An Eye for News

Chapter 693: Rebellion


Nie Cai thought for a while and took out several phones from the dimensional space.

These phones are satellite phones dedicated to the Red Skull. They were taken from the Red Skull members killed by Nie Cai. They are connected to dedicated satellites and can be used even on the vast sea.

However, Nie Cai seemed to be a little troubled now: "Should I tell them the truth? However, even if I tell them, they probably won't believe it..."

I am now the number one enemy of the Red Skull, and the other party hates me to the core. It would be strange if the other party would believe my phone call!

Nie Cai sighed and was about to put down the phone. At this moment, the phone in his hand suddenly rang.

Only then did he realize that the satellite phone ringing now was actually the satellite phone of 022, the one who was killed by Nie Cai on the Suez Canal Bridge.

Nie Tong blocked the camera with his hand and answered the call. The image of a woman immediately appeared on the screen.

"021, I finally got in touch with you. I couldn't find Lord Raeder. Where are you now? Is there any news about Lord Raeder?"

On the screen, a young man chewed gum, and the background seemed to be in the desert, and he asked nonchalantly.

Nie Cai actually knew this young man, it was 043 that he had seen before in the infinite time-shifting camera component that could emit the frost dragon's energy.

"Why is it so dark over there?"

043 Only then did she realize that she didn't see anything on her phone, and couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Maybe the signal is bad? Where is he?"

Another woman's voice rang out, and Nie Cai knew as soon as he heard it that this must be another Red Skull Killer 040 who came to kill him.

After all, they were still too young. The two of them were not aware of the abnormality at this time. If it were the experienced killer 004 before, he would have hung up the phone long ago.

Nie Cai's heart moved. Although this 043 had Dan Jin cultivation, he was definitely not too old. This gave Nie Cai a chance.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai immediately activated the broadcast auxiliary component, recalled 022's voice, and then replaced his own voice with 022's voice through the broadcast auxiliary component.

The situation is not good now. I have been captured by the Chinese. My mobile phone is broken and I cannot make calls. Fortunately, I can still receive calls. I have important news to tell you. Redel has rebelled. I repeat, Redel has rebelled. You When you see him, you must kill him on the spot! "

Nie Cai's voice now looks exactly like that of 021. No one can recognize it without looking at the screen.

"Raeder rebelled?"

043's surprised voice sounded on the other end of the phone, and his tone was full of disbelief.

"This is impossible. Don't slander me. Even if everyone rebels... Lord Redel can't rebel!"

040 also exclaimed, unable to accept this fact at all.

"I'm not going to lie to you. He has been severely injured by Nie Cai. He has betrayed the organization and offended China. People from the Pharaoh Kingdom are searching for him everywhere. If you find him, he may let you deal with Nie Cai. , remember not to believe him!" Nie Cai pretended to be very anxious and said, for fear that they would not believe it.

"Again, this is a trap. There is an ambush on the Chinese warship. You will definitely die if you come!"

It would be the best outcome if they could get into a dog-eat-dog fight with the sentinels, with Nie Cai taking advantage from behind.

"Ambush? What ambush... 021, you probably don't know that we have become Danjin masters, right?"

But 043 snorted, his tone full of pride.

There is a strict hierarchy among Red Skull's clone killers. The higher the number, the higher the status. If 043 talked to 022 like this in normal times, he would have been scolded to death.

A Danjin master is indeed proud of himself, even if his Danjin was created by devouring several other Red Skull clones.

It was different from when Leidel became Dan Jin. These young clones almost devoured seven or eight clones due to insufficient cultivation, and only then did they create a Dan Jin master. Red Skull invested the rest of his family fortune, and this created two Danjin masters, 040 and 043. Otherwise, if there were a few more, they would probably be able to sweep the world directly.

"Dan Jin masters... Even Dan Jin masters, can they avoid nuclear bombs? This Chinese warship is a decoy, and its purpose is to eliminate the Dan Jin masters of the organization!"

Nie Cai's voice seemed a little angry as he whispered.

"Nuclear bomb? How dare the Chinese Navy use nuclear bombs? This is impossible, how dare they?"

043 said in disbelief.

Nuclear bombs are one of the few things in the world that can threaten Danjin masters. If a nuclear bomb hits, it will be flattened within several kilometers, and even Danjin masters cannot avoid it.

However, using nuclear bombs is not such a simple matter. The loss of these warships is secondary, and the international impact is the most significant.

Nuclear bombs are a final deterrent and will not be used under normal circumstances, especially since China has always adhered to the principle of no first use of nuclear weapons. The rash use of nuclear bombs will cause an international uproar, even if it blows up its own warships.

At this time, 040 stood up, took the phone, and said: "Are you telling the truth? The task given to us by the organization is to find Redel, and go with Redel to arrest Nie Cai. If we can't find him, Let’s go directly to arrest Nie Cai. This Nie Cai’s body is of great value, and the blood on his body has miraculous effects, which is related to our plan to mass-produce Danjin masters!”

Hearing this, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved.

"Mass-produce Danjin masters? No wonder the Red Skull can find two Danjin masters... It turns out it's because they took my blood!"

Only then did Nie Cai remember that he had been studied by Sean and the others for several days in the hospital in country F, and several tubes of blood had been drawn.

Fortunately, in the end, Nie Cai discovered through mind reading that the "Dr. Sean" who was treating him was actually the deputy leader of the Red Skull's research team. Only then did Nie Cai finally wake up and quickly took Sean and the others hostage and quickly left the hospital.

"It's still careless!"

Nie Cai couldn't help but feel a little regretful and thought to himself.

At first, I thought it would be fine if I arrested Sean and the others and destroyed all the data. Unexpectedly, some data and samples were still sent back to the Red Skull.

