An Eye for News

Chapter 518: Accountability


"In front of the Vice President, the Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would not dare to be called Your Excellency!"

The mayor glared at Chief James with a dark face.

The three senior officials of the United States, the Vice President, the Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, gathered in an ordinary city. No wonder he was so low-key, so low-key that he almost followed them.

Just think about it. In China, even if the Vice Chairman, Minister of Public Security, and Minister of Foreign Affairs appeared alone in a prefecture-level city, it would probably cause a shock, let alone three senior officials. Woke up.

This kind of "honor" is definitely not a good thing for the mayor. Without any earth-shattering event, it is impossible to alarm these big shots. If it is difficult, the mayor will reprimand Chief James with a black face.

At this time, another Chinese man stepped out of the helicopter and glanced at Chief James.

"You are Sheriff James. I am the Chinese ambassador to the United States. You can call me Mr. Tian. After we heard that several Chinese citizens had been kidnapped, we immediately found high-level officials in the United States through diplomatic channels."

As soon as he got off the plane, he raised his voice and said, "Mr. President attaches great importance to this matter. We happen to be nearby, so he asked us to take a helicopter to handle this matter with Ambassador Tian."

Upon hearing this, Chief James' vision went dark and he almost fainted.

Mr. President personally inquired, which alarmed the Chinese ambassador. Needless to say, it must be because of Nie Cai.

It would have been fine if he had been kind and polite to Nie Cai just now, but the torture and confession just now had completely separated him from Nie Cai. This would be terrible!

"Mr. Ambassador, we have just received a report. What do you want to know about this visit?"

Sheriff James gritted his teeth and said.

"Of course, it is to understand the circumstances of this kidnapping case. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has formally lodged representations with your Ministry of Foreign Affairs five hours ago, requesting the rescue of our citizens who were kidnapped."

Ambassador Tian said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this matter would have been solved before we started taking action."

The Foreign Minister nodded and said.

"I'm afraid it's not that you haven't taken action yet, but that you have no intention of taking action at all."

But Ambassador Tian glanced at him and said unceremoniously.

Since the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the request, the United States has not responded directly, because the United States has also been divided into two major factions over whether to help or not to help. This is their political demand.

The unemployment rate in the United States is now rising sharply. Many Americans are very dissatisfied and blame this on China. Some politicians are playing the * card to express their attitudes in order to win the votes and support of the people.

No matter what the matter is, they will oppose everything about China. Nie Cai is just innocent.

It is precisely because of this that the operation of sending special forces to search and rescue has never been approved, and the United States has not responded directly to China through diplomatic channels.

Ambassador Tian knew the internal situation in the United States very well and was not moved by the other party's words at all.

"The bureaucracy in your country is still too serious. By the time you deal with it, the hostages will probably have been killed. Fortunately, Mr. Nie was brave and solved the matter himself."

Ambassador Tian's tone became stern at this time, and he said righteously, "However, I learned through a phone call from a reporter that Mr. Nie seemed to have suffered some unfair treatment in the police station. I can't help but ask, Mr. Nie fought against the kidnappers who kidnapped his family, which is protected by your country’s constitution. I wonder what he did wrong to make Chief James take such a violent action?”

Nie Cai threw a camera to the reporter, and the reporter who got the camera lived up to Nie Cai's expectations. He called the Chinese Embassy in the United States and contacted Ambassador Tian.

Ambassador Tian immediately reported the situation back to China. Mr. Kong was shocked when he learned of the situation, and immediately asked the foreign affairs department to issue the strongest condemnation, which is why so many executives came to Cincinnati together.

Being questioned by the ambassador of a country in front of several high-ranking officials, Sheriff James suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He said tremblingly: "Because Mr. Nie does not have a visa... To be serious, this is an armed invasion. We suspect that he is involved in this case, so we used some means... "

"Yes, we learned that Mr. Nie entered the country illegally. According to him, he flew over on an international flight."

The Attorney General interjected at this time, which could be regarded as a kick to Sheriff James.

“No visa equals armed invasion?”

Ambassador Tian's tone suddenly became exaggerated and he said: "I would like to ask Chief James, if your family was kidnapped in another country and the other country ignored your request to rescue the hostages, would you still go to the embassy and wait in a polite manner? Once the visa is approved, do you want to fly over again? By then it will be too late!”

"Furthermore, there is precedent for your country to do this. When your country was in the Middle East, many hostages were kidnapped. You launched a raid and sent marines into other countries. At that time, you openly claimed to be people-oriented and respect human rights. You You won’t remember those words now, right?”

As expected of a diplomatic ambassador, Ambassador Tian's eloquence was quite good, and his rebuttals made several executives at the scene speechless.

In fact, since the United States is the most powerful country in the world, China's diplomatic strategy is equivalent to that of the United States. Correspondingly, the U.S. consulate is the highest-level consulate in China, equivalent to the deputy ministerial level.

People who have served as ambassadors in this American consulate usually end up becoming ministers of foreign affairs. It is impossible for people without real qualifications to be sent to this position.

Relying on its own country's strength, the United States has always used the so-called human rights as an excuse. Now Ambassador Tian uses these words against them, making them unable to refute.

"Chief James, due to your wrong handling, you have violated federal laws, and you have now been fired!"

The Attorney General gritted his teeth and glared at Chief James hard: "Why don't you go and invite Mr. Nie quickly?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister..."

Being dismissed from his post by the Attorney General on the spot, Chief James felt his eyes go dark and almost fainted.

He gritted his teeth and walked toward the police station with trembling legs, but he bumped into the door of the police station with a bang. He was like a walking zombie. Where could he still have the majesty he had used against Nie Cai just now