An Eye for News

Chapter 696: rocket launcher


"Three alchemy mean three monsters like Raedel?"

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin was also shocked. One Reydel could turn the entire escort formation upside down. What about three Danjin masters

"Yes, the people of Red Skull have mastered the method of mass-producing Danjin masters. They can fuse clones to create Danjin masters."

Nie Cai nodded and sighed.

The Red Skull has mastered the method of creating Danjin masters. As long as they are given enough time to develop, no one can control them anymore.

After hearing this, Deputy Chief of Staff Lin finally fell silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Due to the destruction of Redel on the flagship, the ammunition depot was penetrated and many weapons were lost. After the fleet leaves the Suez Canal, it will be repaired at Taufik Port. During the repair process at the port...even if there is something missing, No one will know."

He seemed to ponder for a moment before speaking.

This sentence is tantamount to a disguised compromise. The ammunition depot was penetrated, and the missile naturally fell into the sea, leaving no evidence to prove it.

Even if the Pharaohs found out that it was a Chinese weapon that exploded, they could at best say that it was stolen on the way to the port. As long as there was no evidence, they would not be able to fall out on the premise of jointly dealing with the Red Skull.

"But... what if the Pharaoh's radar detects the trajectory of the missile? It's easy to find our formation here, right?"

Sun Man Gong seemed to have remembered something and said.

This is a big problem. Now that radars are so developed, and the Pharaohs have radars from the United States, it is too easy to detect the trajectory of the launch.

"There is no need to launch it from the sea, I will carry it myself."

But Nie Cai's eyes lit up and he said.

He originally just wanted to take the qbu10 type 12.7mm sniper rifle, which would be somewhat of a threat to the Danjin master.

But... a sniper rifle is just a gun after all. Nie Cai also wanted something more powerful, and Deputy Chief of Staff Lin's idea suited his needs.

"Carry it over? By the way, we have practiced with landing ships before, and there happened to be some 107 infantry rocket launchers. This kind of thing can be carried over!"

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin was stunned for a moment and said immediately.

"The Navy still has something like a 107-gun? That's great!"

Hearing Deputy Chief of Staff Lin's words, Sun Man Gong's eyes immediately lit up.

"107 guns?"

However, Nie Cai didn't know what this 107 cannon was, so he asked with some confusion.

"Hey, let's talk about this 107 rocket, it is one of China's most famous weapons. It is known as the AK."

Sun Man Gong knew that Nie Cai had no research on military matters, so he immediately introduced him.

The 107 gun refers to the 1963-type 107mm rocket launcher designed and finalized by China in 1963. The rockets fired by the rocket fly by the thrust of its own engine. It does not require too complicated equipment, is very easy to operate and maintain, and is cheaper than a rocket launcher with a guidance system. missiles are much cheaper. In some special cases, it is even possible to launch a simple launch through a guide rail without the use of artillery. Because of its excellent performance and low price, it can be ranked among the three major artifacts of global war, compared with simple launchers such as AK47 and RPG-7 rocket launchers. Practical, cheap and reliable things are juxtaposed, and guerrillas and armed forces using it are everywhere.

In the late 1950s, China began to trial-produce an 8-kilometer field rocket launcher. In the absence of experience, it overcame numerous difficulties and, after repeated experiments, designed and finalized the 1963-type 107 mm rocket launcher in 1963. The gun has 12 launch tubes and can complete a salvo in 7-9 seconds. The firepower is extremely fierce.

The rocket launched by the rocket launcher flies by the thrust of its own engine and does not require a complicated anti-recoil device, so the launcher structure is simple and lightweight. The 107mm rocket launcher has a reasonable design, and its advantages in this regard are even more prominent. Most of its components can be disassembled and combined without tools, making operation and maintenance very easy. Under special circumstances, single-tube, two-tube, four-tube or eight-tube simple launches can also be used. The gun has a total weight of 613 kilograms, is small in size, light in weight, and has good maneuverability. It can be towed by a jeep or a mule or horse, or can be broken down and transported by manpower. It is very suitable for combat in Gobi, mountainous, jungle and water network areas. The rocket used is named 1963-type 107mm rocket anti-personnel explosive grenade. This rocket has a turbine-rotating stable structure, good dispersion accuracy, and a maximum range of 8 kilometers. Later, the design was improved and finalized into the 63-1 107mm rocket launcher. It was improved again in 1975 and named the 1963-2 anti-personnel explosive grenade. The maximum range is 8.5 kilometers, the warhead weighs 8.33 kilograms, and the killing radius is 12.5 meters. After that, 107 rocket phosphorus aluminum incendiary bombs, armor-breaking bombs for attacking tanks, armored vehicles, and solid fortifications, and chaff electronic interference bombs were also successfully developed, which expanded the battlefield's adaptability.