He knew that he had eaten Taisu Dan and had a special physique. He should be of great research value to the people of the Red Skull. However, he never thought that his value would be so high that he would allow them to create him at this juncture. He got 040 and 043, two Danjin masters.

"021, I still don't believe that Lord Redel will rebel... Maybe it's not necessarily that you have rebelled!"

040 frowned, suddenly gritted his teeth, and said, "Besides, you don't have any images there. Who knows what's going on there?"

Raeder is definitely an idol in the eyes of these clones. They have almost grown up listening to his deeds. Even if 021 told her that Raeder had rebelled, she would find it difficult to accept it.

Rebellious Red Skull... What is Redel trying to do? His status in the Red Skull is already second only to the Führer. There is no reason at all!

"No, 021 did not rebel. I am 004. It was Redel who wanted to kill us!"

Seeing 040 doubting himself, Nie Cai immediately switched to 004's voice without even thinking.

004 was captured by the Chinese on the yacht. She was the highest-ranked clone killer Nie Cai had ever seen besides Raeder. It was just a good time to borrow her identity.

Since 021's identity and status cannot convince them, then 004 can do it, right

"Raeder killed 021. If he hadn't discovered it in time, he would have died long ago!"

One 021 is not enough to convince them, so just add one more person. Anyway, Nie Cai's broadcast auxiliary component can copy the voice as long as it listens to the other party's speech, and can even master the other party's language. It is definitely bug-level. Ventriloquism.

"Is this true... Master 004!"

Hearing 004's voice, 040's expression finally changed.

Although 004's status is not as high as Redel's, he is still one of the most powerful people in the organization. The weight of her words finally moved 040.

"Raeder rebelled. He did not rebel to China, but to another group of mysterious forces. Do you still remember the mysterious man who has been assassinating our Red Skull before? This mysterious man killed 022 , controlled Redel again!"

"That mysterious man controls Lord Raeder? This is impossible!"

When she heard Nie Cai's words, she didn't believe it for the first time.

She had always heard about that mysterious man. More than a dozen of the clones who had gone on missions recently had been hunted and killed, and none of them were alive or dead, which was very strange.

But as a Danjin master, she knew how powerful Danjin masters were, how could they be controlled by others

At this moment, the phone on her suddenly rang.

With a thought in her heart, she put down the phone in her hand and took out her satellite communication phone from her pocket. Her expression suddenly changed and she exclaimed.

"It's Lord Raeder!"

What a coincidence. Just as 043 was calling, Redel also called.

It is estimated that he has finally realized that he can use the power of the Red Skull, and cannot wait for his injuries to improve, so he plans to recruit 040 and 043 to deal with Nie Cai together.

"Don't you believe that he rebelled? I bet that he definitely wants to let you fall into the Chinese escort formation's trap now,"

Nie Cai suddenly had a plan in mind and said to them: "

040 hesitated a little, looked at each other with 043, and finally nodded and answered the call.

"040, 043? It's me, I'm Redel."

Judging from the picture, Redel seems to be in the desert now, hiding in a bush. No wonder the Pharaoh police dispatched together and couldn't find any trace of him.

"It's us, Lord Redel, who has finally contacted you."

043 immediately spit out the gum in his mouth and said respectfully, which was in sharp contrast to the arrogant attitude he had with "022" just now.

After becoming a Danjin, possessing powerful power, a person's self-confidence will naturally expand. Except for masters at the same level as himself, he will not look down on others at all.

"I have been recovering from my injuries. I just contacted the headquarters. The head of state said that you two have been sent to pick me up, so I contacted you."

Reidel's face was still a little pale. After all, he had just resurrected a corpse. In such a short period of time, it was already good to be able to use the system to repair fatal injuries on his body.

"Now Nie Cai is in China's escort formation and has not gone far. As long as we can get a helicopter, we can catch up with them soon."

Leidel took a deep breath and said: "We must catch Nie Cai before he returns to China, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"Lord Leidel... By the way, there is another question, where are 021 and 022?"

040 seemed a little hesitant, but finally asked the question.

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to believe that Redel would rebel, and she really hoped that Redel's answer was correct.

"Them? They are dead, killed by Nie Cai."

Reidel was stunned and replied.

Hearing this, 040's heart finally sank!

What 022 said was actually right. Raeder didn't even know this. In addition, he had always insisted on going to the Chinese escort formation to catch Nie Cai. This made her almost certain that Raeder had really rebelled. .

how so

Redel actually rebelled!

She was a little confused and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Send me your location and I'll go find you immediately."

Reidel didn't know that his true identity had been exposed, but he continued to speak.

"Okay, we have turned on the GPS now. Lord Reidel, you can come to us at any time now..."

040 nodded and said.

She hung up the phone, her face turned pale, and then she picked up Nie Cai's phone again.

"021, you are right. Senior Redel has indeed betrayed him. What should we do..."

She said with a bit of bitterness in her voice.

Raeder was the idol she had heard about since she was a child, and there were even many female clones who were extremely infatuated with Raeder.

Originally, she was proud to be able to carry out the mission with Lord Raeder this time, but she did not expect that Raedal actually rebelled, leaving her at a loss for what to do.

"As soon as you find him, kill him directly while he is not paying attention. You must not be lenient!"

Nie Cai switched to 005's voice and explained.

Although Redel controlled by the sentry is now seriously injured, there is such a thing as a super law enforcement system after all. If these two people hesitate, they may be killed by Redel instead.

This sentry could have enhanced his own strength by devouring Red Skull's clones, and then let him devour two Danjin-level clones... Nie Cai couldn't imagine what he would become. In this world, he was almost No one can resist it.