An Eye for News

Chapter 659: Another chance


As Nie Cai activated the dimensional storage component, a golden light that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye flashed from Nie Cai's hand and instantly enveloped the "Blizzard" torpedo!

However, Nie Cai could see clearly that this golden light only covered the front half of the "Snowstorm" torpedo, but did not completely cover it.

"No, I shot too quickly..."

Just as this thought flashed through Nie Cai's mind, the next moment he felt a huge force hitting him.

This suddenly knocked Nie Cai flying to the surface of the water, as if he had turned into a human cannonball!

Click... click...

This blow was so harsh that Nie Cai could even hear the sound of his chest bones breaking while he was in the water. It was estimated that only a few of his ribs were intact now.

At the same time, the prompt from the super news system suddenly sounded!

"Warning, the target speed is too fast and the size is too large. The collection failed!"

The dimensional storage unit of the Super News System is indeed very powerful. If used properly, it will not be a problem to use flying knives with bare hands. However, the size of the flying knives is huge, and the speed cannot be compared with torpedoes using supercavitation technology.

The conditions required to put this torpedo into the dimensional storage space are so stringent that almost no mistakes are allowed, otherwise it will only end up being knocked away!

It was really a turn of events. Nie Caicai had just shot Redel's ribs to pieces, and this time it was his turn. His current situation was even worse than Redel's.

Redel was hit by just a bullet, but Nie Cai was lucky and hit by a torpedo weighing several tons. Although the torpedo was not as fast as the bullet, the kinetic energy was not something the human body could withstand.

Just think about it. An ordinary car weighs about the same as a torpedo. If it was hit by a car traveling at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, even Nie Cai, an expert at the peak of Anjin, would almost be killed directly at this time!

The torpedo hit Feniece and continued to rush towards the destroyer with almost no pause.


There was just a loud noise, and a dark brown wave rolled up on the sea. The destroyer was almost engulfed by the power of the torpedo explosion, and the entire ship was blown to pieces!

The only torpedo in the world that can sink an aircraft carrier was made by the Russians. The "Buran" torpedo adheres to the Russians' simple and violent design concept and has a very violent charge. This torpedo alone can sink a destroyer. Down!

Nie Cai, who was knocked into the air by the bomb, was also affected by the huge shock wave of the bomb. He only felt an extremely hot shock wave coming from in front of him, causing his body to be bent into a strange posture in the air, and then suddenly The land was blown to another direction.

Nie Cai was injured twice this time. If Nie Cai only had a broken bone in his chest just now, now that Nie Cai was hit by a shock wave at such a close range, there was almost no intact bone left.

If it weren't for Nie Cai's extremely strong physique, he might have died immediately.

"Am I going to die..."

Nie Cai felt that the world was spinning before his eyes, and the huge roar of explosions was all around his ears, and his consciousness began to blur.

"I failed. The dimensional storage component did not store the torpedo. Unfortunately... If I had been more calm and not so hasty..."

After being hit by a torpedo, almost everyone on board the destroyer died. Nie Cai only regretted that he had not successfully put away the torpedo just now!

"It would be great if we could do it again... Wait, do it again?"

Nie Cai's blurred consciousness suddenly became aroused, as if a light suddenly flickered in the dark night.

Only then did he remember that he had subconsciously used the function of the Dimensional Cave just now to prevent Redel from counterattacking before he died.

The Dimensional Cave is a save point. Nie Cai set up the save node of the Dimensional Cave at this time. Even if Redel has any trump cards, he can do it again and deal with it calmly.

Unexpectedly, the dimensional cave function was not used on Redel, but it came in handy now.

At this time, you can just use the function of Dimensional Cave to return yourself to ten seconds ago!

"Activate the Dimensional Cave Sky Component!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth, his heart moved, and he activated the Dimensional Cave with an extremely vague consciousness!

In an instant, the world in front of Nie Cai was spinning, and the scenery suddenly changed!

Nie Cai found that he was back on the side of the ship again, and the pain all over his body was gone. This was the result of Dimensional Cave Heaven.

Dimension Cave brought Nie Cai back to the recording point ten seconds ago. At this time, Nie Cai jumped off the ship's radar and was about to approach Redel!

"Do you still have the demeanor of a master to use such despicable means as a firearm?"

Like before, Redel's voice seemed a little angry and he roared.

But at this time, Nie Cai had no time to pay attention to him, but immediately turned around and left!

He rushed to the starboard side of the destroyer in three or two steps, and happened to see a soldier hiding in the bunker, holding a pistol and pointing at the deck as if facing a powerful enemy.

This soldier Nie Cai still has the impression that he is one of the guards of Deputy Chief of Staff Lin.

"Don't worry about this Reyder for now. There are torpedoes coming from that direction. Use whatever means you have as soon as possible!"

Nie Cai grabbed the soldier out of the bunker, pointed at the sea not far away, and said loudly.

"Torpedoes? How could there be torpedoes..."

The soldier was still a little unresponsive and said.

After all, they are soldiers in peacetime. At this time, it is impossible to imagine that someone would be so bold as to use torpedoes to sink the destroyers of the Chinese escort formation.

"I order you to return to your anti-submarine duties immediately!"

At this time, Nie Cai had no time to explain, and the aura of a dark master suddenly burst out, and he yelled directly at him.

Hearing this familiar command and being shocked by Nie Cai's momentum, the soldier subconsciously saluted a military salute and trotted towards the anti-submarine rocket launcher next to him.


It wasn't until he held the handle of the rocket launcher that he realized what he was doing.

But Nie Cai could no longer see all this. He had already jumped into the sea. When he opened his eyes in the sea, he saw a white line approaching quickly from the water in the distance!

"This is the last chance... If the collection fails again, you will really die!"

Nie Cai gritted his teeth and said secretly in his heart.

The speed of this "Snowstorm" torpedo was so fast that even if Nie Cai was given a chance to do it again, he didn't have much confidence that he would be able to contain it.

In fact, after Nie Cai was reborn through the dimensional cave just now, he could still enter the dimensional space in time to avoid the power of this cannon.

However, Nie Cai did not do this, but even if Nie Cai was given another chance, he would not live alone and ignore the people of an entire destroyer. This was his principle as a man.