An Eye for News

Chapter 716: Suspect


This place was thirty or forty kilometers away from Taufik Port, and it was difficult to tell the direction in the vast desert. Nie Cai waited until it was completely light before finally returning to Taufik Port.

What surprised Nie Cai was that before, Taufik Port was just a small port with few people, but now it has become bustling.

Nie Cai noticed that the entire Tawfik Port was filled with the Pharaoh's army. The three floors inside and outside were sealed off. Even the outside of Tawfik Port was surrounded by armored troops. The formation was huge.

Anyone entering or leaving the port, whether local or foreign crew, will be stopped and questioned at the checkpoint. There is a long queue at the entrance to the port.

"How is this going?"

Nie Cai was a little surprised and said.

He quietly covered up his robe and turban, and when no one noticed him, he entered the dimensional space directly!

Immediately, his figure disappeared from the spot, and the surrounding scenery turned gray.

"There's no time to waste time queuing here... We have to find a military doctor quickly and let him treat Sun Man Gong!"

He is now in a solidified dimensional space, and of course these levels are of no use to him.

Nie Cai passed through the checkpoint at the door, followed the route in his memory, and finally returned to the port.

China's escort formation is still parked here in the dock for renovation. Redel had a big fight on the flagship last time and almost dismantled the flagship. If he wants to sail back to China, there is no way he can do it without repairs for three to five days.

"I'm finally back..."

Nie Cai took a long breath and said.

Sun Man Gong is still lying in his dimensional space. Due to excessive overdraft using the nano-ATP energy sustained-release capsule, he is now in a state of severe injury and coma. If it drags on any longer, Nie Cai is worried that he will really die like this.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai boarded the Chinese warship directly and found a military doctor near his room.

"Hurry up and save him, he's in a bad condition now."

Nie Cai suddenly appeared in his room and put Sun Man Gong on the iron frame bed, which shocked the military doctor.

He picked up a scalpel next to him and faced Nie Cai hurriedly: "Who are you? I won't be polite if you come here again!"

Nie Cai was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was wearing a local robe and a turban. Of course, the military doctor could not recognize him, but he was shocked.

"I'm Nie Cai, don't you recognize me?"

Nie Cai quickly opened his turban, revealed his face, and said.

"Nie Cai... you are finally back. How could this happen?"

The military doctor was so frightened that he dropped the cigarette in his hand and said in a panic.

However, when he saw Sun Man Gong's appearance, he immediately came back to his senses.

I saw that Sun Man Gong was now pale, with many external injuries on his body, and his condition looked quite bad.

The military doctor grabbed Sun Man Gong's wrist and took a look. He immediately saw the obvious black line, which almost touched his wrist.

"Sun Man Gong told me before he left that once he saw a black line on his hand, he would immediately give him 20 mg of intravenous epinephrine. Only in this way can he save his life!"

The military doctor immediately took out a prepared tube of injection from the drawer next to him and injected it into him.

This military doctor is a comrade of Sun Man Gong. He had already told him when he set out to prepare for any eventuality. He probably expected that he would go through a fierce battle and would use the Nano-ATP Energy Sustained Release Capsule. .

After injecting epinephrine into Sun Man Gong's arm, he held the defibrillator in both hands, adjusted it to maximum power and shocked it several times, and then looked at Sun Man Gong nervously, for fear that he would die just like that.

Intravenous injection of epinephrine is usually used to rescue endangered patients. However, the dose of 20 mg of intravenous epinephrine is too scary, dozens of times that of ordinary people. Most people would have died long ago after being injected with this dose.

When Sun Man Gong told him, he also specifically confirmed the dose. Otherwise, if the dose was wrong, the injection would kill Sun Man Gong.

After all, Sun Man Gong is a master of dark energy, and the Long Group's nano-ATP energy sustained-release capsule has something to do with adrenaline. Only this large dose of intravenous injection of adrenaline can save Sun Man Gong's life.

"Well… "

Under the influence of a large dose of intravenous adrenaline, Sun Man Gong snorted and finally woke up.

"Great, you finally woke up. I thought we couldn't brag, talk, and spank anymore!"

