An Eye for News

Chapter 488: Follow up on clues


It was only then that the police car in front realized that the ambulance was not following, so it quickly turned around and chased back.

At this time, several policemen caught up with the police car that had a flat tire behind it, panting. They took out their pistols and pointed them at the ambulance parked in the middle of the road.

"Why didn't the ambulance leave? Did something happen?"

A policeman in front got out of the car, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said loudly.

The police car at the back had a flat tire and the ambulance stalled. This coincidence was so unusual that something must have happened.

"Deputy Director Li is still in the car, hurry up and see what's going on!"

A police officer from behind quickly spoke loudly, pointed his pistol at the ambulance, and said.

Two groups of people, one behind the other, surrounded the ambulance as if facing a formidable enemy.

"People inside, listen to me and come out immediately, otherwise we will shoot!"

The ambulance was quiet, eerily quiet.

But at this moment, the ambulance's rear compartment door suddenly opened.

The police officers took aim reflexively and were about to shoot, but then they heard a familiar voice.

"Don't shoot, it's me, Nie Cai is already gone."

In the ambulance, a policeman slumped his shoulders and said in a deep voice.

"Deputy Director Li, you are injured!"

The group of police officers who surrounded the ambulance saw this and walked up one after another, exclaiming.

The policeman who walked out of the ambulance was Deputy Director Li of the Airport Public Security Bureau, but his left arm was drooped, and blood seeped out from the tears in his uniform, staining his clothes red.

"My injury doesn't matter. You guys hurry up and chase Nie Cai. He forced the car to stop and silenced the gangster. It's so abominable!"

Deputy Director Li gritted his teeth and said.

The police officers heard Deputy Director Li's words and quickly took a look at the car.

Sure enough, the gangster's bandaged wound burst open again, and a flying knife was inserted into his heart. His eyes were wide and he seemed to be very frightened.

"This is the last witness. That Nie Cai is too cruel."

"Yes, after the robber identified Nie Cai, he suddenly appeared and stopped the ambulance. This must have been intentional!"

The police officers were filled with anger and said one after another.

"Don't be stunned. My injury doesn't matter. You should hurry up and chase him back toward the airport. At the same time, ask for support from the armed police at the airport. Remember that Nie Cai is now extremely dangerous and has seriously threatened public safety. If you see him, you can directly Kill him, otherwise you are no match for him!"

Deputy Director Li took a deep breath and immediately gave the order.

"Yes, Deputy Director Li!"

The police officers listened to the order, immediately saluted, quickly got into the car, and headed back to the airport.

Seeing everyone leaving here, Deputy Director Li's expression gradually became serious.

He returned to the ambulance, looked around for no one, and then gently wiped the fingerprints on the handle of the throwing knife with his sleeve.

"Nie Cai, Nie Cai, you violently resisted arrest first, and then attempted to hijack a police car later. Then I will add some more information to you... Now you have been convicted of this crime!"

He covered the wound on his shoulder and spoke in a voice that only he could hear.

Deputy Director Li looked at the robber who was lying on the stretcher with no peace of mind, and said with some emotion: "I regret that I was too greedy for money and took money from these mercenaries. These foreigners lied to me and said they just wanted to smuggle weapons." , I didn’t expect them to actually do something like hijacking. If the matter is exposed, I will have no choice but to die. I have no choice but to apologize to you first and silence you!"

Nie Cai violently resisted arrest and broke out of the airport. He took such a huge risk to stop the ambulance, but he only asked the robber a few questions and then jumped out of the car inexplicably.

Deputy Director Li was a little strange, but at this moment he suddenly realized that this was an excellent opportunity for him.

The robber's throwing knife was in the ambulance. After Nie Cai left, Deputy Director Li simply cut his own shoulder with the knife, then stabbed the injured robber in the heart, pretending to be a murderer. Deputy Nie Cai kills people and silences them, and is injured in a fight.

