An Eye for News

Chapter 678: Resurrection from the dead


The sentry was really confused.

She could swear that the bottle of medicine Nie Cai drank just now was really just a reset potion, and he had no intention of taking the opportunity to plot against Nie Cai.

If you want to plot against Nie Cai, his super law enforcement system still has many methods, and there is no need to poison this bottle of reset potion.

What he really wants is Nie Cai's super news system. The order given to him by the Federal Congress is to bring back Nie Cai's super news system to see why this super news system suddenly appeared in Nie Cai's era. It itself has precious research value.

Moreover, now that Nie Cai has achieved great success, he has even evolved the super news system to S-level, which is almost impossible to achieve in the 23rd century.

S-level systems are very rare in the 23rd world. There are only a few in the entire federation. Some of them are in the hands of federal members. Ordinary people have no way to advance to this advanced system. Therefore, Nie Cai has this S-level system. The value of super news is even higher.

After Nie Cai drank the reset potion, Nie Cai's S-level news system should be reset under normal circumstances. The reset chip that appeared on his body. With this chip, as long as the chip is embedded With an enforcer robot like her, the Federation will soon have an S-class enforcer robot, and its value is self-evident.

Now that Nie Cai dies, the super news system on him will disappear directly, which is equivalent to being buried with Nie Cai. This loss is huge!

"This is impossible!"

The sentry said in a panic. She quickly picked up the reset chip and checked it. It was still empty. Nie Cai's S-level super news system did not appear in it.

"Did it come from the 23rd century and this bottle of reset potion went wrong while traveling through time?"

She cursed and quickly walked to Nie Cai's side to check Nie Cai's body.

This check didn't matter, she realized that Nie Cai was no longer breathing, his pulse and heartbeat had stopped, and there was no sign of life.

To put it simply, Nie Cai was really dead. After drinking this bottle of reset potion, he lost his vital signs in a short period of time. Even with the medical methods of the 23rd century, there was no way to save him.

"Nie Cai! What's wrong with you! Wake up!"

Li Wei, who was originally lying on the ground, stumbled over without knowing where she got the strength, and pushed Nie Cai hard, trying to wake him up.

It's just that Nie Cai's body is slowly cooling down now. No matter how much she shakes, Nie Cai doesn't respond at all.

"Damn it, if I make such a big mistake, I will be thrown into the furnace by the Federal Parliament..."

For the first time, the sentry's face showed such panic, and he murmured: "What should we do now? Dissect Nie Cai immediately, and maybe reset this super news system!"

"You want to dissect him? I'm going to fight you!"

Li Wei's face showed an extremely angry look. She couldn't understand what this "Zhang Xinyu" was talking about, such as reset potion and super news system, but this did not prevent her from understanding the word "anatomy".

Nie Cai is already dead, this woman wants to dissect Nie Cai with thousands of cuts

Not knowing where the strength came from, she angrily picked up a piece of broken glass on the ground and stabbed the opponent fiercely!

Nie Cai just smashed the glass bottle of the reset potion and broke it into several pieces. Now it happened to be used as a weapon for Li Wei.

"Get out of my way, don't disturb me!"

She waved her hand angrily, and Li Wei was immediately swept away by her palm. Her body flew out involuntarily, hit the railing of the Suez Canal Bridge, and fainted.

Fortunately, this was just a subconscious move on her part, otherwise, just this one move could kill Li Wei.

Perhaps in a hurry, without any hesitation, the sentry took out a complete set of dissection tools from his own dimension. Regardless of shocking the world, he planned to dissect Nie Cai on the spot.

"According to the data, Nie Cai's super news system should be in his eyes. If you dig out his eyes, you might be able to save the super news system!"

This set of anatomy tools was originally intended to reset Nie Cai, then kill him, study his body in slices, and bring the data back to the 23rd century.

After all, even in the 23rd century, the time travel technology mastered by the Federation is not yet mature. It can only allow virtual data flows to travel through time. Physical items cannot be brought back at all. Therefore, there is no way to bring Nie Cai's body back. If you can dissect Nie Cai on the spot and bring back his body data, forget it.

Now that Nie Cai's body is still cold, the super news system may not shut down so quickly. It can directly dissect him and dig out his eyes. Maybe the super news system can be reset!

This was his only hope. If he killed Nie Cai just like that and didn't bring back the S-class super news system, even if he could return to the Federation in the 23rd century, all that was waiting for her would be to be thrown into the The consequences of a furnace reset.

The consequences of messing up the mission and destroying such a precious super news system are too serious.

For law enforcement robots, being thrown into a furnace and reset is the most tragic ending, which is equivalent to death. It is also the most severe punishment for law enforcement robots like them.

She grabbed the lancet used for surgery, and surprisingly she started to tremble, almost dropping the scalpel.

"Left eye or right eye? No matter, dig out these two eyeballs first and soak them in the reset potion!"

The sentry gestured and simply used the safest method.

She raised her hand and pointed the tip of the knife at Nie Cai's eyes. Just when she was about to strike, something happened suddenly!

A pair of hands suddenly appeared and firmly grasped her hand holding the scalpel.

The strength of these hands was extremely strong, like iron pliers. The sentry subconsciously broke free, but found that he could not break free at all.

"You... you're not dead yet!"

She took a look in great surprise, only to find that Nie Cai's eyes had opened at some point, revealing a strange smile.

"You want to dig out my eyes, is that too cruel? Come with me..."

Nie Cai, who was already dead and could no longer die, suddenly opened his eyes, and then spoke again.

Before the sentry could react, the next moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and the two people disappeared on the Suez Canal Bridge in an instant. Only a pile of surgical instruments remained on the scene, as if these two people had never appeared!