The performance parameters of the Guang 107 rocket launcher do not seem to be outstanding, so how does it stand out from hundreds of various types of rocket launchers

In fact, the 107mm rocket launcher is a highly user-friendly high-quality artillery, and various parameters have been repeatedly optimized. First of all, the artillery rocket is designed to weigh 18.8 kilograms. One person can carry just one rocket, and it can withstand long-distance marches in complex terrain. In comparison, Russia's famous 122mm rocket weighs 45.8-66 kilograms, and it often takes three people to load one; Russia's light 140mm rocket weighs 39.6 kilograms and cannot be carried by a single soldier at all. Of course, there are also a few ultra-light rocket launchers in the world, such as the 70mm rocket launcher of Belgium and the 51mm rocket launcher of Italy. However, their warheads are too weak and they are difficult to carry manually, so their adaptability is difficult. Far inferior to the 107mm rocket launcher.

The 107mm rocket launcher is not only light in total weight, but can also be quickly disassembled and combined. The weight of a single component after disassembly does not exceed 30 kilograms. In order to meet the requirements of the human back, the decomposed part has the following characteristics in terms of structural dimensions: no upper than the neck (facilitates raising the head), no lower than the hips (convenient for stepping), no wider than the shoulders (convenient for passing), and a close center of gravity (to prevent waist twisting). In these aspects, it can be said that any rocket launcher in the world can be compared with the 107 rocket launcher.

Therefore, the great thing about this 107 gun is that it is simple and practical, and it strikes a balance among mobility, convenience, and power. Its weight is the limit for a single soldier to carry, and it can even be fired directly with dry batteries, which is simply crazy.

Legend has it that in the Middle East, someone used a torch to ignite the ignition of a rocket and then launched it.

The RPG rocket launcher and the 107 gun each have their own division of labor. For Danjin masters, the launch distance of the RPG is limited, only a little over a hundred meters. I am afraid they will be discovered before they get close.

Only the 107 rocket launcher can give them a shot. The launch distance of the 107 rocket launcher is more than 300 meters, and the furthest can even reach 8,500 meters.

After listening to Sun Man Gong's introduction, Nie Cai finally understood the power of this 107 rocket launcher.

Without any hesitation, Nie Cai immediately asked them to take him to the ammunition depot.

A soldier was already waiting at the entrance of the ammunition depot. When he saw Deputy Chief of Staff Lin, he immediately gave him a military salute.

"This is the ammunition depot, which contains various equipment. I never thought of using it for this escort..."

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin said with emotion.

To deal with Somali pirates, we need to use various weapons in the ammunition depot. I didn't expect that this escort mission would encounter so many surprises.

"right here?"

Nie Cai looked at the ammunition depot and suddenly thought of something.

When I was fighting Redel on the flagship, I had thrown explosives on the ship. It seemed that it was on the upper level of this ammunition depot...

If the bomb you throw blows through the ammunition depot, it will be like setting off a giant firework, and the entire ship will be destroyed!

Seemingly sensing Nie Cai's thoughts, Deputy Chief of Staff Lin smiled and said: "Don't worry, this ammunition depot is the most critical part of the destroyer and is protected by thick steel plates. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to blow up." , unless it is hit by naval guns or torpedoes... But at that time, even if the ammunition depot does not explode, there will be no way to survive."

"That's good... I thought I almost set this ammunition depot on fire."

Nie Cai laughed and said with some embarrassment.

The ammunition depot is protected by thick steel plate armor. It is not high inside, and it feels a bit depressing.

Large boxes were piled inside, containing all kinds of ammunition.

