An Eye for News

Chapter 614: Race against time


There was dead silence in the studio.

Chen Mang opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The cruise ship ran aground artificially. More than 4,000 crew members and passengers were trapped on the ship. There were no lifeboats, and there were no ships nearby that could rescue them in time... This situation was almost a dead end.

"Nie Cai... why didn't you say the situation was so bad just now..."

After a while, Chen Mang smiled bitterly and murmured.

The host responded much faster than him, saying: "According to the cruise ship's manifest, there are about 21 Chinese people on the ship. At present, our country's foreign affairs department has urgently contacted the maritime department of country F to let us We are here to pray for the people on board, and our station will follow up and report on this matter at any time."

After saying this, the live broadcast has come to an end, and the director switched the camera.

"Nie Cai, why didn't you tell me that the situation has gotten so bad!"

Chen Mang said to Nie Cai anxiously.

He thought it was just an expensive shipwreck. At most, the cruise company would lose a lot of money, and there would not be many casualties.

Unexpectedly, the situation has gotten so bad. This is no longer an ordinary shipwreck, but an outright terror. Horrible incident!

"Time is too urgent, so we can only talk about the important things. Anyway, besides being anxious, you have nothing to do, right?"

Nie Cai's expression was not very nervous, but he smiled, as if he was not on a sinking cruise ship now, but was staying away from the incident.

Having said this, Nie Cai's face turned solemn and he asked, "I guess there will be a lot of people watching this live broadcast, right?"

Chen Mang was stunned, nodded subconsciously, and said: "We have used the highest priority resources for this exclusive live broadcast to carry out all-round publicity. Although the time is very sudden, it will definitely attract a large number of viewers to watch..."

He briefly introduced that CCTV was already very experienced in dealing with such emergencies. When it just received Qin Xiao’s call, CCTV’s Advertising and Program Marketing Center immediately contacted China Mobile, Telecom, China Unicom and the three major communications companies , let the other party provide push resources for free, and quickly send text messages to hundreds of millions of mid-to-high-end users to remind users to watch CCTV's live broadcast.

This kind of cooperation is actually a win-win situation. CCTV can remind users immediately and promote this breaking news report, while for communication companies, they can attract users’ attention. Compared with this, mere text messages are The shipping cost is nothing to mention.

At the same time, the Promotion Department of CCTV also launched an online micro live broadcast, simultaneously carrying out text and picture live broadcasts on the "CCTV Official Weibo" to release the latest progress of the rescue, attracting a large number of clicks, comments and forwardings from netizens. Attract netizens who don’t usually watch TV.

In this way, this breaking news report achieved all-round promotion through mobile phone text messages, web pages, and Weibo. In just a few minutes, the ratings doubled several times, and the attention was self-evident.

"That's good, I can rest assured."

Nie Cai breathed a sigh of relief and said.

What he is most worried about is that this live broadcast is too hasty and the effect is not good enough, so that he will not get enough news points.

Hearing that Chen Mang was so awesome and used so many resources to promote it, he finally felt relieved.

For such a major news, whether it is possible to directly obtain S-level permissions, at least the news points will not be reduced, right


Wu Chao asked, seeing that Nie Cai seemed to have finished the live broadcast.

"Okay, the satellite dish in the room should be able to see the TV... I'll go and see what the effect is."

Nie Cai nodded and said immediately.

Seeing Nie Cai leave the cockpit of the cruise ship without stopping and run back to the guest room, Wu Chao opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

At this time, Nie Cai was not paying attention to his own destiny at all. Instead, he wanted to watch the live TV broadcast. He didn't know whether to say that he was putting the cart before the horse, or that Nie Cai was just too dedicated

Nie Cai didn't know what Wu Chao was thinking at this time. He was currently thinking about news points.

The satellite communication system and satellite TV on the ship are not the same set. It is just like the pot lid antenna at home. The technical content of this thing is much lower.