The military doctor's eyes lit up, he threw away the defibrillator in his hand, and immediately screamed and shouted.

"It's good to wake up. I'm finally saved."

Nie Cai also breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the stool next to him.

"Is it already dawn?"

Sun Man Gong opened his chapped lips and said with some difficulty.

His current state can only be said to be slightly stable, but he is still extremely weak. Only by returning to the Dragon Group's research institute can he completely return to normal.

Before that, he could only lie in bed, and it was difficult to even get up.

"Thank you… "

Looking at the familiar cabin, Sun Mangong finally showed a smile and relaxed completely.

However, not long after, Sun Man Gong was suddenly stunned and asked Nie Cai: "Nie Cai, how did you bring me back? When I came here, I saw fighter jets flying over. The Pharaoh Kingdom should be bombing now. Is it over?"

It would be strange for the Pharaohs not to explode when launching such a large number of rockets on the territory of other countries, and it is also within such a sensitive area as the Suez Canal.

Nie Cai was able to run thirty or forty kilometers with a seriously injured and comatose self, pass through numerous blockades, and return himself to the medical room on the escort formation. How did he do this

"Because I'm lucky. I can detect the warning signs, right? Anyway, I didn't encounter any obstacles along the way."

Nie Cai laughed and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that by some strange combination of circumstances, I have now crossed the threshold of Dan Jin. Given time, I will soon be promoted to the real Dan Jin realm."

He can't say that he used the dimensional space to bring Sun Man Gong back, right? We can only push this matter to the level of Dan Jin.

"Dan Jin? You mean you actually broke through Dan Jin?"

Hearing the news, Sun Man Gong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but said in great surprise: "Didn't Chief Instructor Yang Zhirong say that there will be no Danjin masters in this world... Forget about clones like Redel, you actually don't Breaking through the Danjin? How is this possible..."

The news succeeded in shocking him and immediately diverted his attention.

"How is it impossible? You fought to the death with three Danjin masters and survived in the end. You can also break through the Danjin."

Nie Cai snorted and said.

Of course he knew the main reason why he was promoted to Danjin. It was because of the dual effects of dimensional reincarnation components and gene-enhancing potions that he was able to cross this hurdle. Others simply could not copy this method.

However, Nie Cai had no way to explain the abnormality in his body, so he could only use this excuse to get through it.

Sun Man Gong was at a loss for words. After a long while, he said speechlessly: "Dan Jin... I really don't know whether you are a genius or a pervert. I have confirmed your information again and again. You have obviously only practiced martial arts for a year. This is so annoying." How many people died!"

Because of Instructor Zhang, he initially disliked Nie Cai and wanted to deal with Nie Cai, so he tried every means to collect information about Nie Cai.

Nie Cai is just a person who has practiced martial arts for less than a year, and he has been promoted from an ordinary person with no dark energy at all to a master of Danjin.

Even in the elite dragon group, this is as fast as riding a rocket. This will scare many people to death!

"Recuperate well and don't think too much. You have fought against Redel several times and survived. You have benefited a lot. Digest these experiences well."

Nie Cai smiled and said.

To be precise, he has only been practicing martial arts for seven or eight months, not a year as Sun Mangong said. Before meeting Wu Chao, Nie Cai was almost an ordinary person.

This kind of achievement can be attributed to the role of the super news system, but also to his own persistence and hard work. Otherwise, he would not have been able to survive so many desperate situations.

Sun Man Gong was still seriously injured and it was not appropriate to talk too much. Nie Cai comforted him, told the military doctor to take good care of Sun Man Gong, and left the infirmary.

He went straight to his cabin next door, opened the door and walked in.

On the iron frame bed, two women, Li Wei and Zhang Xinyu, were lying on the table and sleeping with their clothes on. They also held emergency satellite phones in their hands. It seemed that they had been watching all night and fell asleep after being extremely sleepy.

"I'm such a pig-headed person, why did I forget to tell them that I'm safe first?"

Seeing this, Nie Cai couldn't help but secretly blame himself and said.

