An Eye for News

Chapter 558: Stealth sniping


Zhang Bingbing's scandalous appearance on the red carpet caused a commotion. Foreigners were more open-minded about such things, and they didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. Some even whistled.

Only then did the crew want to help her, but because Zhang Bingbing was too slow to delay, she fell too far behind. When the lead actor took off his suit jacket and put it on, all countries The reporters had already taken enough photos.

Zhang Bingbing was stunned at this time. She just kept crying and grabbed her skirt, but the skirt could no longer be buttoned up at this time, so she could only wrap herself up with the big skirt, like a silkworm baby.

From now on, when everyone mentions her, their first impression will probably not be that she starred in a certain movie, but "that unlucky guy who stole the show on the red carpet in Cannes"!

"It is your own fault and you will not live!"

Seeing Zhang Bingbing getting off the red carpet crying, Guo Xuan laughed and said.

"What happened? I think I saw Zhang Bingbing leaving?"

Nie Cai didn't know when he appeared next to her and smiled.

"Where did you go? You almost missed the most exciting scene!"

Guo Xuan was a little excited. She dragged Nie Cai and said, "It doesn't matter if this kind of headlines don't make the headlines. I wonder which director would dare to use an actor like her who has had such huge embarrassment internationally?"

"You didn't do anything bad just now, did you?"

However, Guo Yao seemed to be aware of it. She frowned and looked at Nie Cai with a hint of suspicion.

Zhang Bingbing's fall seemed to be an accident, but it still seemed a bit suspicious to her.

With Nie Cai's skills so good, it might be possible for him to do such a thing.

"Are you doubting me?"

Nie Cai laughed and quickly denied: "Reporters from all over the world are here. Unless I become transparent and can hide from so many cameras and cameras, isn't this asking for death?"

After saying this, Nie Cai added in his mind, but I really have the ability to become transparent.

Just now he saw Zhang Bingbing mocking g2 here, and Nie Cai couldn't bear it anymore.

Don’t you want to be the most beautiful and make headlines

I made you beautiful and made you headlines. You will finally be satisfied this time!

Just now, Nie Cai used the phase cloaking component while no one was paying attention, and quietly tried it out. The plot turned out to be exactly as he planned, causing Zhang Xinyu a big embarrassment, and her "beautiful" reputation truly spread far and wide.

In fact, if Zhang Bingbing hadn't committed suicide, wasted too much time, and even made the security guards look down on him, and went on stage to invite people, Nie Cai really wouldn't have had such a good opportunity.

It can be said that this is really a self-inflicted crime, and it is impossible to survive!

After hearing this, Guo Yao's doubts disappeared and she said: "That's right, how bold you must be to dare to take action at the film festival, unless you really don't want to die!"

While talking, suddenly, there was another commotion on the red carpet.

"It's coming, it's finally coming!"

"Finally, when she walks on the red carpet, this dress is very unique."

"As expected of China's top A-list star!"

Hearing people around him talking, Guo Yao looked over and saw Fan Ye walking on the red carpet wearing a bright yellow dragon-patterned dress, exuding nobility.

Seeing the biggest Chinese star of the film festival appear, the photographers immediately caused a commotion and focused their cameras on her.

Fan Ye has participated in the Cannes Film Festival for several consecutive years, and is already an old acquaintance in the eyes of Western reporters. In addition, this time she also has the dual identity of being the spokesperson for the main sponsor Ouyalai Cosmetics and starring in the participating movies. , won the attention of the audience as soon as he appeared.

"No... Fan Ye is getting ready to go on the red carpet..."

The fat female assistant came over panting, wanting to inform g2 and them that Fan Ye had started, but by this time it was already too late.

Just now everyone was so busy watching Zhang Bingbing's appearance that they almost forgot about the Chinese actress Fan Ye who will be the finale.

Fan Ye seemed a little unhappy that someone had stolen the limelight. He walked down the red carpet in less than a minute, struck a few poses, and then left.

Anyway, she is a super A-list star, and she has the dual identity of being the spokesperson for the main sponsor Ouyalai Cosmetics and starring in the participating movies. If she walks on the red carpet for a shorter time, giving more attention to the crew, people will think that she will. Be a human being.

