An Eye for News

Chapter 705: precious


In dimensional space.

When Nie Cai entered the dimensional space, he saw a familiar gray and white color. This color that he was a little tired of turned out to be friendly at this time.

As long as he can enter the solidified dimensional space, Nie Cai will be invincible. Unless there is some power that can distort the void, Nie Cai will be absolutely safe if he hides in it.

But at this moment, in front of Nie Cai, voices suddenly appeared next to him.

"Nie Cai, your dimension is really chaotic."

Nie Cai was startled. The dimensional space was his safest place. He almost completely relaxed his vigilance here and didn't even notice that there was anyone next to him.

He followed the sound and saw that the sentry had entered his dimensional space at some point. He seemed to be looking around curiously.

"Chaos? Anyway, my dimension is big, so it doesn't matter if it's a little messy."

Nie Cai immediately calmed down and said.

"Yes, your dimensional space is really big. It's so big that it's just a waste... It's obviously just a super news system, but it's bigger than the dimensional space of the owner of a super law enforcement system that specializes in space like me. It's really It’s enviable.”

The sentry sighed and said, "Let's go out later. These two people are still searching for us everywhere."

"I put some A-level permissions into it, and it became so big. I had no choice but to save lives."

Nie Cai's current dimensional space was only two or three square meters at first, but now it is nearly three hundred meters in diameter.

This was created after digesting countless low-level permissions and even two A-level permissions. No wonder it is larger than the dimensional space of Sentinel, the owner of a super law enforcement system specializing in space.

Not long ago, Nie Cai was on the Ocean Neutron cruise ship. In order to fill the sealed cabin, he used the two A-level permissions he had just obtained to develop a solidified dimensional space. The space expanded several times in an instant.

There was no way, if Nie Cai's dimensional space was not big enough, the amount of seawater that could be moved and "carried" at one time was limited, and there would be no time at all.

A-level permissions were extremely precious to Nie Cai in the past. However, after burning two A-level permissions at once, just to expand some solidified dimensional space, Nie Cai did not feel much waste.

First of all, the most important thing is of course that Nie Cai escaped with his life and was not drowned on the cruise ship. Secondly, the A-level authority is of little use to Nie Cai now.

His current super news system has reached the top level. Unless there are special upgrade components, even if you have permissions and news points, you will not be able to upgrade. These A-level permissions are just idle if they are idle. It is better to invest in solidifying the dimensional space.

"Some A-level permissions? You just threw it in like that? It's just a waste of resources..."

After hearing Nie Cai's words, the sentry suddenly lost his composure and exclaimed.

Nie Cai just said that he was investing in A-level authority, as if he was indifferent, and it was not a big deal at all.

But... for the Sentinel, this is simply incomprehensible!

In his time, various high-level permissions were firmly controlled by the Federal Council. Normal people could obtain B-level permissions and be upgraded to B-level system owners. They could upgrade a component to the top level in their field of expertise. It’s already amazing.

Reaching the A-level system is the dream of countless people, but it can only be awarded if you have made great achievements and been rewarded by the council.

Sentinel was originally only the owner of a B-level super law enforcer system. In order to complete this mission, he was granted an A-level authority. This was already a great favor.

As for the S-level system... It is said that there are less than five or six in the entire federation, and all of them are powerful figures, and one of them is the Speaker James.

In his day, for an A-level authority, it was possible to start a bloody storm and use various means to reset the authority with reset potions, so that the A-level authority could be taken away.

Nie Cai actually regards A-level permissions as fertilizer to solidify the dimensional space, and judging from his tone, it is not just one, but "some" A-level permissions. This is simply a waste of natural resources!

"A-level authority was very precious in your era?"

Seeing the sentry's expression, Nie Cai was moved in his heart and thought to himself.

What the sentry unconsciously revealed was important information to him. Although Nie Cai didn't want A-level authority, it was still quite abundant. As long as he worked hard for it, he would definitely have it.

But according to the sentry, A-level permissions seemed to be something extraordinary to them. After hearing the news that they had digested A-level permissions, they suddenly became extremely distressed.

The sentry's expression changed, he seemed to ponder for a moment, and then he hummed: "Forget it, you guessed it anyway, the Federal Congress has controlled all high-level permissions, and the ways to obtain A-level permissions are fiercely competitive, normal It's extremely difficult for people to get an A-level authority, but how can you get one as easily as you do now, as if it's just a matter of eating and drinking?"

After hearing the sentry's words, Nie Cai nodded, seeming to understand.

In the 21st century, there is no such thing as a parliament, and no one knows that breaking news or national awards represent high-level privileges that people in the future will dream of.

In the 23rd century, people with systems are everywhere, and there are only so many things in this world. It is naturally much harder to be assigned high-level permissions. How can someone like Nie Cai, as if the whole world belongs to him, can do it at any time? Can be enjoyed anywhere.

This is the advantage of gathering resources from all over the world. It is much easier for Nie Cai to shoot a piece of news or make some achievements than it is for countless people in later generations to break their heads and fight for a long time.

The computer room at CCTV is an example. If it were placed in future generations, the news points of those antique machines in it would have been completely absorbed by others, so where would they remain

Even if there is major news, countless super news system owners will find it, take pictures, and everyone will share it equally. Of course, the originally generous rewards will be diluted, and naturally there will not be too high-level permissions to enter the accounts. The same is true for various other systems. In this way, the number of people will not be small.

In addition, in the future 23rd century, higher-level authorities will still be firmly controlled by the Federal Parliament. Everyone knows with their knees that they will definitely not let S-level authorities appear in this world at will. Otherwise, there will be a powerful If someone appears, it will shake their foundation.