An Eye for News

Chapter 36: Candid photography


"You are still not a man. I don't mind a woman. Are you afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous if we are too close?"

Seeing Nie Cai being coy, Li Wei was unhappy and snorted coldly.

Intrigued by Li Wei's contemptuous attitude, Nie Cai suddenly felt courageous and blurted out: "I don't have a girlfriend, so who is afraid of whom? My dear wife, let's go!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Nie Cai immediately regretted them.

He is the deputy director of the Provincial Television Station. Wouldn't it be too intimate to call his dear wife

Even calling me Madam is better than calling me Wife!

"Not bad, that's pretty much it!"

Li Wei was not angry, but smiled slyly.

She put down the backrest of the car seat, lay down comfortably, and then said: "Let's go, you don't have to say anything, just leave everything to me. When you get there, just help me cover the camera."

Nie Cai glanced at her secretly and finally felt relieved when he saw that Li Wei was not unhappy about calling her his wife.

This woman should be the type of strong woman who is devoted to work, otherwise she would not have been promoted to the deputy director level at such a young age. She should not be as petty as ordinary women...

Boom... Nie Cai stepped on the accelerator, and the black Passat drove towards the northern suburbs.

That's where the Lantian Jiewang School is located!

Lantian Jiewang School is located in the northern suburbs of S County. It is far away from the urban area of S County. It is surrounded by desolation. Only the Blue Sky Jiewang School is located here alone.

According to the school's propaganda, this is called staying away from the hustle and bustle and focusing on studying.

Nie Cai and Li Wei parked their cars on the roadside and got out.

From a distance, he saw the school's signboard, a huge slogan hanging on both sides of the gate -

"What should you do if your children are tired of studying and fall in love early and are addicted to games? Blue Sky Jie Online School will help you solve all your worries!"

Moreover, there is the school's bulletin board on the wall. When the teenagers entered school, they were all stooped and sallow, but when they took their graduation photos, they lined up in military uniforms, looking energetic and full of enthusiasm on their faces. And a confident smile.

If Nie Cai was really a parent, he would probably already have a favorable impression of this school after seeing this. At least it seemed quite trustworthy to parents.

The so-called expectations of parents, don't they want their children to be successful? Even if they can't become successful, at least they want their children to be comfortable and not give themselves a headache

It was Li Wei's first time here. She looked at it curiously and said, "This Internet addiction school looks quite formal."

Nie Cai nodded and said: "China is such a big country, and I don't know how many teenagers are deeply addicted to the Internet. If each of their parents spends tens of thousands of yuan to send their children to cure Internet addiction, who wouldn't be greedy for this piece of cake?"

This Internet-free school is not simple. According to the people who reported it, the monthly tuition here is three to four thousand yuan, and the tuition is much more expensive than the so-called aristocratic schools.

Most of the people who send their children here are children whose parents are rich in business. Because their parents neglect to discipline them, they have more fun.

But there are also some people whose families are in difficulty, but their parents are so poor that they still send their children to study. Such parents are so pitiful.

The so-called Internet-free schools are actually using high-pressure means to suppress children in the name of military management. Once they get out, they will continue to be as they are, and even play crazier.

Rich people can still treat their money as wasted money, which is a hardship to those parents whose families are in difficulty!

This information was told to Nie Cai by the person who broke the news. Unfortunately, the person who broke the news used a public phone and refused to leave his name, just to avoid retaliation.

While speaking, Nie Cai looked inside the campus.

Looking outside the fence, one can see students in twos and threes playing badminton on the court through the iron fence of the fence. The number of students seems to be quite large.


A female student's badminton seemed to miss. The white badminton was shot high, crossed the wall, and landed lightly in front of Nie Cai.

The short-haired female student with freckles on her face ran over and waved to Nie Cai.

"Uncle, help me pick up a ball!"

Nie Cai touched his face, remembering that he had transformed from a newly graduated college student into an uncle, and couldn't help but smile slightly in his heart.

However, looking at this student, he seemed to be reminded of his student days. With a slight smile on his face, he bent down and picked up the badminton.

"Little girl, be careful with your balls next time."

Nie Cai threw the feather back with a smile, but when he turned around, his expression darkened.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing something strange about Nie Cai, Li Wei asked in a low voice.

Nie Cai did not speak, but opened his palm, revealing a well-folded small note.

"Help me, don't let the teacher know. My parents' phone number is 186xxxxxxx."

"The instructor hit me. I want to go home. My mother's phone number is 138xxxxxxxx."

"My name is Linlin, I am 15 years old, my father's name is Li xx, phone number is 15xxxxxxxxxxx, help!"

"Telephone xxxxxxxx, ask mom to come, I'm scared, help me."

This small piece of paper must have been torn from the homework book, with the students' distress messages densely written on it.

He roughly counted them and found that there were twenty or thirty of them. It was almost like a joint letter.

"Does this kind of place, which is full of fear and where everyone wants to escape, still deserve to be called a school?"

