An Eye for News

Chapter 480: The dust has settled


"No, it's the bomb's remote control!"

"Stop him quickly, don't let him detonate the bomb!"

Immediately someone shouted loudly and said.

Just now, Nie Cai pretended to be a robber and almost deceived the other party's bomb remote control, so as soon as everyone saw the Nokia phone, they knew it was the remote control for detonating the bomb.

Later, the Scarface robber revealed that all the robbers present had a remote control that could turn the entire plane into a fireball as long as there was the last person left.

Now it seems that what the Scar robber just said was indeed not a lie. Besides him, there are robbers who have remote controls.

If the last robber was allowed to successfully detonate the plane, then everything this young man named Nie had done before would be in vain and he would die thousands of meters in the air!


The security officer in the first row didn't care that half of his body was still numb from the electricity. He suddenly pounced hard and pressed his whole body on the robber, trying to snatch the remote control off.

But the robber was an elite Cobra mercenary, and he was extremely powerful.

Even in a seriously injured state, he was able to muster up his last strength and suddenly flipped the safety officer to the ground!


The mercenary let out a maniacal laugh and pressed the remote control hard.

Didi didi...

He pressed the Nokia phone in his hand frantically, causing it to make a beeping sound and flashing red signal lights, which reflected on the panicked face of the security officer.

"It's over, it's over... it's over this time..."

Seeing this scene, the security officer felt a chill in his heart, and his heart immediately sank.

The passengers in the cabin also saw this scene and couldn't help but scream loudly and hugged their companions next to them, terrified.

The bomb was detonated, and all efforts were in vain. The plane was now flying at an altitude of several thousand meters. Even if it was not killed by the bomb on the spot, the plane would definitely disintegrate in the air, and the end would not be much better.

It seemed that only a moment had passed, and it seemed that a lifetime had passed. The beeping sound of the Nokia mobile phone kept ringing, but the explosion that everyone had been waiting for did not come.

At this moment, a voice came from the front cabin. He grabbed the Nokia mobile phone on the robber and said rudely.

"Stop laughing, I spared your life to make you answer, not to make you laugh!"

The person who grabbed the Nokia phone was none other than Nie Cai. The knife he just struck did not kill the robber immediately. He wanted to leave someone alive so that he could pry more information out of his mouth, so he let the flying knife encourage him to deviate. He couldn't get an inch out of his heart, otherwise the robber wouldn't have been able to detonate the bomb.

The robber was about to resist, but when he looked up, he saw that the man was Nie Cai, and he immediately let out a sigh of relief.

"How is it possible? We have assembled the bomb, how could it not explode..."

The robber turned pale and murmured.

"How do I know? Could it be that you didn't bring the bomb at all?"

Nie Cai spread his hands and said: "As for you... you are the only robber on the entire plane now. Wait until you land and accept the sanctions of Chinese law!"

After saying this, he took out a rope and tied up the robber in two or three strokes. He even blocked his mouth with a cloth and could no longer move.

Of course, the bomb will not explode. Just now, Nie Cai pretended to be a passenger and sat on the seat. He used the air retrieval function of the dimensional storage component to load all the luggage in the luggage rack. Of course, Including the box of peaches containing the bomb.

The dimensional storage space and the real space are two dimensions. There is no mobile phone signal in the dimensional space, so the signal detonated by the remote control will naturally not be transmitted in. Even if the robber pressed the remote control ten or twenty times, there will be no signal. Way to detonate.

Seeing this, the passengers in the cabin finally realized that the danger had been lifted, and couldn't help but stand up and let out loud cheers!

"We are saved!"

"Long live!"

"I'm so lucky. I will never fly again after this time..."

"Thanks to that young man's bravery, we were able to save this life!"

Everyone in the cabin stood up and couldn't help but run to Nie Cai. If the flight attendant hadn't stopped them, everyone would have run that way.

"Everyone, please don't come careful of the plane's counterweight being out of balance!"

At this time, the stewardess stood up and quickly maintained order.

Planes carrying passengers have counterweights. If they lose their balance, it will easily cause the plane to roll over and crash. The smaller the plane, the less it allows passengers to move around at will.

Although this plane is a large wide-body passenger plane, it cannot allow so many people to run to one place. Otherwise, the bomb will not blow up the plane, but will kill these running passengers.

"Mr. Nie, are you okay?"

Seeing that everything had settled, the security officer got up from the ground and said apologetically to Nie Cai.

After being identified by a passenger, the five robbers escorted Nie Cai to the cockpit, but when they came back, only Nie Cai and the robber were left, and then they heard the dense bangs and bangs in front of them. Gunshots were fired, and I didn’t know what happened in the front cabin.

"I have killed them all, leaving only the last one alive."

Nie Cai said lightly.

"Everything has been solved? How is this possible..."

Although he was mentally prepared, the safety officer was still shocked.

Being escorted by five heavily armed gangsters and held firmly at gunpoint, he really couldn't imagine how Nie Cai managed to turn around from such a desperate situation.

This security officer was originally set up to protect Nie Cai's VIPs, but now it seems that Nie Cai protected him instead. If it weren't for Nie Cai, I'm afraid he would have been killed by the robbers long ago.

With this kind of skill, is he still asking for customers? He had to wonder if the company had made a mistake. What kind of VIP was this

Most VIPs are in high positions and look fat and brainless. How could there be such a skilled VIP

"You are the safety officer. You should deal with the scene, count the passengers on hand and those who died, and notify the cockpit to return to the flight as soon as possible."

Nie Cai did not continue eating on this topic. He glanced at the cabin and said with a serious face.

There were several Chinese corpses on the plane, all of which were killed before he arrived at the cabin. Some passengers were also seriously injured and needed to return to the ground for medical treatment.

Although he happened upon this incident by chance, he was the one who caught Mr. Dai. He was actually inextricably linked to him, which made Nie Cai feel a little guilty.

"Oh... that's right, let the pilot return quickly."

The safety officer woke up from a dream and hurriedly ran to the cockpit to tell them the exciting news.