An Eye for News

Chapter 56: go home


"Ha... Brother Nie, you are quite popular now!"

Seeing Yu Jinsong walking away in despair, Gao Xiang said jokingly.

Yu Jinsong has always been arrogant and domineering in his behavior on the TV station, but it is indeed rare for him to be so humble to a reporter now.

But Bai Haidong's face was a little serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Nie Cai... Mu Xiu is bound to be beaten by the wind. You are so popular that even leaders who have passed several levels have to confront you head-on. Who will dare to use you in the future? "

After all, Bai Haidong is much more mature than Nie Cai and has rich experience in looking at problems.

From now on, even if Wei Jianguo admires Nie Cai, he will probably not reuse him. After all, this kind of person cannot be controlled. What if he is unseated that day

To put it bluntly, who can be in the position of a leader without some pain in their feet? Nie Cai even dared to remove him as the Propaganda Minister. What if he doesn't like him one day

Nie Cai was startled. He really hadn't thought of this. In other words, he had originally planned to go to the provincial TV station. How could he care what the people at S County TV station thought

But now the matter of going to Provincial Taiwan was disturbed by Wang Runfa, and he had to face the situation of being scrupulous by his leaders.

"Nie Cai, I advise you to stay away from the limelight during this period. Taili has granted you a week's sick leave. You are injured and tired these days. Don't hold on, you should take good care of yourself. It’s time to rest for a while!”

Bai Haidong sighed and said to Nie Cai.

"Okay... Director Bai, I listen to you. I also want to take some time off and go home to see you."

Nie Cai had been in a lot of fights in the past few days. Although he didn't receive any serious injuries, the accumulated injuries were not trivial. It was just a good time to go home and recuperate.

Nie Cai couldn't help but feel hot when he thought that he hadn't been back home for a long time since he came to S County.

There was no work on hand anyway, so Nie Cai told Bai Haidong and went home directly.

Nie Cai's home is not far from County S, just in City Z, but he doesn't go home often.

At first, Nie Cai ignored the opposition of his family and gave up the opportunity to enter the township government to become a civil servant. Instead, he chose the S County TV station, which caused a lot of conflicts with his family.

In addition, Nie Cai didn't do very well later on, and his family was always sarcastic and sarcastic, which gave Nie Cai a headache and gave him even fewer opportunities to go back.

There was nothing to pack in the work dormitory. Nie Cai simply carried a backpack, threw the things he wanted to take into the car and set off.

There has been no news from Zhang Xinyu since that night, and I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Although Nie Cai didn't say anything, he was a little unhappy in his heart. He had saved her so many times. He didn't say that he wanted to marry her with his body, but he at least went to the CCTV to tell himself. Why didn't he say anything? The land has gone

If Yu Ran hadn't revealed her whereabouts, Nie Cai would have never known that she went to CCTV!

Nie Cai got into the car, opened Tesla's huge 17-inch central control touch screen, connected to Bluetooth, and dialed out.

"Mom, I'm going home in the afternoon. I may have to stay for a while this time. Something happened at my work place, so I asked for a week's leave."

On the other end of the phone, Nie Cai's mother heard that Nie Cai had taken sick leave and asked with concern: "What's going on? How are you feeling?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I'm just feeling a little tired lately!"

Hearing his mother's concern, Nie Cai quickly said that he didn't dare to tell the truth. If his mother knew that he was going through life and death almost every day these days, wouldn't he worry to death

As a parent, the greatest wish is not for your son to have a great future, but for peace.

After hanging up the phone, Nie Cai concentrated on driving and returned to City Z in less than two hours.

Nie Cai's family lived in a community in City Z. This community was a house allocated by Nie Cai's father's work unit. It was very old. Nie Cai parked his car downstairs in the community and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In fact, Nie Cai's family conditions were not bad at first, but after Nie Cai's sister was diagnosed with a rare disease, the family situation went from bad to worse. Later, he even sold a new house to his sister for treatment and returned to the work unit. inside the old house.

"Xiao Nie... is it you? I haven't seen you for a long time!"

As soon as Nie Cai got out of the car, an old man recognized him.

"Hello, Uncle Xu! I have gone to work out of town a long time ago, so it is normal that you haven't seen me."

The person who spoke was Nie Cai's old neighbor. Nie Cai quickly said hello and responded.

"I heard what Lao Nie said, you became a reporter... But is it possible to make such a fortune as a reporter? In less than half a year, you drove a car back... My grandson is getting married, can I pick you up and use the car?"

Uncle Xu looked at Nie Cai's car. With his knowledge, he couldn't recognize the make of Nie Cai's car, but in his opinion, Nie Cai was doing well if he could drive a small car.

"It's not like making a fortune. I borrowed the car from a colleague, but if you want to use it, I will definitely go there and help..."

Nie Cai quickly explained that he couldn't afford such a car!

After chatting for a few more words, Nie Cai went upstairs with his bag on his back.

"You little bastard, you still know how to come back?"

Opening the door, Nie Cai found his father sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, reading a newspaper, and smoking a hookah in his hand.

