted on going over and taking a look no matter what.

"Are you guys OK?"

Nie Cai limped over, shouted into the car, and asked.

No one answered, and the car was silent.

Nie Cai's heart sank slightly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Are they all dead?"

Could it be that everyone in the car was killed? If this is the case, this is too tragic...

Just when his heart felt a little heavy, a reply finally came from the car.

"Nie Cai... is that you?"

A feeble voice came from the car, it was Qian Xiaohao: "We are not dead. We thought it was people from the chemical plant coming over, so we didn't dare to say anything."

Qian Xiaohao didn't expect that Nie Cai, who had been thrown out, would come back again. He thought he was from Lanxiang Chemical Factory.

"It's me. Just be fine."

Nie Cai felt happy and said quickly.

He hurriedly walked over and found that the car's body had been severely deformed, and half of the car's body was buried in rocks and soil.

Under the huge weight of the dirt and gravel, the entire roof of the car was almost pressed to the level of the hood. Qian Xiaohao and the others could only stay in the car in a prone position. They were lucky not to turn into meatloaf. , as for wanting to come out, that is simply impossible.

Fortunately, this landslide was only man-made and not very powerful. It only affected a small area and the number of rocks that fell was not large.

If there was a real landslide and most of the mountain fell down, I am afraid that all the people in the car would have been buried in the pile of rocks and mud, and there would be no chance of survival.

"I want to rescue you. There are still scattered rocks rolling down the mountain... What if a big rock comes?"

Nie Cai tried to pull the severely deformed car door with his left hand, but the door did not move at all.

"It's useless, the car door can't be opened anymore, and the glass is very hard, unless you have some tools."

Qian Xiaohao inside said with a wry smile: "My injuries are a little better, they are all skin injuries, but Ouyang's injuries seem to be a bit serious, his legs were suppressed."

When he rolled down just now, even though he had a seat belt, his head was knocked several times, and blood flowed all over his face.

There were originally four people in the car. Except for Nie Cai, who was thrown out of the car because he was not wearing a seat belt, there were three other people inside.

Among them, Qian Xiaohao and another reporter only suffered some superficial injuries. Only Ouyang was the unluckiest. His leg was pressed by the deformed car, blood was flowing gurglingly, and his face was extremely pale.

"No, there's nothing you can do about it, just get it out!"

Nie Cai tried to pull Qian Xiaohao out of the deformed vehicle, but Qian Xiaohao was stuck too tightly and could not get out.

Qian Xiaohao's position is already the outermost position and the easiest position to rescue. Even he can't get out, let alone the people inside.

"Nie Cai... call 110. It's important to save your life in this situation."

Qian Xiaohao sighed, looked at the notebook held tightly in his arms, and said helplessly.

He has been reluctant to call 110 because he knows that Lanxiang Chemical Plant has too much influence. The Maopu County Government has long been on the side of the chemical plant. Calling them here is equivalent to calling people from Lanxiang Chemical Plant and asking them to come. Come over and help the chemical factory wipe out the evidence.

But at this time, he couldn't care so much anymore. It was more important to save his life first, and he would talk about the news later.

Nie Cai nodded and took out his mobile phone to make a call, but saw that there was not even a single signal on the mobile phone.

He exclaimed in surprise. At this time, he happened to see a signal tower at the location of the landslide. It fell crookedly on the top of the mountain. It was estimated that the mobile phone signal tower had been damaged in the landslide just now.

There is no signal tower, and naturally there is no mobile phone signal. There is no way to make calls here.

"It would be nice if the dimensional knife was here... It's a pity that the dimensional knife has been used today."

Nie Cai sighed and said helplessly.

In this case, the Dimensional Knife is undoubtedly the most useful, but Nie Cai has already used it when cutting the barbed wire, and the skill is still cooling down and cannot be used temporarily.

Even taking a step back, Nie Cai would probably consider it if the dimensional knife could be used.

It's okay to use a dagger to cut through barbed wire, but it would be a bit sensational to use a dagger to break open a car. Nie Cai didn't want people to know about this kind of black technology that can cut iron like mud.

"Hey... there is a saw on the ground. Did it fall from the car?"

Nie Cai pretended to be surprised, bent down and picked up a hacksaw from the ground.

How could there be a hacksaw in such a ghost place? It was the one he just took out from the dimensional storage component.

