An Eye for News

Chapter 676: law


I have to say that Zhang Xinyu's words were quite tempting. For a moment, Nie Cai was almost shaken.

After this super news system fell from the sky, Nie Cai kept wondering why, why this super news system chose him and appeared on him.

Carrying this secret, Nie Cai has always felt nervous. Until now, someone from the Earth Federation finally came to his door. Although the other party was far from friendly, strangely, Nie Cai felt a sense of relief.

Things that don't belong to him don't count as his. Now that he has become famous, the super news system is of little use to him. Even without this system, he can spend the rest of his life in great glory.

Isn't this the original goal to find a place with beautiful scenery and be with Li Wei? After finally finding Li Wei again, how could Nie Cai just watch her die!

But... At this moment, Nie Cai suddenly woke up.

What the other party said seemed reasonable, but there was a small flaw in it.

Since this super news system accidentally appeared in the 21st century and appeared on myself, and this "Zhang Xinyu" has a super law enforcement system, it is even more important to act in accordance with the law.

The system encourages this industry. Nie Cai’s super news system has always required Nie Cai not to do fake news and maintain the purity of news. For this reason, Nie Cai also received 50 news points and an E-level authority. This was very important at the time. For Nie Cai, it was a "huge sum of money."

This super news system was developed by the Earth Federation in the 23rd century. During initialization, it must be used in strict accordance with the "Earth Federation News Law". If violated, the super news system will be forced not to be used, and even news points will be deducted. This super law enforcement system It should be the same.

"Since he has a super law enforcement system, how can this Zhang Xinyu kill people?"

Thinking of this, Nie Cai suddenly came to his senses. Maybe things might not be as simple as Zhang Xinyu thought!

He said calmly: "How can I believe you? You are a person sent by the Federation to recover my super news system. What if you lied to me?"

"This is simple. I have authorization from the Federal Parliament. This authorization has extremely high authority and can be read by every system. You can read it and take a look."

Zhang Xinyu seemed to be prepared for this and said.

As soon as she finished speaking, Nie Cai's eyes suddenly flashed with golden light!

Suddenly, the voice of the Super News System rang in Nie Cai's mind, saying: "I have received a warning from the Federal Parliament. You have now seriously violated Article 1, Chapter 1, of the Federal Constitution. Please stop using the system immediately and proceed as soon as possible." Contact federal law enforcement or you will be severely punished!"

This was the first time he had encountered this situation in so long, and the super news system was actually warned.

Nie Cai's heart was moved and he immediately asked: "Excuse me, what is Article 1 of Chapter 1 of the Federal Constitution? Why did I violate this regulation?"

But the Super News System was silent at this time and did not answer Nie Cai's question.

Nie Cai frowned, suddenly raised his head, glanced at Zhang Xinyu, and asked, "Excuse me, what is Article 1 of Chapter 1 of the Federal Constitution? Why did I violate this regulation?"

"Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution prohibits illegal use of the system, and failure to do so will result in penalties."

Zhang Xinyu was stunned for a moment, and then answered.

"Is this really the content of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution? Then I will find it myself."

Nie Cai snorted coldly and thought to himself.

If he didn't have doubts, then he might have been deceived by the other party's words.

But since he had already developed doubts, how could he still believe what this "Zhang Xinyu" said

Almost at the same time, he immediately started the press release writing assistant system and began to search for the contents of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution in the huge historical news database.

He didn't know why the super news system wouldn't answer such a simple question, but this press release writing assistant system had the most comprehensive news in the 23rd century. There should be some news items that mentioned Chapter 1 of the Federal Constitution. strip.

"The module is loaded successfully, and the news database is being searched. 7298 similar news articles have been found, arranged according to similarity..."

Following the sound of the system, a flashing cursor suddenly appeared in front of Nie Cai's eyes.

They were headlines of press releases, with the keywords of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution marked in red font.

This search doesn't matter, as soon as Nie Cai's press release auxiliary system was searched, thousands of results immediately appeared.

"Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution states that the Federal Parliament represents the will of the Earth Federation. The Federation's will is supreme and has the highest authority in all systems. It can directly control system authority. The owners of the system must also unconditionally obey the Federal Parliament. Decision, otherwise, federal lawmakers can directly sentence the system owner for *******."

Seeing this, Nie Cai couldn't help but feel a huge doubt in his heart.

This "Federal Constitution" is high-sounding, but at a glance, you can see that this kind of regulations is nothing more than independence covered with a layer of skin. Just cutting.

The status of the Federal Parliament is extremely high. Nie Cai has learned this before. The so-called "incomparably precious" gene-enhancing drug can only be used by super law enforcement systems, super financial systems, super news systems, super medical systems and above. Only federal MPs are eligible to take it.

Why did he specifically add the word "Federal Member" to cause trouble? He had thought at that time that this 23rd century was not a utopian society with a unified world, and there were still hierarchies.

We are already in the 23rd century, and yet we have come up with such an overbearing Federal Constitution, putting this kind of regulations in the first place, and creating a so-called crime of rape. This is simply a huge irony. .

According to this "Zhang Xinyu", the system is the greatest invention of the 23rd century. Almost everyone has a system and has become a component in the big machine of the Federation.

According to this, federal members can directly control system permissions. Doesn't that mean they can take life and death from those who own the system

Living in this kind of environment is like planting an irremovable bomb in the body. As long as those supreme federal members are willing, they can detonate this "bomb" at any time and blow these system owners to pieces!

No wonder Zhang Xinyu can restrict himself from entering the solid dimensional space. The other party has the authorization of the Federal Parliament and can directly control the system permissions. Of course, he can control Nie Cai's super news system and prevent Nie Cai from entering the dimensional space.