Nie Cai took a deep breath and said in a cold tone.

After seeing this note, he became more determined to expose this internet-free school.

School is originally a place for students to learn knowledge, but this Blue Sky Jiewang School has completely tarnished the word school and turned a school into a living hell!

Li Wei was silent for a while, and then said: "These parents are so unbearable in sending their children here!"

The two of them stopped outside the door for a long time and finally attracted the attention of the school people.

"Stop! What are you here for?"

A man in camouflage uniform came out and asked politely.

This man had a slicked back hair and was short and fat. He was actually an acquaintance of Nie Cai, Director Huang of the Security Department who led the team to "visit" Nie Cai that day.

"Are you a teacher from Lantian Jiewang School?"

Li Wei quickly stood up and said according to the predetermined words: "My husband and I were introduced by friends. We want to send our children here. I heard that this school is good, so I came here to have a look!"

"Is that so? Let me bring you in for a visit."

Upon hearing that the two of them were here to send their children to school, Da Beitou immediately put a smile on his face.

The tuition fees of this Internet-free school are not low, and there is a lot of money in it. If the staff like them can attract students, the school will also give them part of the share.

"I am the director of the school security department. My surname is Huang. Our school is a professional behavioral correction school with teaching qualifications assessed by the Education Bureau. Currently, the school has more than 1,000 students. It is the most popular school in Z city and even in X province. The best, you can send your children here with absolutely no worries!”

Director Huang opened the iron door, enthusiastically welcomed Nie Cai and Li Wei in, and began to introduce the school eloquently.

Nie Cai was a little panicked, fearing that Director Huang would recognize him, but Li Wei's makeup skills were indeed good, and he didn't become suspicious after so long.

It would be too much to say that Nie Cai can't even recognize his mother now, but unless he is someone who is very familiar with Nie Cai, there is no way he can recognize him!

Li Wei leaned over and gently held Nie Cai's arm, looking like a little bird clinging to him.

"Don't panic, listen to me and act according to the situation."

She bit Nie Cai's ear and whispered something.

The thin silk dress could not block the amazing soft touch on her chest. Nie Cai's mind was trembling, and he finally did not forget the goal of this trip.

With Nie Cai's cover, she secretly opened the zipper of her small handbag, revealing the lens of the miniature camera, and began to follow Director Huang to secretly take pictures.

This big-backed guy was very eloquent. He talked eloquently from the moment he came in. While leading the two of them around the school, he boasted about the Blue Sky Internet Addiction School.

"Hello teacher!"

Along the way, I met many students who were not in class. These students wore blue and white school uniforms and took the initiative to say hello to Director Huang when they saw him.

Nie Cai was very surprised by the politeness of these children. The atmosphere in the school was a little different from what he thought. It was completely happy and harmonious.

If Nie Cai was not an ordinary student parent and had received a note asking for help from students before, he might have started to have a different view of this school now.

"This is the teaching building of our school. Our school has a strong teaching staff, and the teachers are all veterans. It adopts military management, and at the same time cooperates with emotional education to train children's organizational discipline... "

Director Huang continued to brag, praising Blue Sky School as one of the few good schools in the world, but the two of them were happy to let him talk.

Now the secret camera is pointed at him. We are not afraid that he will talk too much, but we are afraid that he will not speak!

"Well, Director Huang, since the teachers in your school are all veterans... what about the cultural classes? Do you have a teacher qualification certificate?"

Li Wei was indeed an experienced reporter and asked following the instructor's words.

Just because they are all veterans, does that mean they are powerful? This is a school, not a place to train children to fight. Military training is all day long, and cultural classes are wasted. So what is the point of going to this kind of school

"this… "

Director Huang was suddenly speechless. This was probably the first time he had heard someone ask such a question.

He thought for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Isn't it just teaching? We can teach it too!"

"That's right. Anyway, our child is only * years old. Any adult can teach him. To tell you the truth, my child is very naughty. He is only * years old. He imitates others in playing lol every day, and even says that he has achieved the best results. The strong king doesn’t even want to read the book!”

Li Wei made a sound, smiled and said to Director Huang: "Director, how are our children usually trained when they are sent here?"

"This is simple, I will take you to the classroom to see it!"

Director Huang led the two of them into the teaching building and arrived at a classroom on the first floor.

An officer wearing the same uniform as him seemed to be in class, but instead of using books and blackboards, he was watching educational films.

"Conquer yourself, persist in yourself, and believe that you will succeed!"

These students seemed to have been trained many times. As soon as the teacher raised his hand, they shouted the slogan in unison.

"Choosing the blue sky means choosing peace of mind! Choosing the blue sky means choosing change! Choosing the blue sky means choosing growth!"

The students waved their gestures neatly and looked very energetic.

The instructor in the classroom nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and then said: "Okay, we will start physical training in the next class. Who didn't finish the 800-meter run this morning? Raise your hand!"

After saying this, the originally noisy classroom suddenly became quiet. No one dared to raise their hands, as if the temperature had dropped several degrees!