An Eye for News

Chapter 403: Steal people


"This is impossible. Nie Cai is the person I worked so hard to recruit. Don't you think of poaching him away?"

Director Xue's face turned red and he said.

"what happened?"

Nie Cai was a little confused when he heard this, and quickly came forward.

Originally, the office area of Director Xue's new column was quite deserted in the CCTV building. When Nie Cai came yesterday, there were only two or three big cats and kittens.

Unexpectedly, there were many more people in the office area of today's column. Four or five people were surrounding Director Xue.

"Nie Cai, you came just in time. Your boy became famous yesterday..."

Chen Mang was holding a big teapot and said to Nie Cai with a strange expression.

Yesterday, Nie Cai acted unexpectedly and turned into a host in an instant, making things right after a serious broadcast accident. This immediately caused quite a stir in the station.

No, I heard that before Nie Cai officially joined the company, many producers of the column rushed over eagerly, wanting to poach Director Xue.

Speaking of which, Nie Cai has not signed an agreement with any column yet and is considered a free agent. This also gives them a taboo to poach people.

"There is no way, even I want to poach you away, but I have been in a relationship with Lao Xue for many years. If I really poach you away, he will probably have to fight with me."

Chen Mang sighed and said with some regret.

"Nie Cai... you are finally here!"

Director Xue was a little worried. When he saw Nie Cai coming over, he immediately brightened up and greeted him.

"Director Xue... I'm sorry, I'm late."

Nie Cai was a little embarrassed and said.

"Anyway, you haven't officially joined the job... you're so late."

Director Xue quickly squeezed out from the crowd and said: "Come on, I will take you to go through the entry procedures..."

"Come to our column. Our column is an emotional column with a lot of beautiful women. However, there are too many foreign girls in it, so language communication is a problem. I am looking for a host who is proficient in the languages of various countries... "

"No, Nie Cai, come to our health column. We happen to be short of a host here. This is an opportunity to directly become a CCTV host!"

When the people who were originally surrounding Director Xue saw Nie Cai coming, they rushed over with a loud crash and said.

Are you all here to find yourself

Nie Cai was slightly startled. He didn't expect that he would become such a popular person, which immediately made him unable to react.

"Don't listen to them. These are outsourced columns. If you agree to them, won't your terms of employment be in vain?"

Director Xue blushed and said to Nie Cai.

Program outsourcing

Hearing this, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved.

Nowadays, it is popular for TV stations to implement corporate operations, and even CCTV is no exception. The so-called column outsourcing means that TV stations outsource some columns that they do not want to do to outside media companies.

In fact, outsourcing has become a major trend in TV stations. If a TV station wants to become bigger and stronger, it must find its own advantages. If you try to cover everything, you will often lose in the fiercely competitive TV market, and even lose yourself. The advantages of the TV station have also been lost. The outsourcing of this column is the TV station's slimming plan to achieve better development.

The troika of TV station ratings are news programs, TV series, and other programs besides news programs. Among these troika, news columns have the highest status.

Because the publicity mission of a TV station must be guaranteed by news programs, many TV stations will choose news to establish their stations, which means that news is crucial to any TV station.

The media is the mouthpiece of the country's will and is related to the propaganda of the country's will. Therefore, news programs are the only programs that will not be produced by private media organizations because news programs are too political and are not suitable for private media with strong investment mentality. Enter.

People from these media companies have no actual relationship with CCTV, they just provide content.

If Nie Cai agreed to them and even moved out of the CCTV building where he worked, why would he want to find Zhang Xinyu

Director Xue was actually doing it for Nie Cai's good. These media companies are in a rhythm of grabbing one vote and running away. Nie Cai went to these outsourced columns. Although he could become the host in a short period of time, it would not be good for his long-term career development. Very disadvantageous.

The only reliable solution is for Chen Mang to ask Nie Cai to be the host of "Oriental Time and Space", but CCTV's hosts can't be transferred so easily. As the saying goes, every carrot is a pitfall, let alone Director Xue. Even if Director Xue lets him go, there is no way Chen Mang can let Nie Cai be the host.

"Thank you for your kindness. I have no intention of becoming a host for the time being. I am still more suitable for a reporter."

Nie Cai shook his head and refused.

"You really don't want to think about it? This opportunity is too rare. There won't be such a good opportunity next time."

A fat middle-aged man said, with a look of regret on his face.

Nie Cai remembered that the column he was talking about should be a blind date program, and he also used words like clouds of beautiful women to tempt him.

"No thanks."

Nie Cai sighed inwardly, this is a CCTV host!

Although this so-called CCTV host is not in the establishment and has nothing to do with CCTV except for his nice name, but if you print this name on your business card, no matter where you go, people will respect you, because this is almost It is one of the most prosperous industries.

When Nie Cai went to S County to work as a reporter, his biggest wish was to be a well-established reporter. As for being a host, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Unexpectedly, just after this, the opportunity to be a CCTV host was presented to him.

If my parents in the United States knew that I was a host, they would be so happy that they couldn't open their mouths for several months, and they would have to praise me several times to everyone they met.

At first, they strongly opposed Nie Cai to go to the TV station, but wanted him to become a civil servant. Nie Cai had been at odds with them for a long time over this matter, but it would be different if he became the host of CCTV.

Unfortunately... Nie Cai had no choice but to refuse this temptation.

Being a host is great, but it's okay to do it occasionally. If you really want to transform into a host, Nie Cai really has nothing to do with it.

The introduction of the super news system makes it very clear that it is for journalists. If you become a host, your news points and permissions will probably be gone in the future. What can you do to upgrade

Moreover, if I don't work at CCTV, how can I get close to Zhang Xinyu? I guess I won't even be qualified to enter CCTV in the future.

"It's really strange that there is such a person..."

Seeing Nie Cai's straightforward refusal, the middle-aged fat man felt a little regretful, turned around and left, murmuring something in a low voice.

Although his voice was not loud, Nie Cai's ears were sensitive and he heard his low mumbling clearly among the noise.