An Eye for News

Chapter 474: You're not dead


"He actually fell... He actually fell..."

Brother Beard lay on the ground in the cockpit, staring with big eyes, and said in grief.

He knew that Nie Cai was very skilled, and he even held four gangsters on his back before jumping off. But falling from a plane at an altitude of several hundred meters, no matter how skilled he was, it was of no use and could only be smashed into a piece of meat!

"He... tried his best."

The captain was a little silent and said with difficulty.

The cockpit and the cabin entrance were very close, and they could see what had just happened.

He had seen Nie Cai's skills. With Nie Cai's skills, he would not have been forced to this extent by these people. If those gangsters were not too ruthless and used flight attendants and passengers as threats...

"I killed him, I killed Mr. Nie..."

The stewardess ignored her messy clothes and quickly climbed to the cabin door and looked down.

But the place below has long been empty. Where can I see any figures

"Stop looking and close the door!"

The last robber left at the cabin door had red eyes and pointed at the flight attendant.

Closing the door requires professionals to operate it. The instructor who knows the most about airplanes has fallen down. He doesn't know how to close it at all.

As the plane accelerated, the wind in the cabin door became stronger and stronger, making people almost unsteady. If they were not closed, the negative pressure in the cabin would be enough to suck people out.

"No, no, I want to die with you!"

The stewardess was so distraught that she ignored the robbers' requests and stared at them fiercely.

The important guest just now did not hesitate to die with the robbers in order to save herself. This shocked her and made her fall into deep self-blame.

Who said that these VIPs have a distinguished status, are always aloof, and never take people like them in the service industry seriously

Nie Cai just saw that he was raped by the robbers, and he took action angrily, and even died together with the robbers. That anger was definitely not fake.

"You're crazy. People can't be resurrected. Don't go against them. Close the door quickly. The cabin is depressurized and the alarm is on. We can't have the entire plane buried with you!"

When the captain saw this, he shouted loudly.

The altitude of the plane is now climbing, and the speed is getting faster and faster. If the door is not closed, the strong wind at the door is enough to sweep anyone away, and it will be too late to close the door!

"Did you hear that? Hurry up and close the door, otherwise I will beat you to death and let another person come and close the door!"

The robber was also anxious and pulled the trigger.

The bullet was close to the flight attendant's hair, and the shot hit the air outside with a bang, causing the flight attendant's braided hair to fall apart.

Only then did the flight attendant suddenly realize that even if she would rather die than open the door, the robbers could find another person.

"Mr. Nie, please have a safe journey..."

With tears in her eyes, she struggled to close the cabin door tightly, leaning on the cabin door and crying loudly.

"Stop crying, you bitch, our instructors wouldn't be dead if it weren't for you!"

The robber was in a very bad mood, kicked the stewardess on the ground and said angrily.

Two more robbers rushed over from the cabin. When they saw the three corpses on the ground, and then heard the sad news that the instructor fell to death, they suddenly looked sad and angry.

"Damn Dragon Group... We must take revenge. From now on, put pressure on the Chinese government and must release Mr. Dai immediately, otherwise we will kill a passenger every ten minutes!"

A short and stocky robber who looked like a small boss said and immediately received a response from the other mercenaries.

The group of mercenaries were excited and immediately walked towards the cockpit.

The captain's head was pointed at by the stocky mercenary and he said: "Contact the ground."

"Yes, yes... we have always maintained contact with the ground."

The captain picked up the phone tremblingly and said.

"Did you shoot at high altitude? We just heard gunshots!"

A deep voice came from the tower, seeming to be suppressing anger: "I am the deputy mayor of Beijing. My surname is Xie. Now I have full authority to handle this matter. You can make any demands you have, but you cannot harm innocent people." of the masses!”

When the hijacking incident occurred, Vice Mayor Xie happened to be at the airport preparing to take a flight for a business trip. When encountering such an emergency, he immediately took charge and became the leader of the on-site emergency team.

"Deputy mayor of Beijing? His level should be high enough. Have you agreed to our request just now? Immediately release Mr. Dai Sanye who is imprisoned in xx prison. Otherwise, we will kill someone every ten minutes!"

The stocky robber grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly.

"Impossible, we can't release a felon in ten minutes, we need some time!"

Vice Mayor Xie was silent for a moment and said.

"Don't think we can't do it!"

