An Eye for News

Chapter 665: Brave the great injustice of the world


The escort formation stopped at the entrance of the Suez Canal, and soon a navigator came over and led the escort formation into the canal.

"If you were one of the Red Skull's men, where would you choose to ambush?"

At this moment, Nie Cai suddenly asked Sun Mangong next to him.

"If I were them, I would stay as far away as possible. The escort formation is now on alert and there is no possibility of a breakthrough."

Sun Man Gong shook his head and said.

The escort formation now firmly guards the submarine in the middle. Anyone who wants to deal with the Chinese submarine must first be attacked by the Chinese escort formation.

It would be fine if the Red Skull had a complete combat formation, but the opponent only had an ancient submarine, so how could they fight? But the problem is that if someone has a trump card like a Danjin master, they don’t know how to defend against it.

But Sun Man Gong's face looked a little helpless, and he sighed, and then said: "To be fair, that's true, but the other side has Laird as their trump card. I really don't know what other tricks they have."

"Fortunately, you shot Leidel and seriously injured him. He is probably still recovering from his injuries. There should be no way he can appear here."

Nie Cai shot Redel in the ribs. Even if the opponent ran away and saved his life, he should be unable to fight anymore at this time.

"hope so."

Nie Cai nodded and said.

Danjin masters were not infallible, and they would definitely have to recover from injuries. But for some reason, Nie Cai still felt a little worried.

"It's better to be careful!"

Nie Cai thought about it in his mind and decided to use the time-shift camera component to check it out.

The time-lapse camera component can view the past or future timeline and see what will happen in the three hours before and after.

When Nie Cai flew from n city to the capital, he learned about the plane crash through the time-lapse camera component on the plane. He should be able to see some clues this time.

The time-lapse camera component can only be used once every 24 hours. Nie Cai decided to use this opportunity here. After all, this may be the most dangerous place.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai's heart moved and he immediately activated the time-lapse camera component.

"Confirm to check the future timeline, it is being analyzed..."

The sound of the super news system sounded, and suddenly, a green line appeared in Nie Cai's pupil camera, which represented the timeline of the future.

After just one glance, Nie Cai was frightened by this green timeline.

The fluctuation of this green line surpassed anything Nie Cai had seen before, and was even more intense than the previous news about the plane crash. Nie Cai was shocked to see it.

"What on earth happened, that there was such a fluctuation!"

Nie Cai took a breath of air and murmured in his heart.

Looking at the timeline, it shouldn't be that far away, at most ten minutes later.

Nie Cai did not dare to delay and immediately intercepted this section of the timeline to see what happened to cause such a big fluctuation in the timeline!

"The interception was successful. The maximum news level is estimated to be s+. This piece of news can probably obtain A-level permission..."

Following the sound of the super news system, a picture suddenly appeared in front of Nie Cai's eyes. It was the Chinese escort formation!

I saw the Chinese escort formation like a long dragon, led by the pilot ship, slowly passing through the Suez Canal.

This is already the middle section of the canal. A cable-stayed steel cable bridge spans the wide Suez Canal, which is the famous Suez Canal Bridge.

This Suez Canal Bridge, also known as the Mubarak Bridge, is the first fixed bridge on the canal. The bridge is nearly ten kilometers long, 20 meters wide, and the main bridge is 70 meters high. Moreover, this bridge is currently the bridge with the highest clearance in the world, allowing a giant ship up to 68 meters high to pass without touching the bridge body.

After all, it is a bridge built on the busiest canal in the world. At the beginning of the design, we considered what to do if a very large and very high ship passed by and hit the bridge. Therefore, the clear height of the bridge must be designed. The height must be extremely high, otherwise, being hit by a ship would be a huge disaster.

China's destroyers are far from being big ships. American aircraft carriers can pass through the Suez Canal smoothly. Compared with them, China's destroyers are nothing at all.

However, in Nie Cai's time-lapse camera component, just as the Chinese escort fleet was slowly passing the Suez Canal Bridge, something suddenly changed!

Just hearing a loud "boom", there were two huge explosions on the deck of the Suez Canal Bridge, and explosions of fire appeared in two places at the same time.

The one-kilometer-long bridge deck was directly broken by these two explosions, and the reinforced concrete bridge deck just crashed down, hitting the head of the Chinese escort formation!

How heavy would it be if a one-kilometer bridge fell from a height of more than 60 meters, that is, more than 20 stories high

Nie Cai didn't know. He only knew from the picture that the two destroyers were directly smashed by the bridge deck and turned into a pile of scrap metal. The other three warships in the escort formation were also overturned by the huge waves. There is simply no way to resist this tsunami-like power.

As for the underwater submarine... Nie Cai didn't know if it was directly hit by the bridge deck. He could only see from the time-lapse camera component that there were explosive splashes of water in the canal, and huge muffled sounds were heard in the water. When it comes out, it should be something like a depth charge.

Needless to say, the only one who dared to risk the disapproval of the world and do such a thing was the Red Skull.

Last time, the Red Skull sank a luxury cruise ship carrying more than 4,000 people in order to silence them. But this time, Sean's value was much higher than that of 004, so they intensified their efforts and even came up with the idea of blowing up the bridge. .

Nie Cai noticed that the Suez Canal Bridge was very busy. When it was blown up, there were many vehicles driving on the bridge. The one-kilometer-long bridge deck was sunk by the bomb. He didn't know how many of them there were. People suffered this unreasonable disaster and lost their lives because of it!

"Damn Red Skull...what can't these people do?"

The image in the pupil camera gradually disappeared, Nie Cai took a deep breath and thought to himself.

No wonder the timeline of the time-lapse camera component shows huge fluctuations with a maximum news level estimated to be ss. Blowing up bridges to deal with Chinese warships has such a huge impact, not only involving countless lives, but also This will offend the Pharaoh Kingdom and China, and cause an uproar all over the world. Only the lawless Red Skull can do such a thing that is so outrageous in the world.