An Eye for News

Chapter 699: Things have changed


The speed of Redel's arrival was beyond their expectation. They didn't expect that Redel would come so quickly!

And seeing how fast he was, how could he look injured? I'm afraid it will be a tough battle next.

After all, Reidel is a character who has already entered Danjin. Even if he takes advantage of his unpreparedness and suddenly attacks, he may not be 100% sure of being able to defeat him.

"Sir Reidel seems to be holding something in his hand."

At this moment, 040 suddenly saw something and said in surprise.

Redel's speed was extremely fast, with rolling yellow sand, and it was still at night, so even she could only see it clearly now.

Redel was seen holding a person in his hand, as if he was carrying a chicken. He was dragging him all the way. He didn't stop until he came to 040 and 043, and threw the person to the ground casually.

"Lord Leidel...who is this person?"

040 frowned slightly and asked cautiously.

The man on the ground coughed a few times and struggled to get up from the ground. At this time, they finally saw the appearance of the man on the ground. He was a burly man, but his face was covered with blood and dust, but I can still barely recognize him as a Chinese.

"You don't know this person? This person is called Sun Man Gong. He is from the Dragon Group and has been with Nie Cai."

Redel grabbed the hair of the man on the ground, looked at them with a gloomy face, and said: "This man has already set up a rocket launcher a few kilometers away, waiting to kill us all. Depending on the amount of ammunition he uses, he can blow up a mountain." It’s more than enough.”


Hearing this, both 040 and 043 were shocked!

Someone has set up an ambush a long time ago, just waiting for you to get in

Only 022 knows about their call with Redel. What went wrong

Could it be that... the 022 call they had before was simply fake

Seeing this, 040 and 043 looked at each other, unable to conceal their surprise.

The situation has changed. China somehow knows where they are connecting, which means there must be a problem somewhere.

Only the headquarters of 022 and 022 knew the location of Redel's meeting with them. Either there was something wrong with the headquarters, or there was something wrong with 022.

Originally, they planned to attack Redel directly, but when they saw this, they hesitated.

"It's Sun Man Gong! Why was he caught by Redel?"

Nie Cai was hiding in the dimensional space nearby. When he saw Redel and Sun Man Gong appear, his heart suddenly sank and he couldn't help but said anxiously.

Sun Man Gong was caught, and he was even more surprised than 040 and 043.

For the sake of safety, Sun Man Gong was asked to retreat five kilometers, but unexpectedly, he was eventually discovered by Redel.

What he didn't know was that Sentinel, as the owner of the super law enforcement system, in order to facilitate arrests, the main line of upgrade was the "Dimensional Eye" component. As an important component of the super law enforcement system, this "Dimensional Eye" can scan nearby The scope of hostility is much wider than Nie Cai's mind reading component.

When the Sentinel was still possessed by Zhang Xinyu, he relied on this "dimensional eye" to hunt down a large number of clones of the Red Skull and absorb them to achieve the purpose of quickly improving his level.

Although Nie Cai's thought reading component has the same function and can warn of hostility, due to the inherent limitations of the super news system, it can only warn of hostility within a radius of two to three meters. The law enforcement system is simply incomparable.

Sun Man Gong hid very well at the time, and even used desert camouflage to camouflage the jeep, but in the end he still did not escape Redel's "Eye of Dimension" and was directly discovered by the sentry.

Although Redel's body was still in a state of serious injury, it was enough to fight against him. He was subdued by the sentry in a few moves and brought here.

"The Chinese people somehow found out about us. Nie Cai may be nearby. You must be vigilant. This Nie Cai is cunning and cunning. Don't be fooled by his methods."

The sentry snorted, kicked Sun Man Gong on the ground, and said.

Hearing this, 040 and 043 couldn't help but feel moved.

Could it be that... the problem is not Redel, but 022 who was caught by China

When 022 communicated with them, there was no way to see the video of the phone call, which made them a little suspicious at the time. It was only because of Redel's flaws later that they believed it.

But... people from China suddenly appeared here and laid an ambush, and the situation changed again, which made their judgment waver.

He was almost used as a gun by the Chinese people, and almost started fighting among themselves!

Asked: "Tell me, where is Nie Cai now and what is your plan? Tell me and I will spare your life!"

Sun Man Gong was kicked by him and coughed several times. His eyes were red. He glanced at Leidel angrily and just said "poof" without answering his question at all.

"Tough enough, but do you think I can't pry your mouth open?"

The sentry was furious, grabbed Sun Man Gong's pipa bone, dug his fingers deeply into his flesh, and said sternly: "I will destroy your cultivation first, and then slowly torture you by dividing the muscles and bones, don't believe it You don’t speak!”

Now he couldn't help but feel envious of Nie Cai's super news system. The super news system and the super law enforcement system each had specializations. Although he also had a thought reading system, it was the lowest level. It was fine for ordinary people. However, this Sun Man Gong was a practitioner himself, with a strong will, and he had undergone anti-torture training, so there was no way to read his thoughts.

Nie Cai's thought reading component is very useful at this time. The super news system's thought reading component can be upgraded to the third level, which should be more than enough to deal with people like Sun Man Gong.

With the sentry's fingers inserted into his flesh and bones, Sun Man Gong let out a scream, his face suddenly turned pale, and big beads of sweat dripped down one by one, falling like raindrops on the desert loess.

"Just kill me... don't even think about me opening my mouth!"

Sun Man Gong smiled miserably, his voice seemed to be trembling, but he was still very strong.

He once almost betrayed the Dragon Group, but was saved by Nie Cai, which made him extremely regretful.

When he heard that three Danjin masters appeared at the same time and came with Nie Cai, Sun Man Gong was already prepared to die. Now that he encountered this situation again, he had made up his mind that even if it was a painful death, he would not die. betray one of your own again!

"Okay, I'll make it happen for you!"

Seeing this, the sentry finally couldn't help it and said angrily.

As soon as he exerted force on his hand and spit out the extremely powerful true energy, he was going to shatter Sun Man Gong's meridians and make him die!