An Eye for News

Chapter 484: Landed safely


On the runway of Capital Airport.

Today, the Capital Airport is heavily guarded. More than a dozen fire trucks and ambulances are waiting on the lawn next to the runway, as well as countless military and police vehicles.

Vice Mayor Zhong also stood on the lawn next to the runway, raising his head and looking into the distance with a look of longing.

With such a big incident happening, almost all the forces that the capital city could mobilize have been mobilized to deal with this matter.

In today's information age, it is impossible to hide such a major incident. Before the plane took off, the passengers on the plane had already spread the news using various social software tools such as WeChat and Weibo.

Nowadays, the Internet has already been in an uproar due to this "hijacking incident". All kinds of rumors and opinions are flying all over the sky, including everything -

Some people say that this hijacking was caused by the remnant party that wanted to declare war on China. Others said that the captain was trapped in the stock market and owed a lot of loan sharks and wanted to commit suicide. Some people even thought about alien abduction. All my thoughts have been expressed, and it can be said that there are divergent opinions.

At this time, only the most authoritative media such as CCTV can stabilize public opinion.

CCTV first issued a brief message, and then launched a special report mode, scrolling to broadcast the latest developments and various background information on the hijacking incident, and also sent a large number of key reporters to the Capital Airport to collect first-hand news footage .

Zhang Zimeng was among them. As one of the reporting teams of "Oriental Time and Space", she was the first to arrive at the scene and arrived at the heavily guarded Capital Airport.

Fortunately, Taili had already communicated with Deputy Mayor Chen in advance, and they had an unobstructed journey and went directly to the inner floor.

"Great, we were the fastest to get here..."

Zhang Zimeng said nervously with a press card hanging on his chest.

This report was only allowed to be carried out by a limited number of media, and the number of media reporters entering the scene was also limited. They were the first to arrive and occupied the precious spots.

"We were originally near here, and you ran through three or four traffic lights, so you're probably speeding. Can you please hurry up?"

The cameraman was a big guy, carrying the machine and said in a low voice.

"Go back and get your driver's license to sell it."

Zhang Zimeng, however, didn't take it seriously and said, "Don't be so sad. Compared with grabbing such important news, what are the points on your driver's license?"

Hijacking a plane at the Capital Airport and demanding the Chinese government release prisoners was a plot that I thought could only appear in movies, but I didn't expect it to actually happen in reality.

"Have you heard about the Air France 139 hijacking incident? I didn't expect there to be such bold people nowadays... "

Zhang Zimeng took a deep breath and said with some emotion.

This incident is very similar to the hijacking of Air France Flight 139. On June 27, 1976, Air France Flight 139 was hijacked by four people led by a blonde beauty after taking off from El Point. They changed course and flew towards Africa for 5 hours before landing at 4 Thousands of kilometers away in Africa, a few days later, the robbers took 106 of the 258 people on board the plane as hostages and demanded the release of 53 prisoners from Israel. This incident caused an uproar internationally, and Israel eventually sent special forces He traveled thousands of miles to Africa, killed the hijackers and defenders, and rescued 103 hostages. The whole incident lasted 8 days. A total of 24 people died during the hostage rescue process.

Later, based on the hijacking of Air France Flight 139, movies adapted or used the incident emerged one after another, such as "Victory at Entebbe", "Assault on Entebbe", "Operation Thunder", "The Last King of Scotland" and so on.

Fortunately, this hijacking was not as tragic as Air France 139. According to the latest news, a passenger on the plane acted bravely and subdued the hijacker. Now the plane is preparing to return, which can be regarded as a great blessing among misfortunes.

"The plane is ready to land!"

At this moment, the camera pointed at a low-flying plane in the sky and exclaimed.

Now that the Capital Airport has been temporarily closed, the only one that can land at this time is the hijacked flight.

On the tarmac, Vice Mayor Zhong held a loudspeaker and immediately gave instructions, asking all departments to be on standby to prepare for the plane's landing.

"Mayor Zhong, we have confirmed with the tower that the plane's flight path is normal and all crew members have confirmed that it is safe. Do you want to arrange for them to land?"

Deputy Director Chen on the side held a walkie-talkie and communicated with Deputy Mayor Zhong: "All the passengers on the plane were afraid that we would not believe it, so they all sang the national anthem to prove that they were not being hijacked... You see, there should be no problem with this, right?"

"The national anthem was sung?"

Vice Mayor Zhong had a strange expression on his face. Thinking that the entire plane was singing the national anthem, he couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile.

"In that case, let's arrange for them to land."

Vice Mayor Zhong nodded, finally showing a smile on his face.

Robbers can threaten a captain, but not the crew members; they can threaten all crew members, but not all passengers.

It’s hard to imagine who would be able to proudly sing the national anthem in their hearts when being pointed at a gun. This is probably a way for them to express their inner excitement.

Following Vice Mayor Zhong's order, the tower quickly arranged for the hijacked plane to land.

Following the tower's instructions, the plane aimed at the cleared special runway and landed with a roar.


The plane landed close to the people on the tarmac. Almost everyone lay down and covered their ears as the plane passed over their heads.

"Hurry up and grab the first-hand footage, especially the interview with the brave passenger!"

Before the plane could stop, Zhang Zimeng immediately grabbed the camera and ran in the direction of the plane.

They are the only national media that has come to the scene now. It is impossible to miss the exclusive interview opportunity for such a major event, and it must be snatched up.

"I think so too. You can try carrying a machine weighing thirty to forty pounds..."

The cameraman was panting and said helplessly.

Surrounded by countless military police and medical staff, Zhang Zimeng managed to get inside and happened to hit the plane and open the door.

The injured passengers were transported down the gangway first, then the elderly, women and children, and finally the men. The scene was very orderly.

"The latest news is that flight xxxx has returned. We can see that the plane is now parked on the runway, the door has been opened, and the injured are being transported first. At the same time, we are also very much looking forward to finding out who the brave passenger is. , here I want to say thank you to him on behalf of the 188 passengers on the flight, thank him for his bravery, fighting against the gangsters regardless of his own safety, and finally allowing the flight to return safely... Wait, don't take pictures yet!"

Zhang Zimeng and the cameraman were busy filming the scene and preparing to appear on camera. But just when she was saying the words to appear on the scene, she saw the crew members walking down around a young man like stars holding the moon in their arms, which immediately stunned her and made her speechless.

As a CCTV reporter, she has always been very professional in her appearance. She would not have made such a stupid mistake, but the terrible thing is that at this time, she saw someone who seemed impossible to appear!

"Comrade reporter, this is him. If you want to interview him, hurry up. We still need him to assist in the investigation."

Vice Mayor Chen smiled and said: "Now that we are building a harmonious society, we need young people who are responsible and courageous. I think you should publicize this kind of positive model, so that he can be worthy of his standing at an altitude of 10,000 meters." Fight the gangsters risklessly!"

After saying that, Vice Mayor Chen walked up and held hands tightly with the young man with blood stains on his body!