An Eye for News

Chapter 689: Honorary title


After hearing Sun Man Gong's words, Nie Cai immediately became excited.

He once received a first-class merit, that is, when he prevented the Cobra mercenary army from hijacking a plane, the system rewarded him with a specially upgraded dimensional shuttle component.

It’s only been so long since the last meritorious deed, is it going to happen again this time

In that case, this would really be a timely help. What he lacks now is news points, and this reward is too timely.

"First-class merit? You underestimate our Dragon Team... Let me tell you, this is even more impressive than first-class merit. Have you heard of the honorary title?"

Sun Man Gong immediately screamed strangely and said angrily.

"The honorary title... I've never heard of it. Is it something like a labor pacesetter?"

Nie Cai blinked and said.

He knew nothing about military matters. He had never heard of honorary titles or anything like that, so he was completely confused.

"You are really... Forget it, let me start from the beginning."

Sun Man Gong glanced at Nie Cai and realized that Nie Cai really didn't understand, so he simply explained.

It turns out that in China's reward system, special merit is the highest, followed by first-class merit, second-class merit, and third-class merit. However, special merit only appeared in special eras, such as the well-known battles of Qiu Shaoyun, Huang Jiguang, Luo Shengjiao, etc. The hero was awarded special merit. Since aiding Korea, special merit has become out of print and has never been awarded again.

Combat Hero is an honorary title awarded to those who have made outstanding achievements and made special contributions in combat. It is the highest award level for the Chinese People's Liberation Army, People's Armed Police and Militia. Divided into two levels. First-class combat heroes are awarded by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense. Second-level combat heroes are awarded by headquarters, military regions, and military services.

In accordance with China's military discipline, individuals who receive third-, second-, and first-class merit awards will be awarded third-, second-, and first-class merit medals respectively. Individuals who receive honorary title awards will be awarded a second-level heroic model medal if approved by a military region-level unit; if approved by the Central Military Commission, a first-level heroic model medal will be awarded. Certificates of merit will be awarded to units that receive third-, second-, and first-class merit awards; medal flags will be awarded to units that receive honorary title awards.

For conscripts who have received awards for third-class merit or above, they can be promoted to rank in advance; for non-commissioned officers who have received awards for second-class merit or above, their salary grade can be increased in advance; for officers who have received awards for first-class merit or above, they can be promoted to rank or to higher positions in advance. (Professional and technical) grade salary grade; Civilian cadres who have received first-class merit awards or above can be promoted to a higher grade in advance or their position (professional and technical) grade salary grade can be increased.

Advance promotion is applicable to private officers and officers below the rank of colonel (which shall not exceed the highest establishment military rank of their position); advance promotion is applicable to civilian cadres below level four (which shall not exceed the highest level specified in their position); advance promotion of rank is applicable to The salary grade is applicable to non-commissioned officers at all levels whose salary is lower than the highest grade of their rank; the advance salary increase in job (professional and technical) grade is applicable to officers and civilian cadres at all levels whose salary is lower than the highest grade. Advance promotion to a rank, a promotion to a higher grade, and an increase in salary level are usually only promoted to one rank, one level, and one level respectively.

According to the "Disciplinary Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army", the reward items stipulated in it are in order, with commendation as the lowest reward and honorary title as the highest reward. Therefore, the highest honor in the military now is the honorary title. Honorary titles include individuals and groups. Relatively speaking, individual honorary titles are the most rare.

There are two types of personal honorary titles. Those approved by military regions and other equivalent-level units are awarded the Second-level Heroic Model Medal. The truly precious ones are those approved by the Central Military Commission. Individuals who receive this honor will be awarded the First-level Heroic Model Medal. . This First Class Hero Model Medal was actually awarded to those with special merit back then. It contains extremely high gold content. In fact, this medal is indeed made of pure gold, highlighting the supreme honor it represents.

"Do you know what the honorary title the country has given you this time? **********, this honorary title is simply amazing!"

Sun Man Gong said with envy that this honorary title was approved by the Central Military Commission and signed by the Chairman. It is the highest reward that can be obtained in peacetime.

For those who receive honorary titles, a solid gold medal is not enough. The key is the courtesy that this honorary title represents.

According to the honor law that China is preparing to legislate, from now on, Nie Cai can enjoy lifelong honors, be invited to participate in important national celebrations such as military parades, and be included in the national merit book, as long as he does not break the law or intentionally damage the country's reputation. The title can even be inherited, inherited by heirs.

Moreover, the honorary title of "********" is the most domineering among the honorary titles. Honorary titles are not given randomly, but must be in line with the merits of the individual.

The most recent person to be awarded an honorary title by the Central Military Commission was a senior engineer from the 42nd Detachment of Unit 96315. His honorary title of "Sword Sharpener Pioneer" is obviously not as good-sounding as Nie Cai's.

Even Qian Xueshen, the hero of two bombs and considered by Americans to be the best in the division, the honorary title he received was just the honorary title of "National Scientist with Outstanding Contribution". How could it be compared to Nie Cai, a "* *******” came with a domineering tone.

"The medal and certificate will be awarded to you after you return to China. You can choose whether to show your face in the order of the President of the Republic of China or to keep the award confidential. There is no problem with this."

After Sun Man Gong finished speaking, he let out a long breath.

In fact, there is another person who is qualified to receive the "********", and that is Yang Zhirong. As a master of Danjin back then, she has made a lot of contributions to the country, but she is low-key and has a bad temper. It was a little weird. In the end, he didn't get the honorary title. He just became the chief instructor of the Dragon Group.

"********... ********..."

Nie Cai murmured, feeling an indescribable emotion in his heart.

Nie Cai had been disturbed by the Sentinel's few words before and thought that his super news system was stolen. This really made him a little sad, but this time the honorary title suddenly awakened Nie Cai.

Ever since he got this super news system, Nie Cai has always been on the side of justice. Although he was poor and bought a lottery ticket once, he still defeated Boss Hu's online lottery website in the end. It can be said that it was for justice.

How you got your super news system is not important. What is important is your stance and what you can do with this super news system.