The robber roared angrily and winked at the accomplice next to him. Immediately, the robber nodded and ran towards the cabin.

Not long after, the robber pulled a disheveled stewardess by the hair and walked over.

"If you do this, you will definitely receive retribution..."

The stewardess didn't struggle this time, but said with an ashen face.

He had just experienced a life-and-death threat, and now he was caught again. I'm afraid this time it would be more serious.

The middle-aged woman was originally sitting in the first class cabin, but she was caught by the hijackers. When she thought about it, she knew that nothing bad would happen.

"You were the one who killed the instructor just now, and now it's time to use your blood to pay homage to the instructor!"

The robber placed his gun, pulled out a thin metal wire from the ring, and walked towards the stewardess with a grin!

This kind of metal wire is made of high-hardness alloy and is extremely sharp. As long as it is twisted hard, it is sharper than a knife. It is also easy to carry and will not be suspected when passing the security check.

He put a metal wire around the neck of the ashen-faced stewardess and shouted into the microphone: "Chinese government, let me teach you a lesson first. If you don't act faster, we will continue to kill more people. Look, Let’s see who is more ruthless!”

"don't want!"

The captain had a look of panic on his face and wanted to rush over to stop him, but another robber pointed his gun at him, causing him to stagnate and sit back on the driver's seat helplessly.

"go to hell!"

The stocky robber twisted the metal wire around the flight attendant's fair neck, and a fierce look suddenly appeared on her face!


The blood suddenly appears!

A pool of bright red blood spattered on the cockpit, which looked shocking.

The captain couldn't bear to close his eyes, but at this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the cockpit.

The stocky robber's eyes widened and he looked at his hands in horror.

His hands were cut off at the elbows, and the blood that had been splattered just flowed out of his body.

"what happened… "

He hadn't reacted yet, but at this moment, a red dagger was thrust out of his neck, which immediately made him unable to speak the rest of his words.

"Dare to kill people in our Chinese territory?"

A figure suddenly appeared in the cockpit, holding a dagger stained with blood.

"Mr. Nie, it's you!"

The flight attendant thought she would die, but then she discovered that a familiar figure appeared in front of her, it was Nie Cai!

"Damn it!"

Another mercenary only reacted at this time. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he saw Nie Cai's hand suddenly waved and a flying knife shot out.

The flying knife accurately hit the muzzle of the plastic pistol, cutting the pistol directly into two halves. The flying knife continued to pierce his palm, hitting the robber's heart!

"It's impossible... you're already... dead..."

The robber had a horrified look on his face, and his body suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground with a thud.

He didn't understand until his death that Nie Cai had obviously fallen out of the plane's door, but he actually reappeared at this time. It was like a ghost!

"Are you all okay?"

After dealing with the two robbers in the cockpit, Nie Cai took a deep breath and said.

"Mr. Nie, didn't you just fall?"

The stewardess had a look of surprise and joy on her face, she was so excited that she cried, and she said loudly.

If the current situation wasn't really unsuitable, she might have pounced on Nie Cai by now and hugged Nie Cai hard.

She just saw Nie Cai pulling the robber instructor and falling out of the plane together. She didn't expect to see Nie Cai again now, which suddenly made her pleasantly surprised!

Not only the stewardess, but also other people in the cockpit were extremely surprised. They all clearly saw Nie Cai jumping from a height of several hundred meters. They thought that Nie Cai would definitely die, but this time Nie Cai was surprised. Appearing on the plane so well made them think they were delusional.

"You must be dazzled, my movements are faster."

Nie Cai smiled and said.

It was true that he fell down with the Cobra mercenary instructor just now, but just when he jumped off the plane, he immediately entered his own dimension.

The dimensional space is self-contained and closely connected with the real world. After entering this dimensional space, Nie Cai first solved the instructor, then determined his position through the projection from the outside, walked to the cabin, and Shi Shiran He appeared in the first-class toilet.

In the situation just now, the only way he could fake his death was to make the robbers relax their vigilance. Otherwise, if they got excited, they would detonate the explosives on the plane or go on a killing spree, and no matter how good they were, they wouldn't be able to save them!

As for what happened next, they had already seen it. Nie Cai rushed back to the cockpit, just in time to see the robber preparing to kill the stewardess to vent his anger. At this time, he immediately took action angrily, cutting off the robber's arms with a dimensional knife. , solved the two robbers with lightning speed and regained control of the cockpit.