An Eye for News

Chapter 658: Block the gun


The distance was still four to five hundred meters just now, but now it was only forty or fifty meters away, and it was almost about to hit the destroyer.

"Damn, this speed is too fast. How can something swimming in the water ignore resistance and swim so fast?"

Nie Cai's heart moved. The speed of this torpedo was much faster than he imagined.

At this time, even if he used a flying knife to detonate the torpedo directly, it would be too late.

If Nie Cai knew a little bit about military affairs, he would know that this torpedo was the famous Russian "Blizzard Torpedo".

"Storm" is transliterated as "Shakwa", and some people also translate it as "Squall" or "Snowstorm". It was developed by the Russian Legion State Scientific Research and Production Joint Enterprise. "Storm" adopts a special streamlined design with different front and rear, and looks like a cone. The mine body is 8 meters long, 534 millimeters in diameter, weighs 2.6 tons, has a range of 10 to 15 kilometers, a depth of 4 to 400 meters underwater, and a warhead charge of 250 kilograms. In 1996, each torpedo was quoted at US$1.5 million.

"Storm" is equipped with two engines. One is a solid rocket motor and the other is a metal water fuel water-injection turbine engine. The solid rocket motor ignites first, implements dual-plane program control, guides the torpedo to the attack depth, and then starts the other engine to attack the target with a super-high-speed direct ballistic trajectory.

This "Snowstorm" torpedo uses supercavitation technology. Supercavitation is also known as the "cavitation" phenomenon, also known as the "cavitation" phenomenon. When an object moves at high speed in water, the pressure at the interface between solid and liquid will be greatly reduced, and sometimes a negative pressure close to a vacuum will be generated. At this time, even at normal temperature, local water will boil, forming a low-pressure Tiny bubbles (at 0.02 atmospheric pressure, 20C water will boil). Under the influence of the surrounding water pressure, these bubbles collapse rapidly and generate a powerful shock wave. This is the phenomenon of "cavitation". Russian torpedo designers discovered that cavitation is closely related to water depth. The deeper the water, the more difficult it is to produce cavitation. If air or gas is injected into the cavitation site using a nozzle at an appropriate location, the negative pressure of the cavitation will become a positive pressure, forming a larger cylindrical cavity surrounding the torpedo. This phenomenon is called "supercavitation".

The Blizzard torpedo is equipped with a backward inclined deflector on the head to facilitate the separation of laminar flow, forming a phenomenon called "superspeed cavitation". This kind of supercavitating torpedo is equipped with a gas generator, which mainly uses engine exhaust gas to replenish the cavitation, so that when the torpedo moves underwater, it will generate ellipsoid-shaped bubbles to wrap the surface of the torpedo. In this way, only the head deflector and the tail cavitation vanishing point of the entire torpedo have direct contact with the water during navigation. Most of the rest are in the "supercavitation", causing the torpedo's resistance to drop sharply. , greatly reducing the friction between high-speed objects and seawater, allowing the torpedo to ignore the huge resistance of seawater and increase its speed to an astonishing ultra-high speed of 100 meters per second.

At a distance of 8 kilometers, the super-high-speed "Storm" can be launched to destroy the target in only one and a half minutes. The strong noise generated by the enemy ship's sudden evasion also provided conditions for another attack. According to some international media reports, the "Storm" even has the ability to use nuclear warheads, which greatly increases its deterrent power.

When the Soviet Union had just disintegrated and the new regime was not yet stable, a lot of weapons were resold, including nuclear bombs. It was not incredible that such a "Snowstorm" torpedo appeared. Something happened.

To put it a bit discouragingly, the level of China's navy is enough to bully the small countries near the South China Sea, but it is a bit difficult to face a real naval power. This is a technological crushing.

Even if the Chinese Navy discovers this torpedo in advance, there is no way to deal with it by using anti-torpedo rockets. The only way is to mislead it by launching decoys and let it hit the wrong target. This is the only way to survive.

"No, we can't let it hit the destroyer!"

Nie Cai's heart suddenly sank, and he immediately pushed his speed to the extreme, plunged down from the side of the ship, and then appeared from the dimensional space!

Through the turbid water, Nie Cai could see a huge black torpedo shooting towards him quickly, almost only a stone's throw away from Nie Cai, and it was about to hit him head-on!

At this moment, Nie Cai's eyes narrowed slightly, causing the torpedo to launch at a slower speed.

"Collect it from me!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and immediately activated the dimensional storage component!

Putting this torpedo into his dimensional storage component was almost Nie Cai's only method.

When Nie Cai was an ordinary young reporter in City N, a killer once used a poisonous needle hidden in a microphone to assassinate him, and he almost succeeded.

But fortunately, Nie Cai used the dimensional storage component in time to "retract" the poisonous needles in, thereby escaping the disaster.

The situation this time is somewhat similar to that time, both requiring the use of dimensional storage components, but the situation is countless times worse than last time.

The speed of the supercavitating torpedo is too fast, reaching almost one hundred meters per second. This speed is much faster than the last poisonous needle.

Moreover, the size of this torpedo is also very different from the poisonous needle. The length of the torpedo is more than three meters, while Nie Cai's ability to retrieve objects from the air is only five meters away, which is already his limit.

The same dimensional storage component is used. To put it in, it must be within the effective range of retrieving objects from the air. It does not matter if it is one centimeter more or less. This means that Nie Cai must activate the partition of the dimensional storage space very accurately. Empty retrieval components cannot be too early or too late, otherwise the collection will fail.

There is only one chance for this, and Nie Cai cannot activate the air retrieval twice in such a short period of time, so Nie Cai can only succeed and cannot fail.

The effective distance of the dimensional storage component is five meters, and the torpedo is more than three meters long. It seems that there is still more than one meter of error tolerance, but if you think about it, compared with the speed of one hundred meters per second, this The margin of more than one meter is almost negligible, just over one hundredth of a second.

As long as Nie Cai didn't seize this one-hundredth of a second opportunity, he would be hit by a torpedo head-on and shattered into pieces together with the destroyer!


Nie Cai took a deep breath. When he saw that the torpedo had appeared in front of him, and he could even feel the bursting sound of the bubbles in front of the torpedo, he finally moved.