Deputy Director Li colluded with these foreign mercenaries and helped them bring weapons and bombs in. If this matter was exposed, the consequences would be disastrous. But if all the charges were put on Nie Cai, and Nie Cai was killed directly during the roundup, If he did, he would be able to completely cut off the relationship. This would definitely kill two birds with one stone for Deputy Director Li.

Not only did he get rid of the robber, completely solving his worries, but he also brought trouble to Nie Cai, and all he had to pay was a little physical pain.

He thought he had done what he had just silenced him without even realizing it. He even wiped off his fingerprints and eliminated the last piece of evidence.

As for the ambulance driver? In that situation, a normal person would be so frightened that he would jump out of the car and run away. How could he possibly come back to see what happened in the ambulance

At the same time, at the Capital Airport.

The airport has been put under martial law, and now large groups of passengers are stranded in the airport. Delay announcements come one after another, which can't help but make the passengers more and more irritable.

Fortunately, a group of people wearing armed police uniforms suddenly appeared at the airport to help suppress the situation. The armed police with live ammunition effectively calmed the irritable passengers. Otherwise, the airport staff alone would not be able to maintain order. .

Nie Cai didn't know Deputy Director Li's plan, nor did he know that Deputy Director Li would be so ruthless and directly silenced the robber. He learned from the robber's mind that he was a real traitor lurking in the airport, so he Left quickly.

If he wanted to prove that he was not suspected, and he hadn't helped bring the weapons in, the simplest and crudest way would be to find the real traitor.

In terms of mind-reading alone, this is not evidence. After all, Nie Cai would not let anyone know about mind-reading, a powerful weapon.

Fortunately, Nie Cai has another way, which is to use the time-shift camera component to recreate the situation at that time and record the video of them handing over the weapons as evidence. In this way, he can clear himself of the crime!

"Gate 23... By the way, they are boarding the flight right here!"

After finding the boarding gate No. 23, Nie Cai's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly walked over.

It seems that he arrived at an unfortunate time. Due to the delay, several passengers are now surrounding the check-in counter at Gate 23 of the airport, and they are protesting passionately.

"How long will it be delayed? It's already been delayed for more than three hours!"

"Yes, our boss has to go to a meeting in a hurry. Can you afford to pay?"

At the check-in counter, the little check-in girl could only bow repeatedly and said, "I'm sorry, today's situation is really special. We don't know when we will be able to let you go. How about I send you off first?" Are you going to the Civil Aviation Hotel to take a rest?"

"Rest, who wants to rest in this shabby hotel of yours? I'm in a hurry to go to a meeting. I want to get on the plane!"

A middle-aged man smelling of alcohol waved his fists and slammed the check-in counter, and even pretended to hit the check-in staff.

"ah… "

Seeing the passenger waving his fist towards her, the little girl screamed and hid under the counter.

"If we don't take off, we will rebel. We will smash your check-in counter first!"

The passenger smelled of alcohol, smiled strangely, and kicked the check-in counter.


The check-in counter was shaky and fell backwards, about to hit the little girl on the head.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and held the table at the check-in counter.

"The plane is delayed, why are you angry at a little girl?"

The man holding the table snorted and glared at the drunk man.

"Who are you..."

The drunk man was furious and was about to speak, but at this moment, he felt his eyes blurred and his stomach hurt randomly, as if someone had hit him hard with his knee. He knelt on the ground and was overwhelmed. The ground spat it out.

"Okay, don't worry about him. Please help me check the opening hours of the boarding gate for flight xxxx."

Without even looking at the drunk man, the person holding the counter smiled and said to the little girl checking in.

This person was Nie Cai. He came back again and again. Of course, he came back to the check-in counter not to take a flight, but to track down clues.

"Thank you... This flight is the hijacked flight, right? It seems to have taken off at noon. Are you sure?"

Only then did the little girl dare to stand up, glanced at the drunk man who had vomited unconsciously, and said gratefully.

After getting a positive answer, the little girl quickly clicked the mouse and checked in the system.

Although she didn't know why the other party wanted to check this flight, considering that he had just helped her, she still wanted to help with this little effort.

