An Eye for News

Chapter 39: Fight your way out of the siege


"If you don't want to die, don't come here!"

Nie Cai raised his baton, pointed it at Huang Fuqiang, and glared at him fiercely.

Shocked by Nie Cai's ferocious aura, Huang Fuqiang shivered in fright and immediately stopped, not daring to move rashly.

Although he is the director of the security department, he has been pampered for a long time. He has grown so fat that it is difficult to even run. How could he be Nie Cai's opponent

"Climb up."

Nie Cai didn't even look at him, but let go of Li Wei in his arms, pointed at the iron door, and said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

The school door was locked, and Nie Cai couldn't find the key to open the door in this emergency.

The only way is to crawl over!

"Huh? Climb up?"

Li Wei was still immersed in shock, and couldn't help but be startled when she heard Nie Cai's words.

This iron gate is nearly three meters long, and it looks awe-inspiring, not to mention that she has never tried to climb over a wall since she was a child, so she has no experience at all!

"I don't have time to talk to you now. There will be too many people later and I won't be able to stop them!"

Nie Cai was anxious, so he simply knelt down, hugged her thighs, and picked her up.

With a scream, Li Wei showed extraordinary courage in her panic, grabbed the iron gate of the door and started to climb up.

She kicked her feet wildly, climbing up from Nie Cai's arms and shoulders, climbing higher and higher, and finally grabbed the top of the iron gate.

Fortunately, she was only wearing a pair of Ninewest's flat-heeled, thin-soled Roman strap sandals. Otherwise, if she had worn those pointy, slender high-heeled shoes, Nie Cai probably wouldn't have been injured by the security guard, but would have been kicked all over his face by her. .

In a hurry, Nie Cai inadvertently looked up and discovered that this woman was actually wearing a pair of black lace shorts under her bohemian dress!

The fabric of these shorts is really sparse, and it is completely sandwiched inside the flesh. As the two white balls of flesh trembled, if it weren't for Nie Cai's poisonous eyes, he would have thought she was... Nothing to wear!

"I'm going to die..."

Nie Cai's chest rose and fell violently, even when he was fighting with someone just now.

He was fighting fiercely in his heart. Although Nie Cai wanted to look away, his body seemed to refuse to listen to him and his whole body became stiff.

This is a high-ranking official. The beauty of the provincial and Taiwanese beauty director is not so easy to see!

"Hurry up!"

Nie Cai felt even more anxious when he felt a lot of footsteps behind him. It must be people from the school who heard the fighting and came out.

Fortunately, Li Wei burst out with extraordinary strength during the crisis. Soon she climbed over the wall, screamed with her eyes closed, and jumped to the ground outside the door.

"My feet seem to be sprained!"

She frowned, stood up with a limp, and said to Nie Cai through the iron door: "I'm leaving, what will you do?"

"I'm on my own and it's not that easy to get there. Just leave me alone and drive to the police."

Nie Cai took a look at the iron gate. In order to prevent students from climbing over, this kind of iron gate did not have many places to grasp.

It would be okay if there was someone to use a ladder, but it would not be so easy for Nie Cai to climb over by himself.

Not to mention, there is Huang Fuqiang watching behind him. What if he gets attacked while climbing over the wall

Li Wei was startled for a moment, then looked at Nie Cai's determined expression, nodded vigorously, and limped towards the car.

Seeing Nie Cai help Li Wei get on a ladder and escape, Huang Fuqiang's expression suddenly changed.

Although he had the intention to stop the two of them, Nie Cai just relied on one hand to defeat the enemy with one blow in three moves. This kind of fighting power was really terrifying, and it looked like he couldn't take a hit no matter what.

"Hurry up, there's someone making trouble here at the gate, and they're all here!"

Huang Fuqiang grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted heartbreakingly, his screams like killing pigs immediately caused a sensation on the campus.

Many instructors in camouflage uniforms came out of the classroom upon hearing the sound. Seeing the fighting at the door, they immediately rushed over with shouts.

"Come all, you won't lose if you kill one, you'll get enough if you kill two!"

Seeing that there were more and more people on the other side, Nie Cai, instead of being afraid, rushed forward.

His eyes were blood red, he was holding a baton in his hand, and he rushed towards Huang Fuqiang who was at the front.

Nie Cai still remembered that this fat man looked smiling in the hospital. On the surface, he cared about him, but secretly he colluded with the doctor to destroy one of his arms!

Due to old and new grudges, Nie Cai took special care of this fat man.

"Damn, why are you staring at me?"

Being targeted by Nie Cai, Huang Fuqiang felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave in the dog days of summer. His whole body trembled involuntarily, and he turned around and ran back.

As he backed away, he shouted loudly over and over: "Come on, he's alone, everyone, come on and fuck him to death!"

In an instant, seven or eight people rushed forward, but Nie Cai showed no fear and rushed forward alone.

Now he has no way to retreat. Only by fighting his way forward can he have a chance to win!

In an instant, in Nie Cai's right eye, the movements of those people began to slow down.