There are ammunition for close-in defense artillery, ammunition for naval guns, and of course the 107mm infantry rocket launcher mentioned by Deputy Chief of Staff Lin.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Lin, the 107mm rocket launcher you want is here... I remember it was left over from a previous exercise with the landing ship. What use can it be?"

The soldier opened a wooden box and found a row of 107 rockets neatly stacked inside.

"Don't forget the confidentiality system, don't ask."

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin shook his head. The less people knew about Nie Cai's sneaking into the interior of Pharaoh's country, the better, so it could only be explained by keeping it a secret.

The soldier reflexively saluted a military salute. Knowing that he was talking too much, he quickly moved out the boxes of rockets, then closed the door of the ammunition depot and left.

At this time, Nie Cai finally saw the true face of the 107 rocket. He saw that the 107 rocket was about one meter long. It looked dusty and unremarkable at all.

Along with this 107 rocket, there is also a guide rail for launch. This guide rail is even more inconspicuous. It is just a pile of angle steel. At first glance, it looks like scrap iron stolen from some construction site.

It is hard to imagine that this is what is known as one of the three artifacts of global war.

"Ordinary guns are of little use to Danjin masters, but the maximum speed of this 107 rocket is close to 400 meters per second, and it can fire dozens of rounds at once like dumplings. Even if they find out, it will be very difficult. It’s hard to escape the blast range.”

Sun Man Gong was obviously very familiar with this 107 rocket and introduced it to Nie Cai.

"As for the angle problem... This is easy to handle. I will lend you this mobile phone. This is the mobile phone issued by the Dragon Group. There is an app in it that can calculate the angle. You just need to place the mobile phone flat on the 107 rocket. According to the above prompts The angle is enough. Although this accuracy cannot be compared with the calculations of professional artillery, it is enough under dense coverage."

Nie Cai had a strange expression on his face and looked at Sun Man Gong: "How come you are so familiar with this thing... you have even developed a special app?"

"What do you think? The people in the Dragon Group are all soldiers. If they can use cannonballs, they don't know how to use their fists. We just need to complete the mission. We have used them frequently when the Dragon Group performed their missions."

Sun Man Gong laughed and said.

The 107mm rocket launcher is simple and practical, and easy to disassemble. Especially for experts like the Dragon Group, it is not a problem for one person to carry four or five rounds. A launch platform can be assembled anytime and anywhere, so it is no wonder that it is equipped in large numbers in the Dragon Group. Sun Mangong was so excited when he heard that there was a 107 rocket launcher on the destroyer, it was like meeting an old friend.

"I have already made arrangements. I am going to stop at the port to purchase some food. A jeep will be waiting for you at the port. I have seen your coordinates. It is in the desert less than fifty kilometers away from Taufik Port. It’s just right to go out at night and come back before dawn.”

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin said to Nie Cai in a solemn tone: "I hope you can come back safely. Even if something unexpected happens, we must not let the Pharaohs get a handle and let them attack the United Nations."

"I know, our Dragon Team has not performed many shady missions yet?"

Sun Man Gong waved his hand and said, "Nie Cai, since you won't let me get close to the battlefield, I can at least drive you to the field and help you to some extent."

"Okay, just be responsible for sending me there."

Nie Cai thought for a while and agreed.

"That's right, let's prepare our weapons first..."

Sun Man Gong suddenly showed a smile and grinned.

He now regards Nie Cai as his comrade-in-arms. It is an honor to be able to fight alongside Nie Cai against the three most powerful masters in the world!

Nie Cai nodded and was about to move things when he discovered that there was a large wooden box next to the 107 rocket launcher. A shell that was similar in shape to the 107 but much larger was exposed inside.

"What is this?"

Nie Cai frowned and asked.

"This? This is the phl03 300mm rocket launcher. One shell weighs nearly two hundred kilograms. There is no way for a single soldier to use it."

China has a black technology in the rocket launcher technology tree. It not only has high-quality and low-priced things like the 107 rocket launcher, but also behemoths like the 300mm rocket launcher.

This behemoth is so powerful that it is no different from ordinary missiles except that it has no guidance system.

Hearing this, Nie Cai's heart suddenly moved!