An Eye for News

Chapter 360: responsibility


"Maybe not!"

Nie Cai shook his head and said solemnly, "Can you give me ten minutes?"

Only one landing gear is not safe after all. It is best to put the rear landing gear in as well. This is the safest way.

"But...the rear landing gear is in the main landing gear bay and there is no way to get in..."

The captain hesitated and said.

If Nie Cai hadn't created a miracle just now, the captain might be cursing now.

During the pressurization process of the aircraft, all the doors were locked, making it impossible to enter the main landing gear bay.

"Not necessarily. There is an access channel in the electronic cabin. You can enter the main landing gear bay through the access channel in the electronic cabin."

But at this moment, the co-pilot suddenly took the operation manual, turned to that page, and said: "As long as the flight pressurization is turned off, you can open the door and enter the main landing gear bay through the inspection channel."

"Are you coming to cause trouble too?"

The captain suddenly became anxious. He did not dare to get angry with Nie Cai, so he could only glare at the co-pilot and said: "I am the captain, and I have the final say. The plane's fuel has reached the warning line now. At this time, it is better to find a better position to land, why go to the landing gear bay to do such a meaningless thing?"

"No, Captain, I think he can do it. Didn't you just say that no one can open the landing gear? What if a miracle happens?"

But the co-pilot didn't listen to the captain at all. Instead, he picked up the tool bag and opened the electronic compartment cover.

"You... Anyway, the black box will have records. Now the mechanical failure is still a problem of the ground staff. Don't you just take the responsibility on your own head? They are VIPs, so don't be afraid, but you are still young. Someone will investigate when the time comes. It’s a small matter to be banned from flying for life, but you may be sentenced to a direct sentence, do you understand?”

The captain was furious, snorted coldly, and sat back in his seat: "The nose landing gear can be used now. Nothing will happen to you if you stay in the cockpit. Even if something happens, it will happen to the economy cabin at the rear of the plane. Don't worry about that." What to do?"

He memorized the operation manual much more skillfully than the co-pilot. How could he not know the entrance to the maintenance channel? However, although he knew this was a possibility, he did not dare to take the risk.

Until now, the main responsibility for the aircraft accident still lies with the ground crew. It was their careless maintenance that led to such a major failure of the aircraft.

But it's different if the co-pilot enters the main landing gear compartment and messes around inside. If something goes wrong again, he will still be held responsible.

"Captain, I know I will be responsible if I go, but I can't just watch the whole plane being in danger. If I don't go, my conscience can't bear it. You just let me do this willfully." Take it!"

The first officer ignored the captain's words, waved at Nie Cai and said.

Didn't he know that he would definitely leave a record when he went there? At this time, the best way to do more is to make more mistakes, to do less and make fewer mistakes, and to protect yourself wisely.

But the co-pilot would rather take the responsibility on himself, just to make the plane land in the best condition and be responsible for the safety of the entire passengers on the plane.

With the nose landing gear down, the chances of survival in the cockpit, first class, and business class cabins at the front of the plane are greatly increased. However, if the rear landing gear is not down, economy class passengers are not so lucky.

Economy class passengers are all human beings, and their families also include young and old, so their lives are not valuable

Nie Cai glanced at the co-pilot in surprise. He didn't expect that the co-pilot was so enthusiastic. He would rather give up his own future than go on an adventure with him!

"Let's go."

The co-pilot took out a flashlight from his tool bag, turned it on, and climbed into the electronic cabin.

Nie Cai followed closely and jumped in.

Wang Zhiyu originally wanted to follow in, but was stopped by Nie Cai.

She has no way to unleash her dark energy anymore, and there is no use in following her in. She might as well stay outside to avoid getting in the way.

"The electronic cabin here is where various electronic instruments on the aircraft are inspected and reset." The co-pilot introduced, walking inside with his head down and a flashlight.

This was the first time Nie Cai saw the bottom of an airplane cabin. The space in this electronic cabin was not large, and it was surrounded by densely packed electronic instruments, which looked very precise.

"This inspection passage leads to the main landing gear compartment, which is where the landing gear is placed when it is retracted. It is already at the connection between the belly and the wings."

The co-pilot stopped in front of the electronic cabin maintenance channel and said slightly panting.

The electronic cabin and landing gear bay were not pressurized during flight, so the air here was a bit thin, and he was out of breath after taking a few steps.

The co-pilot opened the maintenance tunnel and got in, followed closely by Nie Cai.

This landing gear bay is larger than the electronic cabin just now. There are several huge electric pumps in the cabin, and hydraulic devices thicker than buckets are connected to several huge landing gears next to it.