Even if the captain and first mate destroyed the satellite communication system, they should still be able to see it.

Of course, according to Nie Cai's experience, as long as you can turn on the TV, you can receive the reward of news points. Even if the TV has no signal and is just a snowflake screen, it will still work.

Coming out of the cockpit, the situation outside was terrible.

The people in the cabin fled in panic, screaming and cursing.

But it was of no use. The lifeboat on the ship had already been lowered, and there was no use running to the deck at this time.

Nie Cai found a cabin closest to the cockpit, saw that the door was open, and rushed in.

As he expected, there was no one in the cabin, and most of them had probably fled for their lives at this time.

He quickly found the TV in the room and turned it on.

What caught his eye was the CNN logo, which made Nie Cai's eyes light up.

As one of the top television stations in the world, the American cable television channel CNN is definitely among the best in terms of exclusive news rate, forwarding rate and even news professionalism.

About ten minutes after the CCTV report, the American cable TV channel immediately followed up and reported in the form of breakingnews.

"According to a report from China Central Television, at 5:32 on November 11, 2016, a Royal Neutron cruise ship sailing in the Mediterranean ran aground..."

"The above is the report on the time when the cruise ship hit the rocks and sank. Our reporter Toj. Carter will go to Europe tonight to bring you more information. In addition, may God bless this reporter who reported on the sinking cruise ship. Chinese reporter.”

After the CNN host finished reporting the news, there was still a look of disbelief on his face.

As the world's top TV station, CCN's reporting speed has always been unparalleled, while TV stations in other countries can only lag behind and eat dust.

Take the recent missing incident of Malaysia Airlines MH370 as an example. At around 12:41 that day, CNN’s ace reporter Toj. Carter directly interviewed the vice president of Malaysian Shipping Control, and through military contacts, he directly found out the exact news facts such as "the estimated time of fuel exhaustion" and "the coordinate range of search and rescue operations". Not only was the reporting speed first-rate, but it also achieved In-depth coverage that no other TV station can achieve.

The speed of interviewing has always been CNN's strength. When it comes to reporting emergencies, CNN has rich practical experience. Whether it was the first to report the Reagan assassination on TV in 1981, or in 2001, it was the first to live broadcast the 9?11 attacks at a speed that led the world's media. , CNN all put "interview speed" at the top of their reporting list.

But this time such a major news was actually preempted by China Central Television, which has always been slow to respond. Due to bureaucracy and censorship, CCTV has always been much slower in the speed of new interviews. This time it was actually preempted by China Central Television. CNN, who is used to being the "leader", couldn't help but be shocked. No wonder the host had such a surprised expression.

At this time, a deep voice suddenly sounded in Nie Cai's mind, and the voice of the super news system finally appeared.

"Exclusively reported the news "Royal Neutron cruise ship ran aground on rocks and was suspected of being hijacked", and received 8,000 news points and one A-level authority. The news caused a sensational response, and an additional 4,000 news points were obtained."

A line of golden subtitles appeared in front of Nie Cai, prompting.

""The Royal Neutron cruise ship ran aground and was suspected of being hijacked" was broadcast by the American cable television channel CNN and received 1,000 news points."

"'The Royal Neutron cruise ship ran aground on rocks and was suspected of being hijacked' was broadcast by the BBC and received 1,000 news points."

""The Royal Neutron cruise ship ran aground on rocks and was suspected of being hijacked" was broadcast by French national television and received 800 news points."

""The Royal Neutron cruise ship ran aground on rocks and was suspected of being hijacked" was broadcast by Hong Kong Phoenix TV and received 800 news points."

A series of prompts popped up from the super news system, making Nie Cai dizzy.

Although Nie Cai was a little unhappy that he did not directly obtain S-level permissions, the harvest this time was already very rich.

In just a short period of time, Nie Cai had directly gained more than 17,000 news points and a B-level authority, which was far more than the number needed for Nie Cai to travel through dimensions.