"The search is completed. A total of 7632 results were found. You now have S-level permissions and can search the internal reference news library. Do you want to continue the search?"

But at this moment, the voice of the super news system suddenly sounded. This was different from the previous search, and a new option actually appeared!

Without any hesitation, when Nie Cai heard the words "internal reference", he immediately clicked "OK" reflexively.

Internal references are state secrets, and only those with response authority can access the internal references. The things reflected in them are naturally much more real than those public news that can be retrieved at will.

"Performing search in internal reference database..."

The sound of the super news system sounded, and a flashing cursor suddenly appeared in front of Nie Cai's eyes.

But the cursor turned bright red, indicating the difference between this internal reference database and the ordinary news database.

Sure enough, the search results in the internal reference database also came out. They were press release titles one after another. They were much fewer than the results in ordinary news databases, but the content was shocking.

"The owner of the B-level super news system, xxx, defied the provisions of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution and openly declared freedom of the press, causing a negative impact. Currently, this person has been imprisoned in the highest federal prison."

"The owner of the A-level super news system, xxx, violated the provisions of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution and exposed the truth about election bribery of member xxx, which had a huge impact. He has been killed by federal law enforcement agencies. It was claimed that he was involved in a dimensional travel encounter. Death by turbulence, it is recommended that the Internet implement a real-name system to control the speech of all Internet users."

"The owner of the A-level super law enforcement system, xxx, disobeyed the provisions of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution, deliberately disobeyed the orders of the Federal Assembly, lied about being lost and gave up suppressing the unsystematic insurrectionists, causing the spread of the unsystematic insurrectionists and causing future troubles. , this person has been removed from all positions and is awaiting processing."

Reading through these internal references made Nie Cai's heart beat with fear.

Nie Cai believed that the Earth Federation's intention in setting up this parliament was good, but for some reason, this parliament completely violated its original intention.

Chapter 1, Article 1 of the "Federal Constitution" stipulates that the Federal Parliament represents the will of the Earth Federation. The federal will is supreme and has the highest authority in all systems. It can directly control system authority. The owners of the system must also unconditionally obey the Federal Parliament. Decision, otherwise, federal lawmakers can directly sentence the system owner for *******.

Under the provisions of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution, almost everyone lives in the shadow of this small group of federal members, and cannot even exercise freedom of speech.

The owners of the super news system of this era are simply dancing in chains and can only write some singing and dancing articles. Whoever dares to touch the interests of those federal legislators will be in trouble.

For journalists, this is definitely the darkest era. Nie Cai just glanced at the contents of the internal reference database and found that almost 90% of those who disobeyed the provisions of Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution were Owner of Super News System.

If you think about it, you will understand. Chapter 1, Article 1 of the "Federal Constitution" stipulates that the Federal Parliament represents the will of the Earth Federation. The federation's will is supreme and has the highest authority in all systems. It can directly control system authority. The owner of the system also The decision of the Federal Parliament must be obeyed unconditionally. Otherwise, the federal parliamentarians can directly sentence the owner of the system for rape. This regulation is equivalent to giving the federal parliamentarians supreme power, and the super news system serves as a supervision of public opinion. It is inevitable to supervise these federal legislators, and it is normal for conflicts to arise.

Nie Cai suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his heart. Maybe his super news system did not appear to him because of an error, but was the result of something unknown, allowing him to change the white terror-like 23rd century!

Thinking of this, Nie Cai couldn't help but take a deep breath and glanced at Zhang Xinyu opposite.

This "Zhang Xinyu" probably didn't know that he could check the internal reference database, or he didn't even think about Nie Cai going back to check the internal reference database.

She casually made up a provision in Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution, which prohibited illegal systems, otherwise they would be punished. This was completely different from what he found in the database.

The true Federal Constitution, Chapter 1, Article 1, is

The Federal Parliament represents the will of the Earth Federation. The Federation's will is supreme and has the highest authority in all systems. It can directly control the system authority. The owners of the system must also unconditionally obey the decisions of the Federal Parliament. Otherwise, the federal parliamentarians can directly * The owner of the ***** crime sentencing system, this regulation sounds strange even to people in the 21st century, and it will definitely arouse suspicion. No wonder she dare not tell the truth.

"Okay, I promise you, drink this bottle of reset potion, but you have to let Li Wei go first, otherwise I won't feel your sincerity at all."

Nie Cai pondered for a moment and suddenly said.

Seeing that "Zhang Xinyu" was still hesitant, Nie Cai couldn't help but sneer and said: "What are you afraid of? You can seal my dimension, are you still afraid that I will escape? I can't escape no matter how hard I take Li Wei with me. You?"

After hearing Nie Cai's words, Zhang Xinyu thought for a while and finally nodded.

Nie Cai's dimensional permissions have been blocked by her. She is not afraid of Nie Cai escaping. In the worst case, she can take Li Wei back through the dimensional space at any time.

"Okay, I promise you, I will unlock her acupoints now!"

After saying this, Zhang Xinyu lined up Li Wei's chest and immediately opened her acupuncture points.

Nie Cai noticed that although Li Wei could not move, like a puppet, her eyes were full of fear.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Nie Cai saw an unspeakable fear in her eyes. If she hadn't been acupunctured, she would have been paralyzed by fear!

Li Wei didn't know how long she had been taken in, and she was still in a state of being unable to move due to her acupuncture points. You can imagine how frightened and helpless she felt now.

Nie Cai knew exactly what place in the dimensional space there was. There was no color or sound. It was extremely strange to ordinary people. It would be strange not to be scared crazy after staying there for a long time!