An Eye for News

Chapter 604: Satire


"Do it!"

Nie Cai took a step back and suddenly shouted loudly.

Immediately, there was a loud bang on the ceiling!

The top ceiling transom of 004 was suddenly shot down, and several figures fell from the sky, surrounding her in tacit cooperation!

Wu Chao struck her behind with a palm print, while Chen Han and another member of the Dragon Group restrained 004 from left to right.

"You are not poisoned!"

004 shouted angrily and said in great surprise.

What she had been worrying about had become a reality. She had been worried before that Nie Cai had other tricks.

Now, what she was most worried about came true. Wu Chao and the others struck hard and powerfully. It didn't look like they were poisoned at all. They had obviously returned to normal.

How did Nie Cai do it

Among the entire Red Skull, only she knows the functions of these potions. Even 005, who has the best relationship with her, doesn't know.

But... Nie Cai happened to choose the antidote among the seven or eight poisons, allowing Wu Chao and the others to return to normal.

What a hell!

"What does your poison mean? Can I still be poisoned to death by you?"

Nie Cai laughed and said deliberately.

He has the ability to read minds, and the antidote is no secret to him. He just needs to use the mind reading component to read it out.

In the corridor before, he disguised himself as a white waiter. At that time, he already knew which bottle was the antidote through the thought reading component. How could he make a mistake and drink the poison as the antidote.

With the addition of Wu Chao and the others, the situation has immediately changed, putting 004 at a huge disadvantage!

In terms of fighting alone, Nie Cai can barely be 004's opponent now, but with Wu Chao and the other two dragon team masters, she has no chance of winning.

At the critical moment, 004 shouted angrily, shook his Emei thorns with his hands, pulled out a huge sword flower, and forced everyone back!

After forcing everyone away, she curled her tongue and bit the capsule hidden under her tongue.

This capsule contains the so-called "true blood". If you bite this "true blood" capsule, you will have the true blood energy, which will burst out with powerful power in a short time!

Of course, the sequelae of the True Blood Capsules are also very severe. After an hour, the effectiveness of the True Blood Capsules will cease, and then they will enter a long period of weakness, becoming extremely weak and unable to lift anything for a day. Cultivation is almost at the mercy of others.

But at this time, she couldn't care about so much anymore. She couldn't bear just the two masters of the late Anjin stage, Nie Cai and Wu Chao, joining forces, let alone the other two members of the Dragon Team who were eyeing them.

"Damn it, if not all of our people are dead, even if only 005 is left, why would we be afraid of fighting in a group with you!"

004 gritted his teeth and thought bitterly.

The people of the Red Skull have good blood, and they have lived and trained together since childhood, so they have a tacit understanding of each other.

Only with 005 here and the two of them working together tacitly, how could she fall into such a passive state, even to the extent of having no choice but to use the true blood capsule.

"She seems to have taken the True Blood Capsule!"

Seeing 004's mouth moving, as if he was chewing something, Wu Chao looked a little serious and said in a deep voice.

He vaguely heard that the people of the Blood Skeleton have a desperate method. After taking the True Blood Capsule, they will explode with powerful power. It is estimated that this 004 has seen that something is wrong and has used the True Blood Capsule as his trump card.

"Yes, it's the true blood capsule. Even if I die, you guys will be buried with me!"

004 laughed and said sternly.

Being besieged by so many people, she felt that she had no luck and could only use this last resort that would hurt both sides.

After taking the True Blood Capsule, her cultivation level, which was already at the peak of Dark Strength, was able to further advance, and she could vaguely reach the realm of pseudo-Elixir Strength.

There is a world of difference between Dan Jin's masters and An Jin's masters. Even if she is just a fake Dan Jin, at worst she will die with Nie Cai and the others before the medicine wears off!


However, Nie Cai remained calm and looked at 004 with a smile.

Seeing Nie Cai like this, 004 suddenly felt that something was wrong. After a while, she finally discovered where the wrong thing came from.

There was something wrong with the taste of the True Blood Capsule hidden under her tongue. According to theory, the True Blood in the True Blood Capsule should have a sweet taste, but now she bit the capsule and tasted a faint bitterness. The almond flavor is completely different from what others have described.

"You...replaced my true blood capsule?"

004 finally understood and said angrily.

She was very familiar with this bitter almond-flavored drug. She called it Poison No. 1. It was the drug she used to deal with Wu Chao and the others and make them lose their power.

Nie Cai didn't know what method he used to remove the true blood capsule that she had been hiding under her tongue, and replaced it with the No. 1 poison.

After taking this No. 1 poison, you will fall into a coma. When you wake up, you will be in a state of losing all your true energy, and you will not be able to raise any strength at all.

Moreover, if the No. 1 poison is not injected or taken again for two hours, the drug will invade the internal organs, turning the drug from a drug to a life-threatening poison.

"Damn it!"

004 had a panic look on his face, and he quickly wiped the medicine on the armed belt on his thigh, trying to find the antidote.

But then she remembered that her antidote had been stolen by Nie Cai long ago. Where was the antidote

She hunted geese all day long, but was pecked out of her eyes by the geese. She had been playing with poison her whole life, but in the end she fell on the poison she had prepared herself. This was simply ironic!

"You want to find an antidote? Sorry, I have the antidote... This time, I want you to feel what it's like to lose your cultivation and have your life and death controlled by others."

Nie Cai laughed and said.

Although Wu Chao and the others got the antidote, they still recovered from their serious illness, and their cultivation level could only return to about 70% of what it was in its heyday.

Although they have a numerical advantage, if 004 tries his best, there is still the danger of being dragged to the bottom.

Especially since the opponent also has a powerful killer weapon like the True Blood Capsule. After taking the True Blood Capsule, his power will skyrocket and he will turn into an extremely dangerous beast.

Of course Nie Cai would not make this kind of mistake again and give the other party a chance to die together.

Just now, he had used the method of retrieval from the air to replace the real blood in the real blood capsule with the poison stolen from 004, and was waiting for the opponent to bite the real blood capsule and take the bait.

Sure enough, facing the siege of Nie Cai and Wu Chao, 004 finally used the true blood capsule, which happened to fall into his plan!

"Don't be complacent, someone will avenge me..."

After saying this, 004 looked unwilling, his body slowly softened, and he fell unconscious on the floor!