It is estimated that there was a problem with these electric pumps that caused the entire aircraft's hydraulic system to fail.

"I can only bring you here, and the rest is up to you... If these two main landing gears can be lowered, the plane can land normally."

The co-pilot pointed to the landing gear retracted in the landing gear bay and said.

"These two landing gears are so big, they seem even bigger than the one just now..."

Nie Cai looked at the two landing gears and was immediately dumbfounded.

The nose landing gear was smaller than the main landing gear, so he and Wang Zhiyu had to exert force at the same time to open it.

Not only was this main landing gear heavier, but it also had two main landing gears. There was no way Nie Cai could push it!

He tried to push the landing gear without force, but found that the landing gear did not move at all.

"No, I can't push this landing gear!"

Nie Cai scratched his head in distress and said.

Now he only has one last burst of dark power left, and then he will collapse. Even in the best case, he can only lower one landing gear. As for the remaining landing gear, Nie Cai really has no choice. .

If you can only lower one landing gear, it is better not to lower it. Even someone like Nie Cai, who knows nothing about airplanes, knows that when both landing gears are not lowered, the plane can at least maintain a straight line during an emergency landing, but If another landing gear is lowered in the back row, the plane may spin and roll, which is more fatal than landing directly on the belly of the plane.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

A wry smile appeared on the co-pilot's face, and he said: "I don't think there is any way. Look at how such a thick hydraulic device can push this landing gear. How can people compare with it? Manpower is sometimes poor. It’s time to accept reality.”

He was a little unwilling to bear the risk and came here in vain, but in the end there was nothing he could do.

Nie Cai said comfortingly: "Don't worry about taking responsibility. If I can survive on the ground, I will give you a positive report immediately. Wang Zhiyu will also use his connections to protect you. After all, you are also trying to maximize the chance of survival." There is a good chance that the civil aviation department will not make things difficult for you."

"I'm not worried about liability, but I think this is too unfair to economy class passengers..."

The co-pilot took a deep breath and said helplessly: "We know clearly that the economy cabin in the back is the most dangerous, but we dare not tell them, otherwise people will rush to the front and the plane's counterweight will be seriously unbalanced. When I landed, I fell headlong."

"I was still thinking of asking all passengers to go to the front row. It seems that I thought too simply."

Nie Cai said with a heavy expression on his face.

He had been thinking before that since the nose landing gear was down, he could just let the passengers lean as far forward as possible, but the fact was that it was not that simple.

Although the aircraft is a huge monster, when flying in the air, the requirements for weight balance are very high, especially for some small regional passenger aircraft. It is strictly forbidden to move around after boarding, otherwise it will cause the aircraft to become unstable. An unstable center of gravity leads to loss of control.

It is said that in the United States, where there is a large number of obese people, small planes will also weigh passengers and calculate their seats to ensure weight balance to avoid losing control of the plane.

"Let's go, it's been seven minutes, I have to get back to the cockpit."

The co-pilot glanced at the watch in his hand, his eyes were a little red, and said: "Although there is no way to save everyone, at least we can let the elderly, weak, women and children sit in the front row. Have you watched "Titanic"? Just like them, it was the last thing I could do.”

At this point, he punched the hydraulic device as thick as a bucket and said bitterly: "This hydraulic device failed, and now it has become an obstacle to the landing gear falling. It would be great if it could be disassembled. ”

However, at this moment, Nie Cai's eyes suddenly lit up and he grabbed the co-pilot.

"You mean, just by disassembling this hydraulic device, you can lower the landing gear?"

Nie Cai asked with a nervous look on his face.

"Yes, but the problem is that there is no way to disassemble this hydraulic device!" the co-pilot said helplessly.

Although he brought a tool kit, the hydraulic device was too huge. The smallest part was thicker than a bucket. It would take at least a whole day for the ground crew to dismantle and inspect it. They wanted to dismantle it in just a few minutes. It's simply impossible.

"Maybe not, just give me one more minute!"

Nie Cai's eyes lit up and he rummaged through the tool bag, finally finding a short knife.

"This is a stripping knife for cutting wires. What do you use it for?"

The co-pilot looked at Nie Cai taking out the knife and said, feeling a little baffled.

Even if you want to dismantle the hydraulic device, you must at least get something like a big wrench. What's the use of holding a small wire stripper

"It's impossible, don't waste time. If the ground crew wants to repair this landing gear, it will take several people to use power tools to disassemble it. There is absolutely no way for the two of us to disassemble it..."

The co-pilot sighed and was about to take Nie Cai away, but at this moment, he heard Nie Cai shouting lowly and raising the knife in his hand!