An Eye for News

Chapter 714: perish together?


not long ago.

Sun Man Gong dragged his seriously injured body and finally returned to the off-road vehicle.

He had been injured by the sentry just now and almost died at the hands of the sentry. Fortunately, Nie Cai appeared in time and saved his life.

But... being rescued by Nie Cai made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Nie Cai... don't come out!"

He subconsciously exclaimed and said.

If Nie Cai hadn't come out, he would have been the only one who died. But when Nie Cai appeared, he faced the siege of the three great alchemy masters, and with no one to help him operate the rocket launcher to ambush him, he would definitely be dead.

One person died or two people died. He knew the choice on his knees. Since he would die no matter what, there was no need to drag Nie Cai into the water.

Unfortunately, Nie Cai finally came out. Sun Man Gong was a little helpless, but felt inexplicably moved in his heart.

Even though he knew he was going to die... he still had to save himself. In all, Nie Cai had saved himself too many times. This kindness could only be repaid in the next life...

Sun Man Gong only felt that his eyes were blurred, as if he had entered the underworld, surrounded by black and white.

"Am I going to die..."

Sun Man Gong was a little lost in thought and murmured.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered a familiar voice.

"Sun Man Gong, I'll send you away first. You get back on the off-road vehicle and follow the original plan. Once you receive my signal, you'll launch!"

This voice was Nie Cai's, still full of incomparable confidence, as if facing three Danjin masters was not a big deal at all.

Sun Man Gong was stunned for a moment, and the scene in front of him gradually became clearer.

He was lying on a sand dune, and the moonlight shone quietly on him, as if it was just a dream.

However, the pain on his body told him that this was definitely not a dream. Sun Man Gong struggled to get up, but he heard a huge sound of fighting in the distance, and even a ball of fire falling from the sky like a meteor.

"It's Nie Cai and the others who are fighting!"

Sun Man Gong was startled and understood immediately.

He didn't know how he was sent to this place far away from the battle group. He only knew that Nie Cai was probably fighting with three Danjin masters. Looking at the movements, he could tell how intense the battle was.

For a moment, Sun Man Gong immediately wanted to rush back to help Nie Cai, but the pain on his body clearly told him that he could no longer fight.

Redel's attack was so heavy that more than a dozen of his ribs seemed to be broken, and some even seemed to have penetrated into his lungs. The pain was so intense that he almost fainted.

Thanks to Sun Man Gong's burly physique and strong physical fitness, he would have been dead long ago if it had been anyone else.

"No... I still have to help Nie Cai, I can't lose consciousness like this!"

Sun Man Gong gritted his teeth, pinched the nano-ATP energy slow-release capsule on his wrist, and activated the device.

Immediately, the nano-ATP energy sustained-release capsule jumped, and the medicine inside began to enter Sun Man Gong's meridians.

"snort… "

Sun Man Gong groaned and felt a slight burning sensation rising in his meridians, and his body seemed to gradually regain its vitality.

This nano-ATP energy slow-release capsule is the most proud invention of the Dragon Group. Like the Red Skull's true blood capsule, it can stimulate people's potential and improve their cultivation in a short period of time.

However, the side effects of this kind of thing are also great. After using it once, you have to replenish it, and you have to rest for a long time to recover. It will not be used at all until a critical moment.

"Nano ATP energy sustained-release capsules cannot last for long, we must seize the time..."

Sun Man Gong finally looked back at the battle in the distance, gritted his teeth, and hurried back without looking back!

Blood dripped from his body drop by drop, dripping into the yellow sand under his feet and seeping into it, making him look very miserable.

But now Sun Man Gong can no longer care about so much. Nie Cai rescued him and entrusted him with the task of launching rocket launchers. Even if he was shattered to pieces, he could not let Nie Cai down!

Fortunately, the place where Nie Cai left him was around the off-road vehicle. Sun Man Gong climbed over a sand dune and soon discovered the off-road vehicle disguised in desert camouflage.

He coughed and rushed to the off-road vehicle in a few steps. He looked at the signal light on the vehicle and almost didn't dare to blink for fear of missing Nie Cai's signal!

Suddenly, Sun Man Gong seemed to remember a question.

According to the previous plan, after Nie Cai confirmed the positions of 040, 043 and Redel, he would immediately tell Sun Mangong the position and let him take action to saturate the area with dense 107 rockets and cover all these people. Go in.

But the problem is... Nie Cai is currently fighting with three Danjin masters, and he will definitely not be able to escape.

In this case, if these 107mm rockets hit him, wouldn't he be unable to run away and be blown to pieces together with the enemies

This is no joke!

The 107mm rocket launcher is something that the Dragon Group often uses. Sun Mangong is very familiar with it. He knows that these thirty-odd 107 rocket launchers can almost destroy a small military base, let alone human flesh and blood.

Although Nie Cai's movement skills were good, the coverage area of these 107mm rocket launchers was too wide. No matter how good his movement skills were, he would not be able to escape when he saw the 107mm rocket launchers coming down.

"Could it be that... Nie Cai is going to die together with these people?"

Sun Man was stunned for a moment and thought of the biggest possibility.

The 107mm rocket launcher is something that the Dragon Group often uses. Sun Mangong is very familiar with it. He knows that these thirty-odd 107 rocket launchers can almost destroy a small military base, let alone human flesh and blood.

Although Nie Cai's movement skills were good, the coverage area of these 107mm rocket launchers was too wide. No matter how good his movement skills were, he would not be able to escape when he saw the 107mm rocket launchers coming down.

"Could it be that... Nie Cai is going to die together with these people?"

Sun Man was stunned for a moment and thought of the biggest possibility.

In this case, Nie Cai's only result was to die together. He used his own life to hold down those three people in order to let him fire these 107mm rocket launchers and kill all three Danjin masters!

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, the red light representing the transmission signal suddenly turned on.

"Nie Cai..."

Sun Man Gong's hand almost touched the launch button, but at this time he suddenly hesitated.

When this button is pressed, Nie Cai over there will be shattered to pieces. In an instant, Sun Man Gong bursts into tears!