He spotted the leader, went up and used his baton to chop the dagger in his hand, and then kicked him in the crotch.

An instructor next to him hit him horizontally with a stick. Nie Cai tilted his head slightly and dodged. He grabbed the dagger in the first man's hand with his backhand and stabbed him hard in the arm, piercing him directly.

The swing stick almost hit Nie Cai's cheek. Nie Cai felt his ears hurt. He must have been hit by the swing stick.

But Nie Cai just grunted, swung his baton upwards, and hit the opponent's chin hard, breaking several of his teeth.

The blow was so severe that even the hard baton was broken. The man immediately covered his chin and fell sideways.

After killing three people in one breath, Nie Cai immediately stepped back, panting heavily and glaring at the group of people.

These people seemed a little stunned. They didn't expect Nie Cai to strike so quickly and so harshly, knocking down three more people in such a short moment!

Nie Cai stood with his head held high like a javelin, holding a bent baton in his hand, and his eyes were extremely fierce.

At this moment, he seemed to be a dangerous wild wolf, instantly shocking the scene!

Nie Cai's opponents have always been either members of Cobra, one of the top overseas mercenaries, or Zhang Changsheng's number one general, Xu Jinfeng, known as the Black Widow. The combat capabilities of these people are beyond what ordinary people can match.

When fighting against these masters, was there not a narrow escape from death, relying on night vision or even luck to win

However, now that he faced this group of instructors whose relative strength was quite different, the gap immediately became apparent.

Each of his moves was like chopping melons and vegetables. It was really terrifying. Where have you seen these instructors who bully little kids every day

"What are you afraid of? He's only one person. Is it possible that he can challenge you all alone?"

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Huang Fuqiang hid behind the crowd and shouted loudly.

Under the instigation of Huang Fuqiang, the director of the security department, these instructors quickly surrounded Nie Cai.

"Did him!"

I don't know who roared, and the group of people immediately swarmed up!

If they were fighting with gangsters on the street, Nie Cai's ruthless fighting style would probably have made them flinch.

However, these are not ordinary gangsters, but soldiers who have returned from the army. They are much better than the gangsters in terms of combat effectiveness and discipline.

Nie Cai stared at the person who screamed, and suddenly rushed towards him.

Under this situation, Nie Cai no longer considered his own safety, but with the breath of his heart, he rushed over like a madman.

Nie Cai threw the damaged baton violently, and then ran into the man's arms.

Controlling the dimensional space, a small fruit knife appeared strangely in Nie Cai's left hand and stabbed it into his stomach.

This fruit knife was kept by Nie Cai in his own dimensional storage space for self-defense. Unexpectedly, it would come in handy soon.


Blood suddenly appeared on this man's belly and splashed on Nie Cai's hand.

But at this time, Nie Cai was already surrounded. Nie Cai pulled out the knife, but before he could turn around, he felt a sudden pain in his arm.

In the chaos, someone didn't know who slashed at Nie Cai's left hand with a knife, causing Nie Cai's arm to be unable to hold the knife and it fell to the ground.

In the melee, Nie Cai's super news eyes were useless against attacks beyond his field of vision. Without the slow-motion plug-in, Nie Cai finally lost his battle.


Nie Cai gritted his teeth and without even looking, he turned around and slashed out with his knife. The man had just put the knife back when Nie Cai stabbed him right at the tiger's mouth and got stuck in the bones of his palm.

The man screamed, and his injured hand suddenly couldn't hold the dagger and dropped it.

Nie Cai would not be polite to him, so he moved towards him and rushed towards him.

Using the slow motion effect in the viewfinder, Nie Cai grabbed the dagger in the air and stabbed it cleanly into his ribs.

The instructor howled miserably and fell to the ground, clutching his ribs.

But Nie Cai didn't have it easy either. Just as he turned around, two or three sticks hit him hard on the back.

Nie Cai felt a tightness in his chest, a stream of sweet blood welled up in his throat, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

From the beginning to the present, although Nie Cai's combat power was outrageously high and he had knocked down * people one after another, he did so by relying on the effect of his super news eye and taking the wrong approach.

As for other abilities to withstand attacks, there is still a big gap between Nie Cai and real masters in terms of sustained combat ability. If it were the Cobra mercenary Nie Cai met, he would probably be able to gather strength and continue fighting now.

However, Nie Cai had almost no strength to hold the dagger at this time.

“There are too many people, there’s no way we can beat them!”

Feeling that his strength was rapidly draining away, Nie Cai made a decisive decision and immediately rushed back towards the iron gate.

General Iron locked the door tightly, but Nie Cai's goal was not to climb out. Instead, he rushed into the security room and temporarily avoided being surrounded.

He turned around and blocked the narrow doorway. He raised the dagger in his hand and blocked the door of the security room!

Nie Cai looked like a mad tiger at this moment, his eyes were red, he raised his knife and shouted: "Come on, come on everyone!"

The whole process only took Nie Cai two or three seconds, and human potential really burst out at the critical moment of life and death!