An Eye for News

Chapter 645: Integration plan


"015's chip signal has also disappeared."

In the empty hall, a man's deep voice slowly sounded.

The man was sitting on a big chair, with his back to a big screen in the hall, like a sculpture.

"Führer, we can't find him anymore. He seems to have disappeared out of thin air. This is exactly the same as the previous times."

An old man shook his head and said helplessly: "That Nie Cai probably didn't do it. He is probably still on the ship of the Chinese Navy. How could he go to Yemen to deal with us?"

This old man is called House, the leader of the Red Skull research team, and a well-known figure in the biological sciences. It was he and Sean who supported this genetically modified human cloning project.

"You're right, it probably wasn't the people from the Dragon Group who did it. The people from the Dragon Group have arrested so many of us, so there's no way they would go to Yemen to arrest people."

The man called the head of state shook his head and said.

It's already the seventh time this month. This month, Red Skull has encountered the biggest crisis since its establishment.

Not only was Nie Cai sabotaging the activity of capturing the members of the Dragon Group, the clone killers suffered heavy losses, but now even the clones on the periphery were poisoned by mysterious figures and were completely wiped out.

Everyone in the Red Skull has a chip implanted in their body. This chip has functions such as recording biological signs and locating the location. The chip is also very hidden and cannot be found unless it is broken into pieces.

Nie Cai once caught two Red Skull killers at the Cannes Film Festival, but in the end they successfully located them and instead designed to kidnap Wu Gang and others.

However, since this month, the chips of several clones have directly lost signals.

These people are not the top killers in the organization, but they are also the backbone, but they all disappeared without explanation while performing tasks.

When the first few clones disappeared, they suspected that it was Nie Cai, but today, they found that even 015 in Yemen had disappeared, which proved that there was still a hidden enemy against them.

This enemy is very cunning. The clones numbered 15 and above will have nothing to do when they go out to perform tasks, but the weaker clones, numbered 15 or later, will disappear inexplicably as soon as they are released.

Although the clones numbered 15 and above are not as powerful as the top ten, they are still an important force in the Red Skull. Losing so many in succession finally made them feel the seriousness of the situation.

"If Redel hadn't been on a mission to pursue Nie Cai, how could we have allowed this mysterious enemy to weaken us like shearing sheep?"

House said helplessly.

As long as a weaker clone is sent out to perform the task, and then a master follows, as long as the opponent is lured into action, he will definitely be able to catch the opponent in one fell swoop.

It is a pity that Red Skull killer number 10 or above is the only remaining one, the polished commander, and he is currently busy chasing Nie Cai and retrieving Sean and others, but he has no time to clone himself at this time.

The head of state pondered for a moment, seemed to have made up his mind, and said: "A clone will cost me more than ten million US dollars at least, not to mention the cost of digging graves all over the world, so I can't give it away for free. "

"The enemy is too powerful. Start the fusion plan, invest all the remaining resources, and create as many fusion people with fake elixir power as you can!"

The Red Skull now has a total of thirty-six clones. They have been severely damaged by Nie Cai and this mysterious enemy one after another. There are not many left, and they cannot continue like this.

House looked at him in surprise and said, "But... the technology is not mature yet, so I'm afraid the survival rate is not ideal!"

The fusion plan is to swallow his twin brother and sister like Redel, and then turn them into golden elixirs.

It's just that the masters of the golden elixir have gone against the will of heaven after all. Except for the already outstanding group of Redel, the other clone fusions have all ended in failure without exception.

"No... this time is different. Although Sean was caught, his final research finally had some value. According to the blood samples he sent back, this Nie Cai's genes are somewhat different. It seems to have very strong healing power. Preliminary statistics By transferring that section of his gene, the success rate can be increased to 50%, which is already very high."

"The results of this study were only released yesterday. I haven't had time to tell you yet. I am authorizing you to preside over the integration plan now."

The man called the head of state stood up from the chair, turned around slowly, and finally revealed his true face.

This slightly pale man is a typical German race. If Nie Cai were here, he would be very surprised to see the appearance of this red-skull head of state.

Because, the appearance of this man is almost the same as that of the man who was a clone of the Red Skull!

Mediterranean, in a supply ship.

Nie Cai was somewhat interested in sailing on a warship at first. With the consent of Deputy Chief of Staff Lin, he looked around curiously.

But later on, Nie Cai found that sea voyages were almost the same, and it became extremely boring.

That piece of internal reference has been sent back a long time ago, and I finally got news from the super news system a few days ago.

As expected, this piece of internal reference was directly listed in the big internal reference book "Domestic Dynamic Proof", and was finally rewarded with an A-level authority and 8,000 news points.

The reward from the Great Internal Reference did not surprise Nie Cai. It was neither too much nor too little. With the original more than 10,000 news points, Nie Cai had finally accumulated 20,000 news points and was redeeming them for dimensional reincarnation. Another step forward on the road to components.

On this day, the weather was surprisingly good and calm. It could almost be said to be the best weather since going to sea.

Nie Cai and Qin Xiao were busy editing the video materials of the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China in the cabin. Suddenly, an alarm sounded on the ship, and at the same time, a broadcast was broadcast asking the officers and soldiers to immediately enter the second level alert state.

"what happened?"

Nie Cai was moved in his heart and pushed open the hatch, just in time to meet Sun Man Gong who was walking over in a hurry.

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin has returned to the flagship, and he is the only person Nie Cai knows on this ship.

Sun Man Gong seemed to be used to this kind of thing, and said nonchalantly: "It's no big deal, it's just some Somali pirates who happened to be hijacking a Chinese merchant ship ahead. To deal with such a small wooden ship, a high-pressure water cannon can blow them over." ”

After saying that, he pointed to the outside except the porthole. Through the small porthole, Nie Cai saw what was happening there.