"If you miss it, you miss doesn't matter anymore."

Looking at the assistant who was almost crying, Guo Xuan waved her hands grandly and said, "Seeing Zhang Bingbing in such a big embarrassment, this trip to Cannes is worth the price."

Guo Xuan and Guo Yao went to the Dior Makeup Salon at the Cannes Film Festival to touch up their makeup and prepare to go to the red carpet.

Although I missed the opportunity to follow Fan Ye, I have come to Cannes and I have to walk this legendary red carpet no matter what.

After finishing their makeup, the twin sisters went into the dressing room of the beauty salon. The crowded scene just now was so crowded that their clothes were messed up. They needed to tidy up before walking on the red carpet.

Nie Cai was sitting at the door of the locker room, a little bored. There was no place for him to get involved now, so he could only sit there in boredom.

From time to time, some foreign celebrities who look quite familiar, but are not life-like, come in and out. However, we have seen more celebrities, and now Nie Cai is also used to seeing them, and he is not as excited as before.

But at this moment, a pair of celebrities that Nie Cai not only looked familiar to, but also named appeared in the beauty salon.

"It's Smooth Pete and Big Mouth Juliet..."

Nie Cai's eyes lit up. These celebrities were the most famous couple in Europe and the United States. Even if he was ignorant about the film industry, he had heard of them.

I saw Pete wearing a military uniform from the Second World War. It seemed to be a costume to match the promotion of the World War II-themed movie "Shameless Bad Guys". However, he is already handsome, so when he puts on this military uniform with a sense of era, he has a sense of Special temperament.

If any of his female fans were here, they would probably be so fascinated that they would scream.

Behind the celebrity couple, the great director Valentino said casually: "You young people, showing off your affection on the red carpet is just blinding me. I'm afraid the reporters are all looking at you." No one is paying attention to our new film "Shameless"!"

He is also a frequent visitor to the Cannes Film Festival and has a very high status. However, this time Pitt's show of affection will definitely steal the show, but no one pays attention to Pitt's own films.

"Don't worry, director. I'll hold your hand the first time, and I'll hold the lady's hand the second time. How about that?"

Pete, who was wearing military uniform, smiled handsomely and said.

"Come on, I'm afraid your wife will be jealous!"

Valentino laughed and scolded, and stretched out his hand generously to hug Peter.

Peter smiled and knocked off the director's paw with a slap. It seemed that he was used to joking and didn't take it seriously at all.

The main purpose of coming to Cannes this time is to promote the new World War II-themed film "Shameless", and then to announce my marriage to the big-mouthed Juliet.

Although the two have been living together for a long time and have been kicked out by paparazzi for a long time, the date of their wedding has always been a matter of media concern. It is conceivable that the announcement of their wedding this time is definitely a bombshell.

Of course, as a superstar, Pitt also needs to know how to behave, and it is impossible to walk directly to the red carpet with Juliet. In this case, I am afraid no one will notice the great director Valentino. The best way is to cooperate with the movie promotion first, and then Walking alone on the red carpet with your wife to show off your affection is a smart person.

"Hey, young man, can I sit here? I don't need makeup on my old face. I'll wait for these young people to heal..."

Valentino and Peter separated, glanced inside the salon, and then walked towards Nie Cai's rest area.

"Of course, it would be an honor."

Nie Cai quickly stood up and said.

Valentino seemed to be old and a little tired. He felt tired when he sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

Because this beauty salon requires an appointment, there are not many people inside, and there are few people chatting with him. Moreover, it is already evening, and the entire salon is very empty. Finally, I have a chance to rest quietly.

"It's a pity that G2 and the others are all in the locker room. Otherwise, it would be a good opportunity to go up and have a chat..."

Nie Cai glanced at the black cloth-covered dressing room behind him and thought with some regret.

But at this moment, a beauty with short chestnut hair came over.

I saw this short-haired beauty wearing a black evening dress, carrying a metal makeup box in her hand, walking towards the dressing room, seemingly ready to change clothes.

The beauty's eyes kept glancing towards Nie Cai, but Nie Cai knew that the target she was looking at could not be him, but the great director Valentino next to him.

