An Eye for News

Chapter 632: Big gift package


"I still need to do a spiral CT and a blood draw. The amount of blood drawn may be a bit too much. I'll let you know in advance."

The old man named Sean didn't know that Nie Cai had seen through his identity and said.

The most critical thing now is to extract Nie Cai’s stem cells, which will make them easier to clone. The most common stem cells are hematopoietic stem cells, for example. Hematopoietic stem cells exist in the bone marrow of every child and adult, and there are also a small amount in the circulating blood. The presence.

However, bone marrow puncture must arouse Nie Cai's vigilance, so it can only be extracted from Nie Cai's circulating blood. The cost is to draw more blood, otherwise the amount will not be enough.

"Okay, I can be discharged from the hospital after these examinations, right?"

The advanced CT instrument can scan the fault lines in one's own body, which is almost equivalent to a slice study. Nie Cai was very resistant to doing this when he was in China, and it was even more impossible for him to accept this kind of examination now.

Nie Caixian agreed to cooperate just to find out how far they had studied him.

"That's right. After the examination, if you insist on being discharged from the hospital, you can just sign the exemption form."

Sean nodded quickly and said.

Nie Cai nodded. Immediately, his hospital bed was pushed out, he got on the elevator in the hospital, and finally stopped in a metal room. Once he got here, Qin Xiao could no longer follow him.

This metal room is the CT room. It seems that this CT machine is much more advanced than the one they saw in China. This also means that they can see the structure of Nie Cai's body more clearly.

"Please put on this sensor and lie down in the CT machine. This process will not take long..."

Sean locked the door of the CT room. After saying this, he entered the operation room next to the CT room and winked with several other people in white coats.

These people immediately dispersed, opened various professional instruments, and seemed to be making preparations.

Even though Nie Cai had never actually done a CT scan, he knew that it would be impossible for an ordinary CT scan to involve so many doctors and create such a huge battle.

Needless to say, these must also be people from the Red Skull. The people from the Emotional Red Skull brought over a research team specifically to study themselves.

"Good guy, the Red Skull people have spent a lot of money..."

Nie Cai sneered in his heart and said secretly.

He pretended to want to lie down in the CT machine, but then he seemed to remember something, got up from the bed again, and waved to Sean.

Sean in the operation room was already ready. At this moment, when he saw Nie Cai suddenly making a gesture, he couldn't help but open the heavy door of the operation room and walked out.

"what happened?"

He took off his mask and asked.

"I suddenly felt dizzy just now. I heard that the radiation from the CT machine is very strong and will make me lose my hair. It should be caused by the radiation. Why don't I just stop doing this? I can also delay my discharge from the hospital."

Nie Cai sighed, touched his head and said.

"That's not possible. The radiation from the CT machine is within a safe dose, and there will definitely be no abnormal reactions."

Sean suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Besides, the CT room is now closed. You can see that the iron door is one foot thick. The procedure to open this door is very cumbersome. Now that you are ready, just do it. "

He thought Nie Cai suddenly called him to do something, but it turned out that he wanted to go to the toilet.

The team under him are all experts in the medical field. They were bribed by the Red Skull with huge sums of money. Some of them have even been nominated for the Nobel Prize. Anyone who picks them up is a master in this field.

After finally completing the preparations, Nie Cai suddenly said he would not do it. Isn't this a joke

"We Chinese people believe this very much. You don't know that there is no place in the world that sells radiation protection clothing for pregnant women. We are the only ones that sell it the best. Playing with mobile phones on the bus can also arouse the anger of the elderly. The radiation from mobile phones will Affecting the health of the elderly…”

Nie Cai suddenly smiled and said.

"It's simply nonsense. These things are simply pseudoscience. I guarantee it with my identity..."

Sean frowned, and as a professional, he immediately reprimanded.

"Your identity? Who are you?"

Nie Cai's topic changed a bit suddenly and he said it coldly.

"My identity is..."

Sean was about to speak, but a wary look suddenly appeared on his face.

However, before he could react, his body suddenly fell limp.

"Look, the radiation is very strong, right?"

Nie Cai said as if it was a matter of course.

"Sean, what's wrong with you!"

Only then did the people in the operation room realize that Sean had fainted. They didn't know what had happened, so they quickly opened the door to the operation room and wanted to come out.

"Well, Sean is the deputy leader of the Red Skull research team? Let an entire research team deal with me? It seems that you really take me seriously..."

Nie Cai walked to the door of the operating room, blocked the door, and said with a sneer.

Hearing Nie Cai's words, everyone in the operation room was immediately shocked!

"Do you know our identities?"

The faces of the five people in the operating room all changed and they said in surprise.

One of them hurriedly tried to take out a pistol from the drawer, but Nie Cai moved faster. As soon as he moved, the pistol fell into Nie Cai's hand.

"Okay, thank you Red Skull people for giving me such a great gift, I won't be polite."

Nie Cai sneered and flicked his finger!

There is a bottle of colorless and odorless gas hidden in his finger. This bottle was taken from 004. It is a powerful drug. It has a very good effect even on practitioners, who are said to be weak in nature. It is estimated that one sniff will cause you to sleep for more than three days and three nights.

Everyone in the operating room seemed to be drunk, swaying around, and after a while, everyone was lying on the ground.

Nie Cai was not polite. He took all these researchers in white coats into his own dimensional space and prepared to pack them up and take them back to the Long Group's research laboratory.

Previously, due to dimensional travel, no living creatures could be allowed into his dimensional space. However, several days have passed and the dimensional space has long since stabilized and can be used as a kidnapping weapon.

These researchers can be said to be the technical backbone of the Red Skull, which is equivalent to a technical guarantee. Bringing these people back is even more valuable than bringing the same number of clones. It is simply a technical gift package for the Dragon Team.

As for how to pry open their mouths, this is not what Nie Cai cares about. Anyway, the people in the Dragon Group will definitely find a way.

There are still people from the Red Skull in the hospital, but the heavy metal door of the CT room isolates everything. It is estimated that they still don’t know that after Nie Cai took these people into the dimensional space, before the people from the Red Skull noticed, Then he entered the dimensional space, passed through the tightly protected CT room, knocked out Qin Xiao who was hiding in the toilet smoking, and quietly left here!