An Eye for News

Chapter 370: Teleprompter failure



Nie Cai's heart moved and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

I had no grievances with this Cheng Gang, so why did he suddenly have ill will towards me

Thinking of this, Nie Cai frowned and immediately took a picture with a mind-reading skill.

I will not offend others unless they offend me. Nie Cai's mind-reading skills will not be easily used on people. After all, this method of mind-reading can easily infringe on other people's privacy. But now people have clearly shown ill will towards me. If I don't use it anymore, I will be sorry for my ability.

Immediately, a line of shining golden characters appeared on Cheng Gang's head, revealing all the thoughts in his heart.

"Qian Xiaohao asked me if a person named Nie Cai had come to CCTV to report recently. My time is so precious, how could I have time to ask such questions... What I didn't expect was that the anchor of "Oriental Time and Space" who was on duty today happened to happen to him! "

"My middle school classmate was so bad that he finally asked me to help him get into CCTV. Later, he was fired for making mistakes, which made me embarrassed in front of the leader. I didn't want to help him at first, but I didn't expect this Nie Cai actually took part in my interview?"

"For Qian Xiaohao's sake, I have to give him a hard time. It's best to silence him with questions so that he can't get off the stage. This will give my poor classmate some vent!"

"Okay, I'll ask him later why he flew in first class on the plane. Even my good friend Mr. Locke, the U.S. Ambassador to China, flew in economy class. Is he trying to remind us that CCTV's travel expense reimbursement system is too Is it loose?”

Cheng Gang was sorting out the oral broadcast script, unaware that Nie Cai had seen the thoughts in his head.

"So, this Cheng Gang is actually Qian Xiaohao's classmate? No wonder he becomes hostile out of nowhere!

Nie Cai took a deep breath and thought to himself.

It turned out that Qian Xiaohao was able to enter CCTV because of Cheng Gang's "support". Although Cheng Gang seemed to be very dismissive of this classmate, after all, Cheng Gang was good at public relations, had a wide network of contacts, and had many relationships with TV stations. I have a good relationship with the leadership and can talk a lot.

Otherwise, Qian Xiaohao's academic qualifications are not high and his business is not very outstanding. It will not be easy to get into CCTV!

"You Cheng Gang, you actually want to plot against me... It's just that you never dreamed that I actually have such a thing as a mind reading component!"

Nie Cai secretly sneered in his heart. Asking questions was like shooting a secret arrow. It was much better to be prepared. At least he could think of the answer in advance.

It didn’t take long for the staff to put the final manuscript into an iPad and place it in front of the studio. After CCTV opened the new building, it adopted many new technologies, such as unified editing standards and paperless editing. systems, etc. Abandoning paper oral broadcast manuscripts and adopting electronic media is one of the improvements.

At the same time, on the opposite side of the studio, large red characters appeared on the LED screen teleprompter near the camera, which was exactly the spoken script that Cheng Gang needed for a while.

The host broadcasts thousands or even tens of thousands of words every day. It is good to read them in advance several times. It is absolutely impossible to memorize them. Teleprompters came into being at this time.

The teleprompter displays the content of the text through a monitor, and reflects the content on the monitor onto a special coated glass with a 45-degree angle in front of the camera lens, reflecting the lines to the host, so that the host can read the text in the teleprompter. When speaking, you can also face the camera.

The host, teleprompter and camera are all on the same axis, which gives the host a sense of intimacy while always facing the audience while reading the script.

"Okay, thirty seconds to prepare, everyone is in place!"

As Chen Mang's voice sounded, all the staff immediately entered their posts, creating a busy and tense atmosphere.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... three, two, one, the director is starting to cut the signal!"

Chen Mang's face was serious and he stared at the two people sitting in the studio.

"Hello, viewers, welcome to this special column of "Eastern Time and Space"..."

The cameraman controlled the huge crane arm of the camera and swung it down from the air. First, he gave Cheng Gang a separate medium shot and asked him to prepare the opening introduction.

Immediately afterwards, the on-site director began to switch the signal, allowing the on-site reporter's signal to come in from J City Airport.

"Host, I'm at the J city airport now. You can see behind me..."

The reporters at the scene showed up in an orderly manner, and they were already familiar with this situation.

"Currently, the leaders of city j have come to the scene to deal with it... Okay, this is the current situation at the airport in city j, host."

The reporter at the scene pushed his earphones and said in a deep voice.

After introducing the situation at the scene, the reporter paused and handed the right to speak back to the host, calling it a day.

The director immediately cut the signal to the camera in front of Cheng Gang. Cheng Gang said to the camera with a smile on his face: "Okay, thank you to the reporter for sending us the report on the scene. Now we turn our attention to the studio. Today we are lucky We invited Mr. Bob, the vice president of Airbus, through a video connection. I met her at the Boao Forum for Asia. Today I invited him to our studio and asked them to introduce to us what happened today. The specific condition of this Airbus A340 aircraft."

Nie Cai watched quietly from the side, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip to moisten his throat first. Anyway, the camera lens did not capture him now.

Mr. Bob's time was limited, so he did not contact him live during the rehearsal. After connecting with him, Nie Cai was ready to play.

"Hello, Mr. Bob..."

Cheng Gang spoke very fluent English and greeted Mr. Bob, the vice president of Airbus, politely.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng, I admit that your English is much better than my Chinese. Let's communicate in English..."

Mr. Bob's head appeared on the big screen behind the studio. He seemed to be in the company's conference room. Hearing Cheng Gang's greeting, he said with some surprise.

"Okay, Mr. Bob, we know that large civil jets are one of the safest means of transportation in the world. I have a few questions to ask you here today. Please..."

Cheng Gang's eyes glanced at the teleprompter out of habit, but at this moment, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Nie Cai felt something was wrong with Cheng Gang's gaze, and subconsciously followed his gaze, and immediately understood why Cheng Gang was acting like this.

What appeared on the teleprompter was not the outline of English interview questions that had been prepared long ago, but a red garbled code. The brightness of the red squares and symbols exceeded the standard, which made people feel extremely dazzling!