Originally, this was considered normal. After all, Tarantino was so famous that almost everyone knew it, so it was normal for him to attract attention.

But Nie Cai felt that this beauty had a special temperament. He took another look, but he seemed to see a hint of chill in the beauty's eyes.

However, before Nie Cai could react, the woman lifted the black cloth in the dressing room, walked in, and was no longer seen.

"Am I overthinking it?"

Nie Cai's heart moved slightly, and he thought with some self-deprecation.

Although he had many enemies, Nie Cai came to the Cannes Film Festival purely because he got lost. It was impossible for someone to get an invitation just to ambush him here.

But at this moment, Nie Cai suddenly felt a yellow light flash before his eyes. At the same time, the super news system also issued a warning sound.

"Warning, unknown hostility has been detected. The other party is peeking through the surveillance camera. Do you want to use the field shift camera function of the pupil camera to reversely detect the surveillance camera?"

Nie Cai's heart sank and his brows furrowed tightly.

His intuition was right, there was indeed something weird about this woman!

Without any hesitation, Nie Cai directly used the field shift camera function of the pupil camera.

The field-shift camera function of the pupil camera was redeemed when dealing with Ruan Shan last time. It can reverse candid photography. As long as someone is spying on you, you can use this function to see the other person in turn. It can be used now.

As long as you activate this field-shift camera function, you can immediately find the person peeping at you and see what the other person is going to do.

As Nie Cai's thoughts moved, a golden light shot out from the camera on the wall and fell into Nie Cai's right eye.

"The field shift channel is being generated... The transmission distance is short and it costs 10 news points. Do you want to confirm?"

The field shift camera function changes with the distance, and the news points it consumes also changes, but now it seems to be a very close distance, only ten news points are needed.

Ten o'clock news points were nothing to Nie Cai. He agreed without even thinking about it.

"Field shift channel generated successfully..."

As the super news system sounded, a strange picture immediately appeared in front of Nie Cai's eyes.

In a simple dressing room surrounded by black cloth, a beauty with chestnut hair was standing in front of the mirror.

The skirt of her black evening dress was lifted up, and she stepped on the stool in a lunge, revealing her long and round thighs... and an armed belt on her round thighs.

Yes, there was actually a black leather military armed belt tied to her thigh, with various metal components inside.

She took out the metal parts one by one, and then assembled them skillfully. In a short time, she had assembled a gun barrel.

Then, she took out a lipstick from the makeup case next to her and unscrewed the front and rear ends to reveal the optical lens inside, which was actually a small scope.

After doing all this, she tilted her head and said to the mobile phone in front of her: "I have finished 'changing' and replaced it with high-penetrating bullets, but the infrared heat-sensing sight cannot be disabled. Please help me calculate according to plan B. Ballistic trajectory.”

Nie Cai followed her gaze and saw a mobile phone placed in front of her. The screen of the mobile phone displayed the image from the surveillance camera.

She pressed the button on her phone, and immediately, something like a compass appeared on the surveillance image of the phone screen.

The red scale numbers in the middle of the compass were jumping around, and they were exactly aligned with Valentino on the surveillance image!

"Received, the power of the portable infrared thermal sensing device is not enough. It cannot penetrate such a distance under normal circumstances. I am helping you calculate the ballistic trajectory through the GPS system. It is estimated to take about a minute."

Another voice came from the phone: "This director actually dares to blaspheme our sacred leader in the movie. He must be killed, and the lead actor Pete must die as well!"

The locker room was surrounded by black cloth, and it was impossible to see the trajectory clearly, but with the assistance of modern technology, it was different.

As long as the ballistic trajectory is calculated through GPS and the gun is fired according to the calculated angle, Valentino can also be hit.

"No, this is sniping!"

Seeing this, Nie Cai's heart suddenly sank!

The beauty salon is a temporary building, and the changing rooms inside are surrounded by black cloth. This black cloth is like a decoration when faced with a sniper rifle, and it is not a problem to penetrate dozens of layers.

But with the cooperation of the surveillance camera, the black cloth just gave the chestnut-haired beauty a chance to hide, allowing her to calmly calculate the angle of aim and shoot Valentino and Peter without anyone noticing. !