An Eye for News

Chapter 681: has been reset


Zhang Xinyu couldn't push Nie Cai, and her expression suddenly changed!

She pushed her palms again, erupting with a force countless times stronger than before, knocking Nie Cai away!


Like a rubber ball, Nie Cai's body was blown away more than ten meters and fell heavily to the ground.

Needless to say, Zhang Xinyu's body is now under the control of the sentry again.

"Damn Nie Cai... I swear I will never spare you..."

The sentry spat several times, seemingly disgusted.

Although she was a robot and had no so-called gender, she was still disgusted by Nie Cai's "wall bang" and forced kiss against the wall.

If she had a choice, she would rather take someone like Nie Cai's father away from her now, so that she would not be forced to kiss by Nie Cai, or be disgusted by him!

"Haha... can you change back again if you have the ability?"

Nie Cai stood up from the ground, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The sentry's palm just now was filled with hatred, and it was so powerful that even he was shaken to the point of feeling trembling in his chest.

"At most I am disgusted by you, but you don't dare to kill me. If you keep doing this, I will kill you sooner or later next time!"

"Zhang Xinyu" shouted angrily, wiping his mouth with his hands.

But Nie Cai had a mean smile on his face and seemed unmoved at all.

"Why, you think I'm joking, I can't kill you..."

The sentry was furious and was about to charge again, but at this moment, she suddenly felt that a strange change had occurred in her body!

The dimensional knife could no longer be condensed, and the edge of the dagger in his hand became extremely dim.

Even the speed of the body has slowed down a lot, just like ordinary people!

"What's going disappearing quickly!"

She said in horror, looked at her arms subconsciously, and suddenly her face changed drastically!

In her white and tender hands, there was a flash of golden light. This golden light was so familiar that she recognized it at a glance - it was the reset potion!

"You... when you kissed me just now, you took the opportunity to pour me a reset potion!"

The sentry finally understood and said in horror.

Only then did she understand the reason why Nie Cai didn't kill her when she re-transformed into Zhang Xinyu's consciousness, but instead "kicked" her and kissed her forcefully.

Nie Cai did not express his love for Zhang Xinyu, nor did he want to disgust her, but to hide his true purpose.

Nie Cai's real purpose was to pour the reset potion into her mouth. Nie Cai seemed to have drank the reset potion just now, but in fact he had already hidden the reset potion in his own dimension. When they kissed, they directly "moved" the reset potion in through the air.

At that time, Zhang Xinyu's consciousness was still her own, and she was not prepared for this, so Nie Cai succeeded easily.

If he were a sentry, he would definitely be wary. Nie Cai would not be able to pry open her mouth and feed the medicine in.

"I'm curious, what will happen if your super law enforcer system is reset? The real Zhang Xinyu should be returned to me, right?"

Nie Cai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.


The sentry had a horrified expression on her face. Just as she was speaking, her body softened and she seemed to lose consciousness quickly. Her legs became pigeon-toed and she sat down on the ground!

As Nie Cai expected, the reset potion really worked.

Sentinel's super enforcer system has been reset, so naturally there is no way to control Zhang Xinyu's consciousness, which is equivalent to "handing over" control of her body.

Immediately, her side suddenly became distorted, and things in the dimensional space gradually emerged.

The super law enforcer system was reset, and the dimensional space she carried with her returned to nothingness, and she immediately "vomited" out the contents of the dimensional space.


A large amount of things fell to the ground, including various weapons such as daggers and guns, as well as daily necessities such as clothes, food, and even cars. It was simply a giant warehouse.

Her super law enforcer system specializes in upgrading a series of dimensional spaces. The solidified dimensional space is naturally much larger than Nie Cai's, with a size of three to four hundred meters, spreading the entire bridge deck everywhere. Traffic on the Suez Bridge was immediately affected.

Nie Cai walked over in two steps. What he was most concerned about was where the reset chip associated with the reset potion had gone. This was the most critical thing!

But at this moment, Zhang Xinyu suddenly stood up, grabbed his arm, and bit him hard!


Nie Cai was caught off guard and was bitten by Zhang Xinyu, causing him to scream strangely.

"Nie Cai, you actually kissed me forcefully... This was my first kiss!"

Zhang Xinyu swung Nie Cai's arm hard and said in a whimper.

She didn't know what happened just now. She only remembered that Nie Cai had kissed her forcefully. This made her feel that except for this incident, the whole world seemed to have become dark, and she didn't care about the mess around her. How weird things are.

"I...I didn't mean it."

Nie Cai smiled awkwardly and said.

In fact, he could use all his strength to shock Zhang Xinyu away, but in this case... Zhang Xinyu would be shocked to have all his teeth broken, or even his internal organs to be directly shattered. This is no joke!

In addition, he was indeed in the wrong just now, so he simply took the bite from Zhang Xinyu!

But with his rough skin and rough flesh, the bite didn't hurt at all. He yelled "ouch" just to make Zhang Xinyu feel more balanced...

"You didn't mean it? I remember I took a nap in the dubbing room of CCTV. Why did I end up here when I woke up... This... Ouch, desert? What kind of place is this! Why am I here?"

Zhang Xinyu came back to her senses and finally discovered the endless desert beside the bridge.

Even if she didn't know this was the Suez Canal Bridge, she still knew that there would be no such vast desert scene within a thousand kilometers of the CCTV building.

What's going on, why do you appear here

"It's a long story. Do you believe me when I say you were abducted by aliens? I'll explain it to you later. Come and help me find something. This thing is very, very important. It's probably something like a chip. …”

Nie Cai smiled bitterly. He didn't have time to explain this now. It was better to reset the chip!

"I'll help you find something first, but you owe me an explanation!"

Zhang Xinyu was stunned for a moment, and when she saw that Nie Cai's eyes didn't look like he was joking, the look on his face changed, and finally he sighed, chose to believe Nie Cai, and started looking for him together.

Nie Cai breathed a sigh of relief and began to search the ground for the so-called reset chip. In fact, he could have used dimensional storage components to collect all the things on the ground, but the dimensional space of the Sentinel was too big, and the things inside were exposed. It's all over the ground, even in other people's cars. Nie Cai can't just put all the cars on the bridge into the dimensional space, right

But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the distance. Nie Cai's perception was sharp. He immediately stood up and ran towards the place of the scream without caring about looking for something.

This voice is none other than Li Wei's!