Because it was already past two o'clock in the morning local time, most European TV stations had not yet reacted. Instead, CNN from far away in the United States took the lead and grabbed the first broadcast besides CCTV.

It is foreseeable that Nie Cai's exclusive report will continue to be broadcast by many of the world's top TV stations, thereby gaining more news points. The subsequent news points income is absolutely indispensable.

Nie Cai still couldn't get enough of this scene of skyrocketing news points, but at this time, Nie Cai still turned off the TV with some reluctance.

The 10,000 news points needed to open the dimensional shuttle channel have been saved. Now it's time to get down to business and get the marine valve-regulated battery.

"Start the dimensional shuttle channel!"

Nie Cai took a deep breath and said immediately.

"Calculating the dimensional transmission channel path... Calculation completed, opening..."

Following the sound of the super news system, a bright white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. The next moment, Nie Cai felt that the environment around him suddenly changed!

In front of him, there was no longer a cabin on the cruise ship, but back in the shipyard where he had fought with the Red Skull's men before, and he appeared in the unfinished ship.

"Finally home!"

Nie Cai no longer hesitated and immediately ran out.

If you want to say where there are the most marine VRLA batteries, it must be in shipyards.

Nie Cai went straight to the cockpit of the ship and found the cockpit console.


Nie Cai grabbed it with both hands and tore open the panel on the cockpit, tearing off the messy wires inside.

Sure enough, a dark battery appeared in front of Nie Cai. Nie Cai took a look at the numbers marked on it. Sure enough, it was a twelve-volt, two-hundred-amp marine valve-regulated battery!

"Great, it's saved!"

Nie Cai cheered, grabbed the battery and put it in his own dimensional space, then activated the dimensional shuttle again and returned to the Royal Neutron Cruise Ship.

As expected, when he activated the dimensional shuttle channel again, Nie Cai was no longer in the previous cabin, but appeared on the deck of the cruise ship.

Because the cruise ship was always moving, the positioning of the dimensional shuttle channel was a bit off, but the deck was in a mess, and in the dark, no one noticed that there was someone suddenly around.

"Give in, give in!"

Nie Cai was anxious, so he pushed away the person blocking him and ran towards the cockpit!

Now every minute and every second was extremely precious. He didn't want to waste his time. He glanced at the location of the bridge and climbed up the outer wall of the bridge like a big spider!


The continuous dimensional travel made Nie Cai a little dizzy. In addition, Nie Cai had already been injured in the previous confrontation. At this time, Nie Cai's eyes suddenly turned black, and his chest was filled with turmoil and burning.

But Nie Cai gritted his teeth and almost used up his last moment to climb to the top of the bridge, smashed through the windshield of the cockpit and rolled to the ground of the cockpit!

Wu Chao was still in the cockpit and was startled when he heard the sound of broken glass.

He thought it was the Red Skull's remnants who suddenly attacked him at this moment. After a closer look, he realized that the person who broke the glass was actually Nie Cai.

"Nie Cai, what's wrong with you? How did you get up from here?"

He helped Nie Cai up from the ground and asked with concern.

"Mr. Nie, where have you gone? Your CCTV colleagues have been looking for you..."

Robert also exclaimed at this time and ran over quickly.

"In order to seize the time, there is no way."

Nie Cai gasped for air, but opened his mouth, pointed at a black thing on the ground and said: "I was searching in the luggage compartment just now and found a battery. It seems to be a marine valve-controlled battery. Let's Robert goes to take a look?”

Following the direction of Nie Cai's finger, Robert glanced at it and immediately let out an exclamation!

As the second officer on the ship, he was very familiar with marine valve-regulated batteries and recognized what they were at a glance.

"Ah, this is actually a 12-volt, 200-amp marine valve-regulated battery. Oh my god, where did you find it..."

Robert was so excited that he couldn't speak incoherently, with tears in his eyes, and he screamed loudly!