An Eye for News

Chapter 664: Suez Canal


Yang Zhirong once said that it is impossible for a Danjin master to appear in the world today.

If you want to reach the realm of Jindan, you must first reach the peak of Anjin. This alone has made 99% of people despair.

Moreover, it is not enough to reach the peak of Anjin, you must also have "innate Qi". According to Yang Zhirong, "Innate Qi" is the breath of a baby in the womb. It is extremely pure. It is the pursuit of countless Taoists to advance to the innate Qi. The goal.

However, the pollution caused by industrial society has destroyed the "innate Qi". Unless a person is born unable to breathe the waste gas emitted by industrial society, this is impossible.

Del is an exception. I guess the Red Skull people don't know how much effort they put into him and how many experiments they went through to create him.

Nie Cai did not have such conditions, so the genetic enhancement potion was the only hope for Nie Cai to enter Danjin.

However, this gene-enhancing potion is restricted by the Federal Parliament and must be authorized before it can be used. Otherwise, you will definitely die if you drink it!

The genetic enhancement potion will make you die, and the dimensional reincarnation component can make you reborn. With the interaction of the two, can you overcome the golden elixir hurdle

Nie Cai didn't know that even after redeeming the dimensional reincarnation component later, he didn't dare to try it rashly.

There has always been a doubt in his mind, that is, since the Federal Congress has adopted the authorization method and does not want people to use gene-enhancing potions, how can it leave such an obvious loophole to allow people to bypass the restrictions on gene-enhancing potions? I'm afraid there's something weird in this...

"No matter what, let's exchange the dimensional reincarnation components first. After all, we will gain an extra life!"

Nie Cai shook his head, put aside all the thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on writing this press release about Somali pirates.

Originally, after Nie Cai reported on the silence incident of the "Royal Neutron" cruise ship, he received a steady stream of news points due to quotes from various TV stations around the world. Counting the internal references he had written before, Nie Cai now has more than 30,000 points. of news points.

Coupled with the news that Somali pirates attacked merchant ships for the first time in China, it is estimated that it will soon reach 50,000 points, and then you can redeem this dimensional reincarnation component.

With the assistance of the press release writing system, Nie Cai quickly completed the news and sent the news back to China using the communication equipment on the supply ship. He only waited for it to be played. It is estimated that the news points would be collected soon.

Nie Cai now felt some sympathy for the CCTV colleagues who were still in the Gulf of Aden. They had followed the serious convoy fleet in the Gulf of Aden for several months. They were exposed to the wind and sun on the sea every day, and they didn't even have a problem with pirates. When they saw it, they were the first to bump into it, and even took the news footage. I guess they could only lament the impermanence of life after knowing it...

The escort formation headed towards the Suez Canal. The journey was uneventful and finally arrived at the entrance of the Suez Canal.

Nie Cai saw the desert on the land from a distance, which was the boundary between the Asian continent and the African continent.

A large artificially dug river crosses the desert, which is the famous Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal is located in the northeast of Egypt and runs through the Isthmus of Suez. It is an important maritime passage between Europe, Asia and Africa. It was built in 1859, completed and officially opened to navigation in 1869 (see color map). It was controlled by France after it was opened to navigation, and by Britain after 1882. In 1956, Egypt announced that it would nationalize the canal. The canal starts from Port Said in the north and flows into the Red Sea through Lake Timsa, the Great Bitter Lake and the Taufik Canal. It is 162.5 kilometers long, and the total length of the river section extending into the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea is about 174 kilometers. In 1869, the river surface was 58 meters wide, the river bottom was 22 meters wide, and the water depth was 6 meters. There were no locks along the way, and shipping was unimpeded. It took about 48 hours for ships to pass through the canal. In 1955, the surface of the canal was widened to 135 meters, the river bottom is 50 meters wide, and the water depth is 13 meters. It can navigate 30,000-ton cargo ships and 45,000-ton oil tankers. The time for ships to pass through the canal has been shortened to 14 hours.

The construction of the Suez Canal greatly shortened the voyage between the East and the West (see table) and promoted the development of international trade and shipping. Because of this, the Suez Canal has become a target of competition among Western powers. The so-called Suez Canal issue actually resulted from the long-term competition among Western powers over the excavation and control of the canal.

The Suez Canal is one of the world's most important shipping lanes and one of Egypt's main sources of foreign exchange, generating an average of more than 5 billion US dollars in revenue for Egypt every year. After the opening of the new canal, Egypt's annual canal revenue is expected to reach approximately US$15 billion in 2023.

In addition, the Egyptian government also plans to build the "Suez Canal Corridor Economic Belt" along the Suez Canal in the future, including the construction of infrastructure such as roads, airports, ports, and multiple high-tech engineering projects. It is expected that after the economic belt is fully completed, it will create up to 1,000 jobs for Egypt every year. billion in revenue, accounting for about one-third of the country’s total economic output

The escort formation stopped at the intersection of the Suez Canal. Although the Chinese government has obtained permission from the Pharaonic government to allow warships to pass through, whether they are civilian ships or military ships, they need to pay a fee to pass through the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal. Such as tolls, pilot fees, and navigational aids.

Of course, in addition to the warships of the United States, the United States originally had a military alliance with the Pharaohs. In addition, the United States has a big fist, so naturally there is no need to pay this money. Every time it passes by, even the submarine will emerge from the water to show off its power. Fan.

In fact, the Pharaohs had some friction with China because of the passage problem of the Suez Canal.

In the late 1990s, China purchased the unfinished former Russian "Varyag" aircraft carrier in the name of a tourism company. Later, it planned to depart from the former Russian Nikolaev Shipyard and insert it into the Red Sea via the Suez Canal using tugboats. Towed back home. The journey in the Mediterranean was relatively smooth, but when passing through the Suez Canal, we encountered some troubles.

At that time, the Pharaohs refused to allow China to transport the aircraft carrier back, even through the mediation of the ambassador. In the end, the Varyag had no choice but to change its route, heading west through the Strait of Gibraltar and out of the Atlantic Ocean, bypassing the entire African continent, and arriving in Asia. The voyage that could be completed in about ten days turned into a long march of more than two years.

However, today is different from the past. Now that the country is strong and there are escort formations showing their fists, this time the Pharaohs no longer dare to make things difficult. After collecting a sum of money, they obediently let Nie Cai and the escort formations pass.