An Eye for News

Chapter 629: Awesome waste


"Complete the task of 'Repairing the Founding Ceremony Film'. Task reward: 5,000 news points, a bottle of genetic enhancement potion, the repair effect is excellent, an additional 5,000 news points, and an S-permission."

The voice of the super news system sounded in Nie Cai's mind, reminding him that the mission had been completed.

"Finally completed this mission!"

Nie Cai was stunned at first, and then suddenly felt happy.

He accepted this task a long time ago, but due to financial reasons, he has never been able to restore the film of the founding ceremony. It was not until he sold Boss Hu's Bitcoin that he could finally afford to hire a professional film restorer from country F. company to fix it.

Money can make a fool of himself, so Nie Cai spent a lot of money on it. The film restoration company immediately used all its strength to restore it, and even solved many world-class problems during the restoration process. , using the most cutting-edge technology, the final effect was even much better than Nie Cai imagined.

4k restoration is indeed the most advanced digital image restoration technology today. If he hadn't known it in advance, he might have thought that this was a video shot in modern times.

"I got a genetic enhancement potion and s-authority? These are all new things..."

With a thought in his mind, Nie Cai immediately opened the item panel of the Super News System and began to carefully examine the harvest.

He had already known before that gene enhancement potions could strengthen the host's physique, stimulate the potential in the genes, and significantly increase the host's strength, speed, endurance, memory, lifespan and other values. It can definitely be regarded as a black technology in the 23rd world.

In order to improve the limits of the human body, the Dragon Group uses electromagnetic stimulation of muscle meridians, ATP energy slow-release capsules and other technological means to stimulate the human body's potential. The people of the Red Skull use internationally taboo human cloning technology to create a group of strong men. .

But these methods are not perfect, and they all come at the expense of your own health and lifespan.

However, Nie Cai's gene-enhancing potion has none of these drawbacks. Not only can it greatly enhance basic physical qualities such as strength, speed, and endurance, but it can also greatly increase Nie Cai's memory and lifespan. This is simply a legendary potion. Great tonic pill.

Nie Cai's current cultivation level is already at the late stage of Anjin. If he drinks this bottle of gene-enhancing potion... I'm afraid it will elevate him to Danjin, a state that almost no one has been able to achieve in modern times

Just thinking about it made him excited!

However, when he glanced at the instructions for the genetic enhancement potion, his heart suddenly felt cold.

"Gene enhancement potion strengthens the genes in the body and stimulates the potential in the genes, greatly increasing the host's strength, speed, endurance, memory, lifespan and other values. Warning, this potion is a federal first-level controlled item and must be authorized by the Earth Federation , open the gene lock in the potion, otherwise you will die directly!"

"MD, what the hell is this federal authorization!"

Nie Cai couldn't help but curse secretly and said loudly.

If Qin Xiao hadn't been present, he might have taken this bottle of gene-enhancing potion in excitement.

Nie Cai remembered that his super news system was only a second-level controlled item, but the genetic enhancement potion was actually a first-level controlled item. This shows how powerful this potion is.

According to this description, this gene-enhancing potion is so awesome that it is rated as a first-level controlled substance. Only with federal authorization and the genetic lock inside can it be drunk safely. Otherwise, even if you drink it, you will be superhuman the next second. It will be very difficult to drink it. He will soon be killed on the spot.

"I'm not from the 23rd century. Where can I find authorization from the Earth Federation?"

Nie Cai was almost on the verge of tears and cursed secretly.

"The federal authorization is to ensure that the genetic enhancement potion does not leak out. Please understand that this is actually a protective measure."

The voice of the Super News System sounded in time, saying: "The Earth Federation is at No. 1 Central Street, Liberty City. Your system level has reached level A and you can enter by appointment."

"I know this is to maintain the dominance of the Federation... But it's useless even if you give me directions, I can't use them at all!"

Nie Cai couldn't help but smile bitterly, feeling helpless in his heart.

Just imagine, the physical fitness of people who drink this gene-enhancing potion is already extremely strong. If they want to do something bad, the cost of stopping and chasing them is too high. That's why the Earth Federation will set up this gene lock. Only Only those who have completed extremely difficult tasks and experienced the test can drink it safely.

After all, after getting the super news system, and going through all kinds of hardships, from the lowest F-level authority to now, according to normal standards, he has long been tied to the federation, and it is unlikely that he will betray the federation.

However, if he is really a person from the 23rd century, needless to say, after going through all kinds of hardships to upgrade the system to level A and completing such a difficult task, he deserves this reward. It is impossible for the Earth Federation to deliberately get stuck. Nie Cai.

But the problem is... We are in the 21st century now, and Nie Cai's super news system came out of nowhere. Where can he find the authorization from the Earth Federation in the 23rd century

"You meet the conditions for use. Gene enhancement potion is the most precious technology of the Earth Federation. Only super police systems, super financial systems, super news systems, super medical systems and federal parliamentarians above level A are eligible to take it. This is your honor. .”

After all, it is a living creature. The super news system did not understand what Nie Cai really meant and explained mechanically.

Nie Cai was speechless. The super news system's answer was completely incorrect. Apart from knowing the names of several other systems, it had no other meaning at all.

Just like in China now, the professions of public security, finance, publicity, and health are key professions, and will naturally receive special attention. As for federal members, only federal members are eligible to take them... Is this a reflection of status privileges? It seems that the 23rd century is not a utopian society.

There is no way the super news system can help me in this matter. Unless the super news system can travel across the distance of two centuries and allow myself, a "black man", to come to the 23rd century, everything he says will be in vain.

It can be said that Nie Cai worked hard to repair the founding ceremony film and obtained this gene-enhancing potion, but now it seems that this extremely powerful potion is almost equal to a powerful waste product!

Even if he takes this gene-enhancing potion, without the authorization of the Federal Parliament, Nie Cai will die violently the next moment!


Nie Cai cursed in his heart, reluctantly closed the description of the genetic enhancement potion, and turned to look at something else.