An Eye for News

Chapter 723: call


"Who... summoned me?"

040's voice seemed a little confused as he said.

Except for the fact that the voice was still the same as before, Nie Cai could hardly recognize the bloody human form.

"I am the necromancer Khufu. It was I who collected your corpses and used the most precious magic weapon to summon you back from Tuat in the underworld. It was I who gave you a second life. You must obey my orders. !”

The rickety old man seemed a little excited and screamed loudly.

"Nonsense, I only obey the orders of the Führer!"

040 Hearing what the old man said, he seemed a little angry and roared.

The clone's instinct to obey orders is ingrained in his bones, even after death.

The blood on her body suddenly surged, burning like a flame. There were even red flames surging in her eye sockets.


Blood light surged, and the fiery aura instantly rose, transforming into a phoenix-like shape and rising into the sky.

040's Fire Phoenix True Gang is extremely powerful. After death, its power not only did not weaken, but also became stronger under the influence of blood and light.

Even Nie Cai in the distance felt a hot breath coming towards his face, not to mention the people inside the altar.

"ah… "

Many gray-robed men had their robes burned and were rolling on the ground in pain.

Only the old man in black robe at the front was still gritting his teeth and seemed to have some cultivation. Otherwise, he would have been burned to black coals if he was so close.

"Are you kidding me? I never intended to persuade the people who surrendered the Red Skull. These people's obedience to orders is determined in their genes!"

Nie Cai suddenly began to gloat. These killers of the Red Skull were clones, just like dogs who were born to obey humans. This was already imprinted in their genes.

Unless their genes can be changed, it is absolutely impossible for them to rebel.

But at this moment, the old man actually approached the altar step by step with staggering steps!

There is something strange about the black robe on his body. It exudes a faint gray light. It seems that this gray light can block 040's Fire Phoenix Zhengang.

"Great Olysis, please take action to suppress the undead in the underworld!"

He shouted angrily, raised the skull in his hand high, and threw it towards the altar with all his strength.

Click... click...

The altar began to shake violently. At this time, the statue with a dog's head and a body actually opened its eyes, opened its mouth, and sprayed out a pillar of pale white light!

This white beam of light hit 040. There was no earth-shattering movement, but it made 040's body freeze up.

040's red eyes gradually dimmed, and the originally high aura gradually faded away.

"Very good, that's it, don't resist the will of Orises, the god of the underworld..."

The old man's eyes lit up and he whispered.

This ancient site is the holy land of their cursed sect and the legendary entrance to Hades. Only with the help of this altar can the backlash of the resurrected undead be suppressed.

Seeing the flames surging on the bloody humanoid body slowly subside, the old man's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he became excited.

It would be strange not to be excited to be able to conquer such a powerful dead soul!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The bloody humanoid suddenly roared in a low voice, its body trembling continuously.

"No... I only obey the orders of the head of state, you can't control me!"

The bloody humanoid spoke, but this time his voice was changed to a male voice.

"It's the voice of 043!"

Seeing this, Nie Cai was suddenly shocked and said.

The bloody humanoid was still 040 just now, but now it has turned into 043. What is going on

Could it be that... this bloody humanoid is not 040, but 043

As soon as 043 finished speaking, the blazing fire rising on his body suddenly changed into a faint blue flame.

This blue flame was so cold that the temperature of the altar, which was filled with scorching heat just now, dropped sharply after the blue flame appeared, as if it had turned into a big ice cave.


A huge dragon-shaped aura rose up from 043's body and directly hit the top of the underground cave, shaking the entire underground cave.

Countless amounts of dust and stones fell down, causing chaos in the cave!

The old man in black robe who was leaning forward was the first to bear the brunt. His eyebrows and hair, which had been singed, were instantly covered with ice, and his movements became stiff due to the cold.

If it weren't for the strange black robe he was wearing to protect him, he might have frozen to death!

"Damn it!"

The old man's face darkened, and he quickly drew a dagger from his body as if he had made up his mind.

His dagger did not stab the bloody humanoid, but shuddered and slashed at his wrist!

There was only a chirp sound, and a stream of blood spattered out and hit the altar.

The statue with a dog's head and human body on the altar glowed a strange red color, and its eyes glowed pale, as if it was coming to life.

The statue opened its mouth, and another pale beam of light spat out!

However, this beam of light was much thicker than the previous one, as thick as a pillar, and it completely swallowed up the bloody humanoid!

After a long time, the pale beam of light dimmed, and the bloody humanoid reappeared in front of everyone.

The bloody humanoid was motionless, no longer as violent as before, and his eyes seemed a little dull.

"Hurry up and pay homage to the god of the underworld, Oresis!"

The old man's face was pale and his body seemed to be much weaker, but at this time he screamed loudly.

The bloody humanoid was stunned for a moment, then slowly knelt down. When he stood up again, the red flame burning in his eyes had disappeared and turned into a hollow white.

"At your service, venerable Olysis, god of the underworld."

After saying this, the bloody humanoid jumped back into the blood pool, as if absorbing the power in the blood pool.

When this bloody humanoid jumped in, the blood in the entire blood pool began to flow, flowing around it as if it were a huge whirlpool.

In just a short while, Nie Cai could clearly see that the blood pool had dried up a lot, and almost half of it had disappeared.

The white ghost that was soaking in it was also frightened by the movement. It seemed that it was very afraid of this bloody humanoid, hiding in the corner of the blood pool and shivering.

"It's great. Such a powerful undead has extremely powerful energy and blood. It's almost the same as the legendary messenger of the underworld. God helps me..."

Regardless of his still bleeding wrist, the old man suddenly became excited and shouted loudly.