An Eye for News

Chapter 559: In the locker room


"We must not let them take action!"

Nie Cai was extremely anxious and thought to himself.

These people cooperate tacitly, are equipped with professional equipment, are obviously professionals, and definitely have the ability to kill with one blow.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of uproar would be caused if Director Valentino and Pitt were both assassinated and killed at the Cannes Film Festival

Moreover, the two sisters Guo Yao and Guo Xuan are also in the locker room. If they happen to be on the trajectory of the ballistic trajectory... the consequences will be disastrous!

Nie Cai couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to remind Valentino and Peter, but at this moment he suddenly remembered, what if someone asked him how he knew someone was going to assassinate? There is no way to explain my own field-shift camera!

Nie Cai had no choice but to change his mind and rush in to find the gunman.

As long as the gunman is subdued quietly, the crisis will be resolved.

However, at this moment, a female staff member at the door of the locker room immediately stopped Nie Cai.

She looked at Nie Cai with an unkind expression and said, "I'm sorry, sir, this is the women's locker room, please don't go in..."

"I'm looking for someone, there's something important!"

Nie Cai suddenly became anxious and said.

Listening to the gunman's communication just now, it seemed that the calculation could be completed within a minute. If he didn't hurry up, it might be too late!

"Not even important things!"

But the staff member was very conscientious and blocked the door of the locker room, preventing him from entering.

Dior is the main sponsor of this Cannes Film Festival. This beauty salon faces all kinds of high-end customers, including European and American celebrities. These celebrities pay the most attention to sex. How could they let a man like Nie Cai in

"Okay, okay, that's it, where is the toilet?"

Nie Cai was a little helpless. Although he had a dimensional space, he couldn't disappear in front of everyone. He could only find inconspicuous places and enter the dimensional space.

Fortunately, this Dior beauty salon is not big and does not exceed the scope of Nie Cai's dimensional space. Nie Cai seizes the time and goes directly into the women's dressing room.

"I don't know which locker room this female killer is hiding in. I hope I can find her before she takes action..."

The Dior Beauty Salon is the main dressing room of the Cannes Film Festival. There are more than 20 dressing rooms. It takes a lot of time to find each one. In order not to act like a pervert and not to cause any noise, Nie Cai could only hide in the Searching quietly in the dimensional space.

However, Nie Cai's luck was a little bad, or he was really lucky, and he actually saw the big-mouthed Juliet he met just now in the first dressing room.

Juliet was adjusting her seamless bra so it wouldn't go too far.

Perhaps because of her race, Juliet's figure was so hot that she almost stretched out her underwear. Anyway, Nie Cai had never seen such a **** figure.

"I don't mean to be a peeping pervert, but Pete is really sexually blessed..."

Nie Cai muttered secretly in his heart, now is not the time to feast his eyes.

He continued to move forward in the dimensional space, searching for the female killer.

Nie Cai was sure that the female killer was in this locker room, but he didn't know which room she was in, so he could only search one by one.

"Not here... This room is empty... Are they here?"

Nie Cai felt a little anxious, walking through the dimensional space, looking for the mysterious female killer, and happened to meet G2 and the others when he walked to the third locker room.

In the narrow dressing room, Guo Yao turned her back and asked her sister to fasten the tight bra.

"Sister, why are you so fat? I can hardly pull you..."

Guo Xuan pulled hard on the ties of her underwear and complained.

"Nonsense, why have I gained weight recently? You have gained weight, okay!"

Hearing Guo Xuan's sarcasm, Guo Yao blushed slightly and spat.

Nie Cai couldn't help but glance at the twin sisters' figures, and secretly wondered where they were fat.

This kind of tight underwear is not comfortable to wear, it is difficult to put on, it is simply a torture.

Although these two sisters are both greedy foodies, their figures have nothing to do with being fat. They are just trying to be perfect when walking on the red carpet.

"Tsk, tsk, look at your breasts, they're big, and look at your bouncy little butt, aren't you fat?"

Guo Xuan clicked her tongue while eating tofu dishonestly.

"Don't, don't be like this, don't be here... This is the film festival venue!"

Guo Yao's face turned redder and her voice gradually became thinner.

There are no physical walls in the dressing room of the beauty salon. It is only covered by black cloth, which can't isolate the sound at all. Any movement can be heard by the next door.

Although people are now watching the red carpet and there are fewer people in the beauty salon, we are not afraid of ten thousand, we are just afraid of what if, what if we are discovered

"What are you afraid of? No one will see it anyway."

But Guo Xuan smiled, and her movements became even bigger. Her petite body rubbed her sister intentionally or unintentionally, which made Guo Xuan's face turn red as if she was about to drip.

"No... don't... Nie Cai is still waiting outside..."

She wanted to push her sister away, but her body was already limp and she couldn't use any strength at all.

"Miss you Nie Cai? You are mine at this time..."

Guo Xuan chuckled, and her hands became even more dishonest, stroking around wantonly.

Nie Cai's eyes suddenly widened. The range of the two people's movements... seems to have gone beyond the close relationship between sisters, right

He felt something was wrong when he saw the twins before. Could it be that these two little girls really have an ulterior secret...

"Should I still remind them?"

He looked a little dumbfounded and smiled bitterly in his heart.

When he saw the g2 twins, Nie Cai originally wanted to remind them to lie down quickly to avoid being hit by sniper rifles, but it seemed inappropriate to show up at this time, right

This pair of girls were very close to each other on weekdays. Nie Cai thought they were sisters, but he didn't expect that they actually had such a relationship secretly!

While he was in a daze, he heard a click of business, which immediately made Nie Cai shiver all over, and he came back to his senses from the fascinating thoughts in his head.

"No, it's the sound of bullets being loaded from heavy weapons!"

Nie Cai had been trained by Wu Chao and was familiar with firearms technology. Hearing this familiar voice, he immediately became alert.

The sound of bullets being loaded was very close, almost only one or two locker rooms away, and the G2 sisters were right between the muzzle of the gun and Valentino.

Nie Cai secretly screamed in his heart that something bad had happened. The worst-case scenario had indeed occurred. The locker room where G2 was located was right in the path of the ballistic trajectory. If the female killer was allowed to shoot, they would probably suffer!