Nie Cai's father worked as a railway soldier. As an engineer, he participated in the construction of many railways. He even injured a leg in an accident that removed dumb guns. He walked with a limp. He only felt better if he crossed his legs. some.

"Dad, where is mom?"

Nie Cai put down his backpack and took a look at home.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, and there are no decent electrical appliances. The only TV is an old-fashioned picture tube TV, and the refrigerator is also a big green iron lump bought more than ten years ago.

"Where else can we go? Let's take Xiao Fei to the hospital."

Father Nie put down the newspaper and said helplessly.

"Has there been any change in my little sister's condition?" Nie Cai asked with concern.

As a disabled veteran, Nie's father could have a second child, so Nie Cai had a sister ten years younger than him, named Nie Fei.

When his sister was born, Nie Cai's father personally picked out the name from the Book of Songs, so he had high hopes for her.

Unfortunately, Nie Cai's sister was not very lucky.

Before she was ten years old, everything was normal, but then she suddenly had spasms from time to time. Later, when she was taken to see her, it was discovered that she had a rare disease called childhood tuberous sclerosis!

This disease, also known as tuberous encephalosclerosis, has an extremely low incidence rate, only one in 100,000, but Nie Fei happened to encounter it at such a low chance.

Nie Fei's parents shed tears because of Nie Fei's illness, and even sold their house for treatment. Two years later, Nie Fei's condition has not improved at all. Her epileptic attacks have become more and more frequent, and her personality has become more selfish. Shut up and become depressed.

"Alas... I hope my sister will get well soon!"

Nie Cai felt a little heavy. He opened his backpack and pushed it in front of his father: "Stop smoking the hookah and smoke some good cigarettes."

Nie Cai originally gave these cigarettes and alcohol to Wang Runfa, but Wang Runfa didn't accept them, so Nie Cai took them back, and he just happened to take them home now.

"Wuliangye, Zhonghua Tobacco? Good boy, you learned to accept gifts when you became a reporter, right? How did your father teach you?"

Father Nie only glanced at it, and his face suddenly darkened: "I was against it when you wanted to be a reporter. Later, you said that Xiaofei survived by helping the media organize donations when he was a child, so I reluctantly allowed you to become a reporter. , I didn’t expect that instead of helping others, you would learn these evil habits... "

He had been a railway soldier and had experienced self-defense and counterattacks. He was a decent man with a fiery personality. He couldn't stand the behavior of giving gifts.

"Dad, don't be like this. I am a low-level reporter. How can I be given these high-end tobacco and alcoholic drinks even if someone gives me a gift?"

Nie Cai quickly said, as a young reporter at the lowest level, he has never seen red envelopes a few times. How could someone give high-end cigarettes and alcohol

After hearing Nie Cai's explanation, Father Nie's expression improved a little: "Little bastard, remember what your father taught you to be a good person. You must act upright and stand upright. You are now a reporter. You have to take your own responsibilities..."

"Okay, Dad, I know!"

Nie Cai's ears grew numb after hearing these words since he was a child, so he quickly interrupted him.

"How's your work lately? You made a mistake and got fired, right... I saw your name on the provincial channel yesterday. That was big news!"

Father Nie took out a pack of cigarettes and was reluctant to open them. He put it in front of his nose and took a deep breath, looking intoxicated.

"It's okay. It's mainly due to the provincial station. I don't dare to come back until I have made a name for myself, for fear of being scolded by you."

Nie Cai said jokingly, taking out a bank card from his arms and placing it on the table: "My sister needs money for treatment. There are 220,000 yuan in this card, which should be enough for a while."

On the way, Nie Cai received a text message notification of the transfer. The commission on advertising fees was calculated at 15%. The commission of 225,000 yuan had already arrived. Nie Cai only kept a small change and the rest was left to his family. .

"More than two hundred thousand? Aren't you a temporary worker? How come you have so much money!"

Father Nie dropped the cigarette from his nose and said in surprise.

Nie Cai smiled and said: "I have done a good job recently. I have placed an advertisement. This is a commission from the advertising fee. Otherwise, how would I have made so much money just from my salary!"

"Don't work too hard! Your sister's illness is not a problem that money can solve..." Father Nie said with a serious face.

In the past two years, Nie Cai's parents used the money to buy a house to seek medical treatment all over the country. They visited almost all famous hospitals and finally came to a conclusion -

Tuberous sclerosis in children is a very rare disease that can only be treated with various anti-epileptic drugs. There is no way to cure it, no matter how much money you have, it is useless.

Nie Cai was a little tempted by Xu Jinfeng's money. A large part of the reason was to treat his sister.

"It's somewhat useful."

His sister's disease is still incurable. Thinking of this, Nie Cai's heart felt a little heavy, and even the joy of making money was diluted a lot.

As he said this, Nie Cai felt something in his heart. He heard footsteps tapping at the door and the sound of keys, and knew that it was his mother and sister who were back.

"Nie Cai, are you back? I just took Xiaofei to the hospital, and I haven't had time to buy groceries yet... I'm going to cook right now."

Nie's mother opened the door and held the hand of a shy little girl, who was Nie Cai's sister.