An Eye for News

Chapter 725: Thousands of miles away


As the sacrificial ceremony ended, the entire underground cave fell into silence again.

Seeing that nothing else happened behind him, Nie Cai turned off the infinite time-shift camera component.

The surrounding scenery was spinning, and Nie Cai came out of the dimensional cave and returned to reality.

This time, in order to track down the white ghost, he stayed in the dimensional cave for so long, which made Nie Cai feel like he was in another world.

This time he used the infinite time-shifting camera component without wasting it. He finally discovered the ins and outs of the other party and saw this so-called cursed sect.

Although the Red Skulls are cruel, at least they only dug graves. This cursed sect, on the other hand, actually started a war and caused a bloody storm for the sake of flesh and blood. This is much more crazier than the people of the Red Skulls.

Fortunately, Nie Cai discovered the existence of this mysterious cursed sect in time through the infinite time-shift camera component, otherwise he might not have even known about it if they had tricked them!

"I didn't expect that this cursed sect would actually get a huge advantage and let them summon a Danjin-level messenger from the underworld!"

Nie Cai was speechless and said secretly.

At that time, he only saw corpses all over the ground. He felt that 040 and 043 were already dead, so he didn't care about them.

Who would have known that there is such a weird and evil sect in this world that can summon the undead through flesh and blood and become messengers of the underworld that are neither human nor ghosts

Fortunately, all of Redel's flesh and blood fell into his dimensional space and was lost in the void with the explosion. Otherwise, the cursed sect would have made a lot of money this time.

"The snipe and the clam are fighting over each other, but the fisherman gets the advantage. Next time we fight, I have to remember to burn even the corpses!"

Nie Cai sighed and said helplessly.

"It's better to tell Deputy Chief of Staff Lin this information first, and ask him to be more careful. You can even inform the people of the Pharaoh Kingdom to let them be careful about this cursed sect!"

This cursed sect is an organization maintained by the Pharaoh Kingdom, and the relationship between the two is very subtle.

The people of the Pharaoh Kingdom not only rely on the dead souls of the Cursed Sect to do some shameful work, such as spying on intelligence, but they also have to carefully keep a distance from them to avoid being tainted by their stinking reputation.

However, now that the Cursed Sect has this messenger from Hades, it can finally develop on its own without relying on the power of the Pharaoh Kingdom.

Thinking of this, Nie Cai immediately stood up and went to find Deputy Chief of Staff Lin to ask him to be more vigilant.

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin was on the destroyer. Nie Cai asked the people on the ship and learned that Deputy Chief of Staff Lin was in the war room, so he quickly found the war room.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Lin is meeting guests. Mr. Nie, why don't you take a rest next door and come back later..."

The soldier standing guard at the door was a little embarrassed. He knew that Nie Cai was very special on the ship. Even Deputy Chief of Staff Lin had to treat him respectfully. However, the people inside were of high status, so it was difficult to let Nie Cai in.

"Meeting guests?"

Nie Cai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and prepared to sit next door.

He is not an unreasonable person. If Deputy Chief of Staff Lin has something to discuss, he will discuss it later, and there is no shortage of time.

But at this moment, the voice of Deputy Chief of Staff Lin suddenly sounded in the cabin: "Is it Nie Cai? You came just in time... I was just looking for you!"

The footsteps of Deputy Chief of Staff Lin came from inside, and the hatch opened with a click.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Lin, what do you want from me?"

Nie Cai glanced inside and said with some curiosity.

It was Deputy Chief of Staff Lin who came to open the door in person. The identity of the person inside must be really extraordinary.

But when he saw the people inside, Nie Cai was stunned and shrank back reflexively!

"Nie Cai? You're here, why don't you want to see me?"

A Yongyonghuagui voice sounded inside. The sound was not loud, but it reached Nie Cai's ears very clearly.

"Nothing...Senior Yang Zhirong, I haven't showered or changed clothes yet, so how can I know how to pay my respects to you?"

Nie Cai suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart. He dared not run away, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in.

This voice was Yang Zhirong, the chief instructor of the Dragon Team. She was sitting on a chair, staring at Nie Cai with a sneer of nothingness on her face.

Next to her, there was a woman sitting, who stared at Nie Cai as soon as she came in.

Yang Zhirong was already here, and Wang Zhiyu naturally followed. However, Nie Cai noticed that her eyes were a little red, and he couldn't help but scream in his heart.

The entire fleet knew about the fact that he rescued two women, Li Wei and Zhang Xinyu, and couldn't hide it. Judging from Wang Zhiyu's behavior, he probably already knew about it.

She probably heard in China that Nie Cai met the Danjin-level Raider, and was worried about Nie Cai's safety. She did not hesitate to persuade her master to come all the way to find her just to help him. This shows how much Wang Zhiyu cares about him. .

However, when they arrived at the end of the field, they found that Nie Cai was here with two beauties, staying in the same cabin all day long, it would be strange if he could not get hurt!

"Nie Cai, didn't I tell you before that the Dragon Group would send reinforcements? I didn't expect that Senior Yang Zhirong would come in person with her close disciples!"

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin did not realize what had happened, but he said excitedly: "You should know that Senior Yang Zhirong is the number one master in the country and the chief instructor of the Dragon Group. In ancient times, this was an army of 800,000 people. As for the position of the head coach, she has not taken action for a long time. The fact that senior Yang Zhirong can be reinforced this time shows that the country attaches great importance to us!"

Yang Zhirong has an aloof status. Although she holds the position of Chief Instructor of the Dragon Group, she enjoys deputy national-level treatment. The most powerful thing is that she has taught many general-level figures under her.

The missions of the Dragon Group are dangerous, but they are promoted quickly. When they are injured or old and retire, they will definitely be assigned corresponding positions according to their levels. Many of them have reached the full military level.

Deputy Chief of Staff Lin's immediate boss is Yang Zhirong's disciple. In terms of qualifications in front of her, Deputy Chief of Staff Lin is almost a junior. No wonder he respects Yang Zhirong so much.

"You're right, Xiao Lin. I haven't been on a mission for a long time. I, a fool like me, was worried about my sweetheart and cried and begged me to take action. I just took a flight all night to get here, Old Bones. They almost fell apart!"

Yang Zhirong's face was gloomy, she snorted and said, "It's just that some people have betrayed their good intentions and are living a good life here. I'm afraid the last person I want to see now is my master and apprentice!"

As soon as she said these words, a chill rose in the air, instantly chilling the atmosphere!