"13:05, sir, is there anything else I can help you with..."

The little girl glanced at the numbers in the system, raised her head, and saw that the man had turned around and walked back to the crowd, and was nowhere to be seen.

"Ouch... That guy seems to have kicked me. Did any of you see clearly..."

At this time, the drunk man got up with a groan and said tremblingly.

"I don't know, we didn't see it clearly..."

Several other passengers surrounding the counter looked at each other and said.

"Fuck, let me catch him and see if I don't take care of him..."

The drunk man groaned, but at this moment, he suddenly froze.

"Now here is the latest news. The airport is now on the highest alert. A dangerous person suspected of participating in the hijacking case is currently lurking in the airport. Please pay attention to all passengers. If you find this person, please report it to the airport staff immediately. Repeat this. This person has been trained to carry lethal weapons and is extremely dangerous. If you find this person, please report it to airport staff immediately..."

All the check-in screens at the airport suddenly changed into another screen.

On the screen, a picture of a young man appeared on the screen. He was so frightened that he woke up from the wine and his legs were so weak that he could hardly stand.

The man on TV was the one who "kicked" me just now!

This person is actually a dangerous person wanted by the airport suspected of participating in the hijacking? Fortunately, he just got kicked. If he continued to pester him, he might even lose his life, right

"The airport acted really fast. I was wanted so quickly."

Nie Cai sneered and whispered.

He came out of the dimensional space, climbed onto the steel ceiling of the airport, and looked down at the entire terminal.

"Super news system, view the past timeline."

At the same time, Nie Cai's right pupil's golden light flashed slightly, and he immediately activated the time-lapse camera component.

"Confirm to view the past timeline, it is being analyzed..."

As the super news system sounded, a red line soon appeared in Nie Cai's pupil camera.

Knowing the time of boarding the plane would be much easier. Nie Cai adjusted the timeline of the time-shifting camera component to before boarding the plane and began to capture images from that period.

"The interception was successful... The maximum news level is estimated to be SS+. This piece of news can obtain SS+ level permission..."

Immediately following Nie Cai's thoughts, the voice of the super news system sounded again, prompting.

"SS+ permissions? It's really big news..."

Nie Cai took a deep breath and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

The last news I encountered about ss+ was also related to airplanes. It was the accident that almost crashed before. I seem to have had a relationship conflict with airplanes recently. I really shouldn’t come to a place like the airport again.

However, Nie Cai had no time to think about this at this time, and instead observed the images of the time-lapse camera component.

In the picture, the Cobra mercenary was wearing uniform clothes and a black peaked cap, as if he was part of a tour group.

Sitting on the chair at the boarding gate, I didn't say much, quietly waiting for the plane to take off.

Suddenly, a man carrying a black trolley suitcase walked past them, seeming to wink inadvertently.

Soon, a mercenary carrying a backpack stood up and followed the man carrying the black trolley case towards the toilet.

"Damn, is this person Deputy Director Li?"

Seeing this man's appearance, Nie Cai suddenly felt something in his heart and said.

He had actually seen this person before. Although he was wearing casual clothes, Nie Cai could tell at a glance that this person was the policeman who was in the ambulance just now. Deputy Director Li, who had a close relationship with the Cobra mercenary, was right under his nose just now. Down there, you couldn't recognize him

The lens of the time-lapse camera component followed and the policeman was seen entering the men's restroom, walking into a pit, then quickly opening the trolley case and placing a black bag inside.

The Cobra mercenary outside the door had been waiting for a long time. He quickly entered the squatting pit with his backpack, put the black bag into his own bag, and then left the toilet calmly. The whole process was completed in one go. No one noticed anything unusual at all.

"It turns out that this is their weapon. With Deputy Director Li as an internal agent, he is familiar with the blind spots of various surveillance. No wonder they were able to bring the weapon onto the plane without anyone noticing! With this evidence, it seems that my crime is OK Cleared..."

Seeing this, Nie Cai let out a long breath, and finally a smile appeared on his face.