An Eye for News

Chapter 380: Room for upgrades


The subway in the capital was quite crowded. Nie Cai squeezed into the subway with the flow of people and found a corner to dip in helplessly.

At this time, Nie Cai began to miss his cars.

Not owning a car is inconvenient. Nie Cai’s previous Tesla PD85 and Porsche Panamera have been damaged in crashes and are still undergoing major repairs. The parts inventory of these expensive imported cars is small, and everything has to be ordered. It is estimated that there will not be a month to repair it. not good.

However, it is estimated that even if these cars can be transported to the capital, they may not be able to get the license plates of the capital. They will be stopped by the traffic police before they enter the Fifth Ring Road.

"Without a house or a car, I really started to struggle from scratch when I came to the capital this time..."

Nie Cai smiled bitterly in his heart. Although there were several million in his account, when Nie Cai left province X, he transferred most of the money to his parents in the United States, leaving only a hundred thousand with him. They're taking care of their little sister there, so they probably have to spend a lot of money.

"It seems that all I have left now is news points and permissions... By the way, I haven't had time to see what else has been unlocked in the redemption interface!"

Thinking of this, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved.

According to past experience, every time you obtain a high-level permission that you have never obtained before, the super news system will unlock new options. I wonder if this will be the case this time.

He immediately opened the redemption interface of the Super News System, and sure enough he found newly unlocked components.

The newly unlocked components this time are different from the past. They do not appear directly at the bottom of the exchange bar, but appear on top of the original dimensional storage components.

The words on the dimensional storage component are shining brightly, and there is a conspicuous "new" next to it, as if it is an online game.

"It seems that the way to unlock it is a little different this time... I don't know what it could be?"

Nie Cai's heart moved and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

He took a deep breath, moved his gaze to the dimensional storage component, and opened another menu.

The deep voice of the super news system sounded, echoing in Nie Cai's mind.

"The dimensional storage component has been upgraded to the fourth level, and the skill tree has been opened. Please choose the direction of upgrade."

"Upgrade direction A, choose to upgrade the dimensional knife, which requires an A-level authority and 5,000 news points. You can use two dimensional knives at the same time, and increase the number of times the dimensional knife can be used to once every 12 hours, with a duration of 120 seconds."

"Upgrade direction b, choose to upgrade the phase space, which requires one A-level authority and 5,000 news points. It can strengthen the unstable phase space so that the dimensional storage space can accommodate living creatures including yourself."

As soon as the super news system's voice fell, Nie Cai's eyes suddenly lit up.

Nie Cai happens to have the A-level authority and 5,000 news points, so he can upgrade now.

If you upgrade the dimensional sword, your dimensional sword can evolve into a double sword, and the use time will be longer and the cooling time will be shortened.

With just a dimensional knife, Nie Cai could chop up a commercial vehicle and cut through the landing gear of an airplane. If it were a dual-dimensional knife, Nie Cai would probably be able to chop up a large airplane within the duration, and the destructive power would be greatly increased.

But what excited Nie Cai the most was the upgrade direction B. The upgrade of the Dimensional Knife was strictly a quantitative change, but the reinforcement of the phase space was a complete qualitative change.

Can phase space accommodate living creatures

Nie Cai thought more than once that it would be great if the phase space could accommodate living creatures. When in danger, he could put himself directly into the phase space.

In the phase space, no matter how dangerous the situation outside is, no one can hurt him at all.

Unfortunately, phase space has always had a huge limitation, that is, there is no way to include living creatures, not even flowers and plants.

Unexpectedly, hard work paid off. Nie Cai upgraded the fourth-level dimensional storage component and was finally able to realize this dream.

"Choose upgrade direction b and upgrade the phase space!"

With almost no hesitation, Nie Cai chose this one directly.

Dimensional knives can be used for a short time. Anyway, in a bare-handed fight, no one is your opponent. If the opponent uses weapons such as guns, even giving yourself two dimensional knives will not help.

After weighing the two aspects, Nie Cai directly chose to upgrade the phase space. At least he could save his life in extreme circumstances.

The last time he was on the plane, if the phase space had been upgraded, even if the plane fell down at an altitude of 10,000 meters the next moment, Nie Cai could have escaped by hiding in the phase space.

"The phase space is confirmed to be upgraded. The phase space is being reinforced...upgrade completed."

The deep voice of the super news system sounded again, speaking in Nie Cai's mind.

Just at this time, Nie Cai had arrived at the station. Nie Cai quickly walked out of the station and walked to a small garden beside the road.

Such small gardens are everywhere on the roadside. Now that night has fallen, it is quiet inside and there are no people at all.

There were too many people on the subway just now, and the trick of "turning into a living person" was too shocking, but now it's much better.

Nie Cai's heart moved, and he immediately activated the dimensional storage component and "sucked" himself in.

Nie Cai felt a flash in front of his eyes, and suddenly found that he seemed to be in a strange space.

The surrounding area is gray and white, which is somewhat similar to the phase invisibility component activated. You can even see the scenery of the small garden outside through the gray outline.

However, within a cube of more than one meter beside him, the colors here were normal, no different from the usual world.

In this seemingly normal space, there are piles of large and small debris, such as ropes, throwing knives, clothes, lighters and other things.

"Is this my dimensional storage space?"

Nie Cai's heart moved and he immediately understood.

One look at the things piled here and he knew that the location he was in now was his dimensional storage space, and he had put everything in it with his own hands.

However, this was the first time he entered this dimensional storage space and saw what it looked like inside.

Nie Cai tried to reach out and touch the intersection of the dimensional storage space and the outside phase space, but found that his hand seemed to have touched an extremely solid wall and could not reach out at all. It seemed that this was the phase space. The difference is whether it is reinforced or not.

"It's a pity that the dimensional storage space is too small, otherwise I would have to buy an egg house... I just take it with me."

After looking around, Nie Cai finally had a preliminary understanding of this dimensional storage component, but he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

The dimensional storage space has gone through so many upgrades, and it is only three cubic meters. It is filled with a bunch of messy things. When you enter this dimensional storage space, it is difficult to even sit down, so you can only stand. That’s it.

The components of the Super News System become more difficult to upgrade as they get later. I don’t know how long it will take to upgrade this dimensional storage component to one more level to make the phase space of the dimensional storage wider. .

"It has been detected that the host still has remaining news permissions. Would you like to invest the permissions to expand the dimensional storage space?"

However, at this moment, the voice of the super news system suddenly sounded, which immediately made Nie Cai feel happy!