It was very dangerous to go to Redel and 040 and 043 this time, and it could even be said to be a narrow escape. These two women were really worried about Nie Cai, so they stayed there all night, just to receive news from Nie Cai as soon as possible. .

However, due to the fierce fight with Leidel and the others, and the rush to send Sun Man Gong back for treatment, he even forgot to notify these two people.

Seeing the two of them sleeping soundly, Nie Cai couldn't bear to disturb them, so he walked quietly to the wardrobe in the cabin, opened it and prepared to change into a set of clothes.

He was still wearing a white robe, and his crotch was cold. He was very unaccustomed to this kind of clothes, and he wanted to change it quickly. The Chinese camouflage military uniforms were much better-looking than this thing.

"Don't move!"

Nie Cai had just taken off his clothes, but before he had time to take off his turban, he suddenly heard the sound of a bullet being loaded behind him, and said, it was Li Wei's voice.

"Who are you, Renren, and why do you want to break in here!"

A crisp voice sounded, it was Zhang Xinyu's voice.

"Don't shoot, it's me!"

Nie Cai shouted quickly, fearing that the two women would shoot him.

"Nie Cai? It's you. Why did you suddenly come back without clothes?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Wei immediately put down the pistol in his hand and finally exclaimed!

The two women hugged Nie Cai almost in tandem, completely ignoring that Nie Cai was not wearing any clothes...

"Can you wait while I put on my clothes first..."

Nie Cai's body immediately froze and he said.

"don't want!"

The two women said almost in unison and glanced at each other, only to find that each other's faces were as red as a ripe apple.

"You really don't want to let go?"

Feeling two soft breasts touching him from behind, Nie Cai couldn't help but react...

"Nie Cai, I never want to let you go."

Zhang Xinyu shook her head. The soft hair rubbed Nie Cai's waist and itched, which made his body even hotter.

"I won't let him go. I don't have any clothes on. Anyway, I've done everything."

At this time, Li Wei did not forget to look at Zhang Xinyu proudly and said boastfully.

"You... Humph, I don't want to lose to you!"

Zhang Xinyu's face turned even redder. She hugged Nie Cai's waist and turned from behind to in front of her. She stuck closely to Nie Cai and reached down to grab him!

Nie Cai's body immediately became stiff. The desert weather was scorching hot, and her current clothes were very cool, and the touch of her skin was extremely obvious.

"How about it?"

Zhang Xinyu glanced at Li Wei demonstratively and said.

Li Wei snorted, not to be outdone, she also stretched out her hand to tease...

Seeing the two women being jealous in front of him, Nie Cai was filled with fear, his voice suddenly became thicker, and he pulled the two women into his own dimension!

"Do you really think I dare not eat you all at the same time?"

Li Wei and Zhang Xinyu groaned and were pulled into the dimensional space by Nie Cai.

However, they did not struggle and stayed in Nie Cai's dimension obediently, leaving only an empty cabin...

After a long time, Nie Cai was refreshed and walked back to the corridor of the cabin.

He had now put on new clothes and was about to go to Deputy Chief of Staff Lin to discuss it, but at this moment, he heard a sudden quarrel outside.

Nie Cai frowned, walked out of the corridor, and quickly came to the deck, only to see a group of soldiers dressed in Pharaonic clothes breaking in from the dock.

This team was so aggressive that, together with the people on the dock working overtime, there were about a hundred people, and they were even armed.

These people knew at first sight that they had evil intentions, so as soon as they got close to the escort formation, they clashed with the Chinese people.

"I am Colonel Shreve of the Pharaoh Army. We are going to board the ship and search it now. If you hear anything, it is now!"

The first soldier, wearing a khaki military uniform, said loudly.

However, a Chinese navy officer who looked like a noncommissioned officer blocked the boarding ladder to the ship and refused to let them pass.

"We are a convoy sent by China to the Gulf of Aden. Don't you know that warships are considered part of the national territory and enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities when sailing or anchoring in foreign territorial waters and internal waters. You have no right to board the ship! "

This marine had obviously received professional training and knew what to say at this time. He immediately choked the other party, leaving Colonel Shreev of the Pharaoh Army speechless.