An Eye for News

Chapter 655: Mysterious sniper


The landing gear of the carrier-based helicopter was hit by an iron rod from Redel, and it spun and fell down, right on top of Nie Cai and Redel.

Redel moved and immediately jumped away from the deck. Being hit by a helicopter weighing several tons was not fun.

In particular, the helicopter's propeller was spinning rapidly. When it was hit, it was like an oversized chainsaw. Even if Redel was a master of Danjin, he would not dare to use his body to make gestures with the propeller.

A gentleman should never stand behind a dangerous wall. This has always been Redel's creed, and nothing will happen if he gives in temporarily.

But when Nie Cai looked at the helicopter falling from the sky, he frowned slightly, but did not run away.

"The flying knife I just shot was not useless. At least it made Redel's attack slightly deflected. From the direct shot that penetrated the helicopter cabin, to the current shot that only hit the landing gear, the helicopter lost its balance. If it falls, the people inside will still have a chance to survive!"

Nie Cai's heart moved and he said secretly.

His perception was sharp, and he could see Sun Man Gong and the pilot in the helicopter who were busy in the helicopter from a distance.

Fortunately, the flying knife he just struck had some effect. Otherwise, the people in the helicopter would have been stabbed to the core and would have been dead long ago.

But the current situation is not much better. If the helicopter falls into the sea, forget it. After all, the helicopter is just spinning and not falling very fast. It is possible to survive if it falls into the sea.

But... now the helicopter fell on the deck. In a head-on collision, Sun Man Gong and the helicopter pilot would definitely die.

Although Sun Man Gong had some issues with him in the past, that was in the past after all. The time he resolutely jumped back to save Nie Cai in country F had already changed Nie Cai's perspective.

Moreover, this time Sun Man Gong took the risk to help him. No matter what, Nie Cai could not just watch Sun Man Gong die!

Seeing the helicopter in the sky getting closer and closer, Nie Cai took a deep breath and suddenly jumped up high!

"Is this because you think your life is too long?"

Leidel looked at Nie Cai's actions, frowned, and murmured.

He knew very well what it meant to approach this spinning helicopter. If he made a mistake in judgment and was swept by the helicopter's propeller, he would definitely die. Even Redel would not dare to do such a difficult move easily. try.

But just because Redel didn't have the confidence to try, it didn't mean that Nie Cai couldn't do it.

Nie Cai narrowed his eyes slightly, avoided the propeller blades, saw the opportunity, and grabbed the landing gear of the helicopter rolling in the air!


Nie Cai shouted loudly and suddenly pushed hard!

Under his force, the heavy helicopter suddenly moved.

The helicopter's falling trajectory suddenly changed. Originally, it should have hit the deck, but under Nie Cai's force, the falling trajectory changed.


The helicopter passed by the destroyer's port side, throwing up sparks. All the propeller blades were broken off, and the fragments flew out in all directions.


Just hearing a loud noise, the helicopter finally crashed into the sea, turning up a white splash, and was instantly swallowed up by the sea water.

"do you died?"

Redel frowned and slowly walked to the port side of the destroyer.

He glanced at the sea and could see no trace of people except for the fragments of helicopters scattered on the sea.

"This Nie Caifu is full of tricks. I'm afraid he is still alive at this time. He will help people to the end and send Buddha to the West. Let me wish you a helping hand!"

After a moment, Redel snorted and murmured.

Using his palm as a knife, he grabbed the railing on the side of the destroyer, and with a "click" sound, he cut out an iron rod with a sharp tip.

Redel poured the strength into the iron rod, and then threw it into the sea water!


The iron rod shot out like a harpoon gun, turned into a black shadow, splashed a fine wave, and penetrated deeply into the sea water.

This kind of iron rod is no better than the close-in defense cannon that shot Redel just now. Because the iron rod has a large mass and streamlined lines, it can pierce through the water very quickly. With Redel's cultivation, he can pierce through the sea water. It is definitely not a problem to shoot through the cabin of a helicopter from 20 to 30 meters.

Then, as if he was worried, Redel kept moving and repeated the previous actions, chipping away at the iron railings on the side of the ship one by one.

Puff... Puff... Puff...

One after another, sharp iron rods were inserted deeply into the sea, like a dragnet, covering the area where the helicopter crashed into the sea.

Viewed from the sea, white stripes disappeared into the water. As long as Nie Cai was still in the water, it would be impossible to escape Redel's hand.

"This time, let me see how you can put yourself to death and survive..."

After throwing away the last iron rod, Redel clapped his hands and said.

He had already dismantled the destroyer's port side railing and turned it into forty or fifty deadly "harpoons". Under such dense coverage, there must be one that could hit Nie Cai in the water.

Just when he was fully expecting Nie Cai's floating corpse to appear on the sea, suddenly, he heard a "bang" gunshot!

This gunshot was dull and powerful, and it sounded extremely powerful. It was the sound of the QBU10 type 12.7mm sniper rifle used by Sun Mangong just now.

Reidel's heart moved, and a huge sense of danger suddenly appeared in his heart.

As long as you reach the level of Anjin, most masters will have the ability to predict murderous intent and danger. However, Danjin masters like Leidel have a stronger sense of murderous intent and danger, and can seek good luck and avoid disaster. It's called "whim."

It is no exaggeration to say that with this "whim" ability to seek good fortune and avoid disaster, even if you close your eyes and block your ears, most people would never be able to shoot him with a pistol.

When Sun Man Gong sniped at him before, the murder was leaked and he sensed it in advance, so he didn't hit him.

But... this time his "whim" actually showed up so late, and was almost concealed by the other party. This kind of situation has almost never happened before!

How did this mysterious sniper hide his "whim" perception and hide his murderous intention until he realized it at the moment when the gunshot was fired? This is simply incredible!

"not good!"

Without any hesitation, the protective aura of Redel's Tiger's Roaring Golden Bell and Dragon's Roan Iron Shirt were suddenly activated, and two auras, one dragon and one tiger, protected him.

At the same time, he stepped heavily on his feet, activated his body skills to the extreme, and dodged to the side!