An Eye for News

Chapter 682: Borrowing corpses and bringing back souls


"It's Li Wei's voice!"

Nie Cai's heart sank and he said immediately.

He couldn't care less about looking for something at this time. He immediately moved and ran towards the direction where Li Wei was just now!

Nie Cai used dimensional travel just now, just to seal off the Sentinel's solidified dimensional space. It didn't travel very far, only a few hundred meters.

Nie Cai rushed away and found Li Wei hiding behind a pillar with a look of panic on his face. He was relieved that nothing unexpected happened.

"what happened?"

Nie Cai walked over quickly and asked.

Li Wei's eyes widened and she said in horror: "Just now... I saw a ghost just now!"

She was already a little incoherent. She was so frightened that she was like a trembling little white rabbit. She spoke several times without being able to understand the words clearly. She could only hear the music as if she had been haunted by a ghost.

Nie Cai frowned. He had a bad premonition in his heart, so he simply activated the time-shift camera component to check the situation just now.

Rewinding the time to ten minutes ago, Li Wei faintly woke up from the edge of the guardrail and found a person lying next to her.

She gingerly tested her breathing with her hands, only to find that the man lying on the ground had no breath at all and was simply a corpse.

Li Wei was startled by this discovery and quickly took a few steps back, her chest heaving violently with fear.

This corpse was none other than Raedel. Raedel was hit by Nie Cai's Danjin realm blow, and his chest and abdomen were already a bloody mess. Even a Danjin master couldn't survive.

"Where is Nie Cai...where did Nie Cai go?"

Li Wei finally calmed down after a while, recovered from the panic, and looked around.

Her position was blocked by the pillars of the bridge, and she could not see the fight between Nie Cai and the sentry at the bridge head. She could only assume that Nie Cai had left here.

When I was helpless, my surroundings suddenly changed!

A bunch of things emerged from the sky and fell down with a clatter.

These things include weapons such as guns and daggers, as well as clothes and food, but the most eye-catching thing is a small shiny piece of metal.

This small piece of metal seemed to happen to fall on the body. In an instant, the metal piece flashed with golden light and immediately wrapped the body. This weird thing immediately shocked Li Wei. He quickly hid behind the pillar and quietly observed through the gap in the pillar!

An even stranger thing happened. Under the infiltration of golden light, the already cold corpse on the ground actually opened its eyes again, and jumped up stiffly like a zombie.

This "corpse" lowered his head and looked at his body, then gave a creepy smile with an extremely ugly voice: "Hey... the power of this body is so powerful, countless times better than that Zhang Xinyu! This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!"

After saying this, his body moved, and the next moment, he immediately appeared in the middle of the road on the Suez Canal Bridge!


As soon as he grabbed his hands, he stopped an unlucky BMW car with both hands. The glass was shattered by the shock. Fortunately, the driver inside had a seat belt, otherwise he would have been thrown out.

But the driver's luck ended here. The corpse's hand grabbed it like lightning, and the driver in the driver's seat was immediately snatched out like a chicken and thrown out of the Suez Canal Bridge. Beyond the guardrail.

If you fall from such a high place, you will definitely not survive.

But this "corpse" didn't pay any attention to the fate of the unlucky driver. Instead, he sat directly in the driver's seat, turned the front of the car, kicked the accelerator and ran backwards!

Seeing this, the BMW car finally disappeared from the time-lapse camera component.

"Raeder ran away... No, I should say, the sentry ran away!"

Nie Cai's face turned stern and he said.

Although he had never seen what the so-called reset chip looked like, he deduced from the words Redel said when he "resurrected from the dead" that it was the sentinel who brought Redel back from the dead.

The Sentinel's Super Enforcer system was reset by the reset chip. It should have been a dead end, but before being reset, the Sentinel moved the chip to Redel's body by retrieving objects from the air.

Forget it if it were anyone else. The Sentinel is in the reset chip and can no longer forcibly take the body of the deceased. However, the physiques of these genetic clones like Reddell are too special!

Sentinel has absorbed many genetic clones of the Red Skull before to enhance its own strength, just because these genetic clones are very compatible with Sentinel's enforcer robots. Even Nie Cai has reason to believe that the enforcer robots of the 23rd century can also Cloning technology should have been used. The two have similar physiques, making it particularly convenient to take possession of them.

With the help of Redel's body, the Sentinel re-transferred the super law enforcer system in the reset chip to Redel's body, which is like borrowing a corpse to resurrect her soul. She is even more powerful now than when she took away Zhang Xinyu's body. !

If you think about it, you will know that before Zhang Xinyu was taken away, she was just a helpless woman. After being taken away, with the blessing of Sentinel's powerful super law enforcer system, she almost had something that could compete with Nie Cai. strength.

Now that the sentinel has taken Redel's body, Nie Cai can hardly imagine the extent of her final strength when the two are combined!

No... The sentry can no longer be considered "she" now. After taking away Redel's body, the sentry's gender naturally changed to male, and she can now be called him.

"This is going to be troublesome now... Reidel's body is still injured, so he can only avoid it now, but after he recovers from the injury, the super law enforcer system plus the strength of Dan Jin master... How can we fight this!"

Nie Cai's expression changed, and without any explanation, he immediately grabbed a car, turned the car around, turned on the time-lapse camera component, and chased in the direction where Redel left!

The sentry who took away Redel cannot be allowed to escape. If he is allowed to breathe this time, it will be equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, which will definitely cause endless troubles!

But it was too late at this time. Nie Cai drove the car and stepped on the accelerator to the end, only to discover a fatal problem.

The car he grabbed seemed to be a local brand of the Pharaoh Kingdom. Although it looked very beautiful, in fact, the performance of this car was far inferior to that of the BMW sedan that the Sentinel had grabbed.

Nie Cai had already stepped heavily on the accelerator to the floor, but this little broken car had only traveled about 123 kilometers at most. The Sentinel was not afraid of speeding tickets from the Pharaoh Kingdom. After grabbing the car, he speeded up to Crazy about a hundred*, the speed of the two is not at the same level at all.