After what happened with Wu Qian last time, Nie Cai's saw became useless. Later he bought a bigger and better quality hacksaw, which came in handy this time.

Otherwise, with the original small hacksaw, you don't know how long it will take to cut the car apart.

“Great, there’s a hacksaw on the car!”

Qian Xiaohao's face suddenly became overjoyed and he exclaimed.

There was a pillar in front of the car window that blocked him, preventing him from getting out of the trap. He could just cut off the iron pillar with a saw.

However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the outside of the valley.

"Boss, are you here?"

"Their car is there, let's see where they run this time!"

"Wait, save the boss first and then arrest the reporter..."

Upon hearing this voice, Nie Cai's expression suddenly changed slightly.

The sound came not from the top of the mountain, but from the other side of the valley.

Because the landslide changed the terrain, people on the top of the mountain did not dare to jump down. They could only stare at themselves on the mountain. There was no threat, but this group of people was different.

The terrain at the bottom of the valley has not changed much. At most, the winding mountain road has been buried. It is still ok to walk through it.

Sure enough, not long after, a group of people wearing black and gray security uniforms climbed over the rocks of the mudslide and appeared in the valley.

"Boss, we are here! Are you okay

A security team member took the lead and rushed to the Land Rover at the bottom of the valley.

"Don't worry about me yet, grab those reporters!"

Boss Xi limped out of the Land Rover and snorted coldly.

He had been in the car just now and didn't dare to come out. He was actually frightened by Nie Cai's skills. He couldn't even get hundreds of people to chase him. How could he dare to show up rashly

Fortunately, reinforcements from the chemical plant arrived, which finally emboldened him. "Yes, boss!"

The leader of this group was the deputy captain of the security team in Lanxiang Chemical Plant. He arranged for two people to take care of Boss Xi. He and a dozen of his men quickly approached Nie Cai.

"Boy, I think you're tired of living. How dare you make an idea of our Lanxiang Chemical Factory?"

The deputy captain of the security team immediately sneered, picked up the guy in the car and walked over.

He heard the news on the intercom that Boss Xi's car had hit the bottom, and immediately rushed over quickly, finally catching up with the opportunity.

After discovering Nie Cai's traces, Boss Xi divided his troops into two groups. The first group was a man with an off-road vehicle, so he followed directly.

Another group of people did not have off-road vehicles. Under the leadership of the deputy captain, they took another road to the county road, then turned back in the opposite direction, trying to block Nie Cai.

This mountain road was originally the closest road to the county town. If these reporters had not been delayed by the landslide, they might have entered the county town long ago.

Unexpectedly, the convoy that took a shortcut to catch up was blocked by a landslide, and they could only stare. However, his team played a role in this situation and blocked the group of reporters in time!

"Captain, they seem to have taken away the notebook as well. I haven't had time to destroy the aerial video inside. Remember to bring it back so I can destroy the evidence!"

A lean man in the Land Rover stuck his head out and said quickly.

"Yes, destroying the evidence is important. As long as the video evidence is destroyed, we will have a chance of turning a corner!"

Boss Xi nodded quickly and said.

"Yes, boss, catch them and grab the computer!"

The deputy captain of the security team nodded and said.

After saying that, he picked up a big stick as thick as an arm from the ground and walked towards Nie Cai with a sneer: "Boy, stop being so brave. It seems like you can't move your hands? Surrender obediently and hand over your laptop." , and then accompany us back, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude!"

Nie Cai lost strength due to excessive use of An Jin. His hands looked limp and it was difficult to even raise his hands, let alone launch a flying knife.

He thought he was injured when he was rolled off the cliff just now, but it didn't matter, the result would be the same anyway.

In the Lanxiang Chemical Factory just now, Nie Cai's incredible knife-throwing skills had stunned them. If Nie Cai's arm was still intact, he wouldn't dare to provoke this dangerous person even if he had ten nerves.

The people in the factory had already set an example for them. Hundreds of people were mobilized, but they could not catch Nie Cai alone. Instead, they injured several Nie Cai. Even the professional bodyguards hired by the boss with huge sums of money were also injured. knock down.

Now Nie Cai's hands were almost useless, he couldn't display his knife-throwing skills, and his threat suddenly dropped by several levels.

The persimmon was soft to pinch. With such a good opportunity, the deputy captain of the security team seemed to have a smile on his face, and he walked towards Nie Cai step by step...